Dear Rejoicing Bride,
We have set our faces towards Heaven in prayer and supplications to find the day and the very hour we’re living in.
Like never before, we’re sitting together in heavenly places, from around the world, hearing God speak and reveal His Word to us through His mighty angel messenger. The earthly angel messenger who Father sent to His Bride in this last day to reveal His Word.
Gabriel is the angel to God’s chosen people, the Jews. But to His Gentile Bride, Melchizedek Himself came and spoke through human flesh in an earthly angel named William Marrion Branham, so He could speak and reveal ALL His Word to His beloved sweetheart Bride.
He had It recorded, stored up, and preserved, so the Bride would have His spiritual Food, hidden Manna, at their fingertips every minute of every day till the end of time.
Our inter-being is filled with such an anointing as we hear the Voice of God reveal His Word to us. How He unfolds His Word so we can clearly see and understand Its meaning. It is revealing the very hour we are living in, tells us who we are and what is going to take place very soon; our soon coming Rapture.
He is even revealing to His Bride what will be taking place here on earth while we are with Him at the Wedding Supper. How He will open the blinded eyes of His chosen people; the ones He blinded for His Gentile Bride’s sake.
My friends, I know how we are so tired of this world and long for His coming to take us away, but let us also rejoice and be thankful in what is taking place right now before our very eyes.
Let us lift up our hands, our hearts, our voices, and rejoice. Not only are we looking forward to what He is going to do for us very soon, but let us rejoice about what He is revealing and doing for us right NOW.
He is telling us we are His predestinated Bride uniting together with Him and His Word. He is assuring us over and over, we are in His perfect Will by staying with His Voice, His Word, His angel. He has given us FAITH in knowing and recognizing who we are:
We have nothing to fear; Nothing to worry about; Nothing to be sad about. How do I know that? GOD SAID SO! SO LET US REJOICE, BE HAPPY, BE THANKFUL; THE LIVING WORD LIVES AND DWELLS WITHIN US. WE ARE HIS SUPER ROYAL SEED.
I truly believe the Lord must also be excited in knowing that the time has arrived and we have made ourselves ready by keeping true and faithful to His Word.
Like the little boy that looked in the mirror for his first time, we are looking into His Word, seeing who we ARE. Lord…IT’S ME. I am Your living Word Bride. I am the one YOU chose. I’m in You, You’re in me, we are One.
How can we not celebrate and be the happiest people that ever lived on the face of the earth? All the saints and prophets before us wanted to live in this day and see these promises take place. But by God’s GRACE, He placed US here.
We can’t wait:
Brrrrr! My! Whew! In other words, when the enemy has been put away, the end of sin has come, the bringing in of everlasting righteousness has come, Satan is sealed up in the bottomless pit, and the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters covers the sea. Amen! Glory to God! It’s coming, brother, it’s coming!
What an anointing will be taking place Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we gather together from around the world to hear God’s angel, the Voice of God to the Bride, bring us the Message: The Sixfold Purpose Of Gabriel's Visit To Daniel 61-0730E.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Purposed Ones,
What a wonderful Winter we have been having as we studied the Seven Church Ages, and then God revealing even more to us in the Book of the Revelations of Jesus Christ. How the first three chapters of Revelation were the Church Ages, and then how John was caught up in the 4th and 5th chapter showing us things that was to come.
In the 6th chapter, He revealed how John dropped down onto the earth again to see things taking place that will go from the 6th chapter to the 19th chapter of Revelation.
How blessed the Bride will be Sunday as we hear the Voice of God speak through His mighty seventh angel and tell us what is going to be revealed next.
I’m so excited to announce that we will now begin the great study of The Seventy Weeks Of Daniel. The prophet said that it will tie in the rest of the Message before we can go into the Seven Seals; Seven Trumpets; Three Woes; the woman in the sun; casting out of the red devil; the hundred and forty-four thousand sealed away; all happens between this time.
The Book of Daniel is the exact calendar for the age and the time we’re living in, and no matter how complicated it might seem, God will break it down and make it simple for us.
And God knows that’s what I’m seeking now, that I might comfort His people and tell them what’s at hand, both here this morning, and out through the lands that these tapes will go, world wide, that we’re at the end time.
We are God’s chosen people who are longing and praying for that day and that hour. And our eyes are set towards Heaven, and we’re watching for His Coming.
