Dear God’s Blood-bound, Token-bound, Covenant people.
Just remember, we’re not Eve, we’re not one of these doubters compromising with Satan. We have unmovable faith in this Word! We hold to every Word of God He wrote and spoke on the tapes. It has given us PERFECT FAITH.
We’re not looking to some great faith we must possess in ourselves. We’re not trying to be good enough; we’ll never be good enough, we’ll always fail. That’s not what He told us to have faith in. He said have faith and believe EVERY WORD He said to be Thus Saith The Lord. WE DO and It has given us PERFECT FAITH IN HIS WORD.
Let’s listen in to what the Holy Spirit has been reporting back and telling Father about us.
“I have obeyed your orders. I searched and have found some small groups of people scattered around the world. I sent some tape boys over to their house and played some tapes. When they heard the tapes, they believed every Word. Now they have turned their house into a church to receive the Message. They are Your predestinated Eagles gathering to hear Your Word.
I told them that all that would come under The Token, the Message of the hour, would be saved. I told them they would become One with You and Your Word. If It worked on them, then apply that Token to their children. Apply It to their loved ones and bring them under that Token and they too will be saved.
I told them that was listening to the tape: I claim them for God. They believed It when I said It, with all their hearts and all their souls. They are my people, the ones that I love that are listening to the tapes.
I told them watch what come after the Seven Seals: the uniting of the people, united signs, the red light flashing in the last days, capped off in this one thing, the Token.”
Oh, Church, rise and shake yourself! Pinch your conscience, wake yourself up, in this hour! We must be desperate, or perish! There is coming forth something from the Lord! I know it as THUS SAITH THE LORD. There is coming forth something, and we better get desperate. It’s between Life and death. It’ll pass through us and we won’t see it.
We know something is fixing to happen. The Coming of the Lord will be a sudden, secret going away. We have become desperate. Time is at hand. We have recognized the Token for our day and It has been applied.
We’re taking the symbols of the Passover this Sunday which was taken in an emergency, in times of desperation. We are gathering around the world, around His Word.
Come be a part of this great event this Sunday at 4:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we gather to hear the Word: 63-0901E – Desperations.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
Exodus 12:11
Jeremiah 29:10-14
St. Luke 16:16
St. John 14:23
Galatians 5:6
St. James 5:16
Associated Services
Dear Eagles, let us all gather together and hear the Message 63-0901M Token this Sunday at 12:00 pm, Jeffersonville time.
Brother Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Perfect Faith Bride,
Once again, I find it impossible to place in words what this Message, God’s personal Love letters, written with His Blood, spoken with His Voice, means to us. Everything else means nothing. We love Him from the depths of our heart and It has given us Perfect Love for Him. Nothing can move us from that Word. There is no other contentment in our lives than to hear Him communing with us as a Friend to a friend.
It’s not even us, it’s Him living in us, calling out to Himself. It’s the deep calling unto the deep. The sheer joy of pressing play and to hear God use a human voice to tell us, we are His chosen ones. To tell us He loved us before the foundation of the world; for He knew we would love Him with all that was within us, and would stay true to Him and His Word.
All we have need of, He has given to us. There is nothing missing. He had His Word written in letter form and preserved It for thousands of years so He could tell us all the Love that was in His heart for us.
Then His love become even greater for us as He told us: “I will come in flesh once again and speak lip to ear to you so there will be no misunderstanding, no confusion, no need for interpretation. I will take My time and express My Love to you, and you will be able to hear it over and over and over again. I want you to know, the Father is in Me, I am in you, you are in Me, we are ONE. Your flesh is My Flesh, your bone is My Bone, your spirit is My Spirit.
I will tell you all that is in My Heart in great detail. I’ll make it so plain that you’ll know without a doubt, the Words I have written and spoken are for you, and They will never fail.
I will give you Perfect Faith, and It will be a Master of all circumstances. No matter what the enemy says, It will Master it as you have Perfect Faith in what My Word says you are. No matter what the enemy is trying to tell you, you don’t even listen to him. Your ears are deaf to anything else but what My Spirit has already told you. It is anchored in your hearts, and there’s nothing ever going to make you move from It.”
That Perfect Faith we have in knowing this Message is Thus Saith The Lord, we apply that same PERFECT FAITH for every promise He told us was ours in His Word. If we’re sick and need healing, it’s ours. If we have need of anything, we can have it, for we have become anointed with His Spirit. We are His anointed messiahs of the last day, showing forth the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is a love affair as He is pouring Himself into us. We are becoming One with Him for that great Wedding Supper. His Spirit is here with us and in us. We’ve got just one thing to do, and that’s to believe It, to accept It.
We are not God’s 7th angel Messenger, but we are His sons and daughters. Our hands are His Hands. We believe what is spoken on tape to be Thus Saith The Lord. It is the living Word.
His prophet is our pastor. As we listen to the recorded Word, we believe It is God speaking directly to us. We have Perfect Faith believing that.