Let us all be like Daniel and set our faces towards Heaven, in prayer and supplications, as we know by the reading of the Word and hearing His Voice, the coming of the Lord is quickly approaching; we’re at the end.
Help us Father to lay aside every weight, every sin, every little unbelief that would so easily beset us. Let us now press towards the mark of the high calling, knowing that our time is limited.
The Message has gone forth. Everything is ready now; we’re waiting and resting. The Church is sealed away. The wicked are doing more wicked. Churches are becoming more churchy, but Your saints are coming closer to You.
We have a Voice crying out of the wilderness, calling the people back to the original Message; back to the things of God. We understand by Revelation these things are taking place.
Come join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as God reveals His Word to us, as we begin our great study of the Book of Daniel.
Bro. Joseph Branham
61-0730M - Gabriel's Instructions To Daniel
Associated Services
Dear Resting Ones,
This is truly the best Winter of our lives. The coming of the Lord is right at hand. We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit; God’s seal of approval that everything that Christ died for belongs to us.
We now have the earnest of our inheritance, the Holy Spirit. It is the assurance, the down payment, that we have been received into Christ. We’re resting in the promises of God, lying in the warmth of His Sunshine; His vindicated Word, listening to His Voice.
It’s the earnest of our salvation. We’re not worried whether we’re going over There or not, WE’RE GOING! How do we know that? God said so! God promised it and we’ve got the earnest. We’ve done received It and Christ has accepted us.
There is no way to get away from It…in fact, we’re there! All we have to do is just wait; He’s down doing the Kinsman Redeemership right now. We have the earnest of it right now. We’re just waiting for the time when He comes back for us. Then, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye we will all be gone to the Wedding Supper.
Just to think of all that is laying ahead for us. Our mind can’t take it all in. Day by day He is revealing more of His Word, assuring these great promises belong to us.
The world is falling apart; fires, earthquakes, and chaos everywhere, but they believe they have a new savior that will save the world, and bring on their golden age. We have already received our Savior and have been living in our Golden Age.
Now He’s preparing us for even more Revelation as we enter into the 5th chapter of Revelation. He’s setting a scene here for the opening of the Seven Seals. Just as he did in the 1st chapter of Revelation, opening the way for the Seven Church Ages.
What is the rest of the Winter going to be like for the Bride? Let’s take a little preview:
Now, I don’t have time. I got it written, some context on it here, but our next meeting before we can get into this...Maybe when I come off my vacation or some other time, I want to get these seventy weeks of Daniel and tie it right in here, and show it where it takes it to the Pentecostal Jubilee, and brings it right back with those seven pla-...them seven seals to open here just before we go, and show that it’s at the end, these...
What a wonderful time the Lord has in store for His Bride. Unveiling Himself in His Word to us as never before. Encouraging us that we are His chosen ones He is coming for. Telling us we are in His Perfect will by staying with His Voice, and His Word.
What are we doing? Not one thing, just Resting! Waiting! No more toils, no more flusteration, WE’RE RESTING ON IT!
Come rest with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear God’s VINDICATED Voice bring us the Message:
61-0618 - "Revelation, Chapter Five Part II".
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Adopted Ones,
What a wonderful Winter we are having as the Holy Spirit is illuminating His Word to the Bride as never before. Things we have perhaps heard, read and studied our whole life are now becoming unveiled and revealed as never before.
Man has waited for thousands of years for this very day. They all longed and prayed to hear and see the things we see and hear. Even the prophets of old yearned for this day. How they wanted to see the fulfillment and coming of the Lord.
Even Jesus’ disciples, Peter, James, and John, men that walked and talked with Him, longed to see and hear all that was hidden. They prayed It would be revealed and manifested in their day, in their time.
Throughout the Seven Church Ages, each messenger, Paul, Martin, and Luther, wanted to know all the mysteries that had been hidden. Their desire was to see the fulfillment of the Word take place in their lifetime. They wanted to see the coming of the Lord.
God had a plan. God had a time. God had a people He was waiting on…US. Throughout the ages, all had failed. But He knew, by His foreknowledge, there would be a people: His glorious, perfect Word Bride. THEY WOULD NOT FAIL HIM. They would not compromise ON ONE WORD. They would be His pure virgin Word Bride.
Now is the time. Now is the season. We are the chosen ones He has waited for since Adam fell and forfeited his right. WE ARE HIS BRIDE.
God showed John a preview of all that was to take place, but he didn’t know all the meanings. When he was called up, he saw in the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne a book written within, sealed with seven seals, but there was no one worthy to open the book.