As we gather together around the world to listen to God speak to us by way of His prophet, our faith is elevated higher and higher as God is bringing His Bride together around His vindicated Word.
Tomorrow will be like no other day. We will take our Perfect Faith He has given to us and we will apply It to whatever we have need of, and we will receive it as the Pillar of Fire speaks through His chosen messenger and tells us:
Know ye what I have done to you? You’ve called me, “your pastor”; and you say well, for so I am. If I, your pastor, have been identified by Jesus Christ, that I do His work, then believe my Word. By acting this act of faith, by laying hands upon you, I have condemned the disease and afflictions that’s bothering you. Believe that, so shall you have your request, regardless of what it is, for all things are possible to them that believe. And when you pray, believe that you receive what you asked for. And I truly believe that I receive it, and in my heart I accept every one of your healing, I accept it, that it’s done. I believe it, I believe it with all that’s in me.
We believe with all that is in us, this Message to be the Voice Of God, spoken, recorded, vindicated and preserved for this day. We believe whatever we ask for, we will receive, for It is THUS SAITH THE LORD IT IS OURS.
Come join us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to receive whatever you have need of as we listen to God’s prophet tell us how to receive: Perfect Faith 63-0825E.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
St. Mark 11:22-26 / 16:15-18
St. John 14:12 / 15:7
Hebrews 11:1 / 4:14
James 5:14
1 John 3:21
Associated Services
Dear United Ones,
Time and Eternity will blend together when God and His people blends together.
I invite you to come blend together with God’s Bride and hear the Message 63-0825M How Can I Overcome? this Sunday at 12:00 PM, Jeffersonville time.
Brother Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
Rev: 3:21-22
Associated Services
Dear Preeminence Bride,
As we sat together in Heavenly places from around the world on Sunday, we were listening to the only vindicated Voice of God speak to us. As always, we were under great anticipation to hear what He was going to tell us. What is the Holy Spirit going to reveal to us today?
We might have heard His Words many times before, but we knew that day was going to be different. We would hear something that we have never heard before. We would receive even more Revelation than we could imagine. He would open our hearts, our minds and our soul, and reveal something that was NOW, in It’s right season, to be revealed.
Then It happened. The greatest words the Bridegroom could say and reveal to His Bride, “You are the complete fullness of the Godhead bodily, the preeminence. All that I was, I poured into Christ; all Christ was, I poured into YOU. YOU ARE my perfect chosen Word Bride.”
Our whole being jumped for joy. Father just told us, we are His Bride. We are the ones He loves. We are impregnated with His Word, and His Word ONLY. Our womb is closed to anything else. He has waited, and longed for us...FOR US!!
And guess what? He never sent someone else to tell us these Words, He came and dwelled in human flesh once again, so He could speak direct, lip to ear, and TELL US: “I love you, my sweetheart Bride.”
We love singing, we love fellowship, we love gathering with believers, but what we love most of all is hearing the Voice of God; Thus Saith The Lord, speak directly to us. Every Message is a personal love letter TO US. He placed every Word He wanted to tell us on a magnetic tape so we could hear them for ourselves.
What is He going to tell and reveal to us this Sunday as we gather? What is the season?
Isaiah spoke and said, “A virgin shall conceive and bear a son”, but it was 700 years before it was the season to come to pass. King David said, “They pierce my hands and my feet.” He spoke as if it was his hands and his feet, but It wasn’t the season to come to pass for yet a 1000 years.
God spoke through our prophet in our day and said many things were not possible to come to pass until today. We see nations and the world uniting as never before. We thought communism was a thing of the past and had been destroyed, but now we see it is very much alive and is a tool in the hands of God, as he prophesied and told us it was.
The world thought the cold war was over, and there is no more threat of a nuclear war. But today, the threat of nuclear war has become a reality. Everything is set in array just as he told us it would be. The season is here.
Sunday, He will once again SPEAK DIRECTLY TO US, lip to ear, and we will hear yet another love letter that was spoken and stored up just for us to hear. What will He say and reveal to us? What is the season? What is taking place?
God is uniting His Bride. She is coming together, from the East and the West, and the North and South. There is a uniting time, and that’s on right now. What is She uniting for? The Rapture.
So what is This Message doing as we are listening to the Voice of God from around the world? Uniting the Bride with the Word. The Word is God. The Bridegroom is the Word. The Bride is the hearer of that Word, and we are coming together in a Union. We’re getting ready for a Wedding where we are becoming One with the Word.
All the Father is, I am; and all I am, you are; and all you are, I am. In that day you’ll know that I’m in the Father, Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me.” See? At “that day.” What day? This day! We find out the great hidden mysteries of God being revealed. Oh, how I like that!
Now is the time. Now is the season. The Bride has made Herself ready for the Bridegroom. We are listening as we hear the midnight cry “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh!” We’re right at the time of the end.
Come unite with us as we unite around the Word, Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear the Voice Of God tell us it is: The Uniting Time And Sign 63-0818.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
Psalm 86:1-11
St. Matthew 16:1-3