John screamed and cried bitterly as all was lost, there was no hope. But praise the Lord, one of the elders said unto him, “Weep not, for behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, He has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof”.
That was the time. That was the season. That was the man God had chosen to write all he saw. But still, It was unknown all Its meaning.
God was waiting and waiting for His chosen vessel, His seventh angel messenger, to come to earth, so He could use his voice to be His Voice, to His Bride. He wanted to speak lip to ear so there would be NO MISUNDERSTANDING. He Himself, wanted to speak and reveal all His mysteries to His beloved, predestinated, perfect, sweetheart Bride...US!!
How He has longed to tell us all these wonderful things. As a man tells his wife he loves her over and over, and she never gets tired of hearing it, He loves telling us over and over He loves us, chose us, waited for us, and now is coming for us.
He knew how we’d love hearing Him say It over and over, so He had His Voice recorded, thus His Bride could ‘Press Play’ all day, every day, and hear His Word fill their hearts.
His lovely Bride has made Herself ready by feeding on His Word. We won’t listen to nothing else, just His Voice. We can only consume His Pure Word that has been provided.
We’re under great expectation. We feel It within our souls. He’s coming. We hear the wedding music playing. The Bride is fixing to walk down the aisle. Everyone stand, the Bride is coming to be with her Bridegroom. All has been made ready. The moment has arrived.
He loves us like no other. We love Him as no other. We are going to be One with Him, and all the ones we love, throughout eternity.
You are invited to come make yourself ready for the wedding with us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear the Voice of God reveal Revelation, Chapter Five Part I 61-0611.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Eternal Ones,
It’s time to take off our war bonnet and put on your spiritual thinking, ’cause God is getting ready to give His Bride more Revelation of His Word.
He will be unveiling to us all the mysteries of the past. He will tell us what is going to take place in the future. What all the others in the Bible just saw or heard, He will reveal every little detail of His Word and It’s meaning to us.
We’re going to hear and understand the meaning of the symbols of the Bible: Living Creatures, Sea of Glass, the Lion, the Calf, the Man, the Eagle, the Mercy Seat, Guards, Elders, Voices, Therion, Zoon.
We’ll hear and understand all about the guards of the Old Testament. Judah: The East guard; Ephraim: the West guard; Reuben: The South guard; and Dan: The North guard.
Nothing could come anywhere around that mercy seat without crossing those tribes. The Lion, the intelligence of the man; The Ox: the workhorse; The Eagle: His swiftness.
How Heaven, the earth, in-between, and all around, they were guards. And above it was the Pillar of Fire. Nothing touched that mercy seat without crossing them tribes.
Now there are guards of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, going straight forward. The east gate is guarded by the lion, the north gate is guarded by the flying eagle, John, the evangelist. Then the physician on this side, Luke, the man.
The four Gospels guard the Pentecostal Blessing with every Scripture to back up exactly what they said. And now the Acts of the apostles vindicate today with the four Gospels that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
When the true anointed of God speaks, It’s the Voice of God! We just want to shout, “Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord!”
There’s just no way of getting away from It. In fact, we can’t get away from It, because It won’t get away from us. We are sealed until the Day of our redemption. There’s nothing future, nothing present, perils, hunger, thirst, death, or NOTHING, can separate us from the love of God that’s in Christ Jesus.
Before the foundation of the world our names were put on the Lamb’s Book of Life to see THIS Light, to receive This Voice, to believe This Message, to receive the Holy Ghost for our day and walk in It. When the Lamb was slain, OUR NAMES were put on the Book at the same time the Lamb’s Name was put there. GLORY!!
Thus, nothing can separate us from this Message. Nothing can separate us from that Voice. Nothing can take the Revelation of This Word from us. It’s ours. God called us and chose us and predestinated us. Everything belongs to us, It’s ours.
There is only one way to get all this. You must be washed by the water of the Word. You’ve got to hear the Word before you can enter in There. And there is only one way you can approach God, that’s by Faith. And Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God, that’s being reflected from the Holiest of holies into the messenger of the age.
So, here, the angel of the church age is reflecting into that water Who this Guy is in here, reflecting His mercy, His Words, His judgment, His Name. All is reflected in here where you’re separated by believing It. Do you get it?
Don’t stop listening to the tapes, just stay with It. Search It by the Word and see if It’s right. It’s God’s provided Way for today.
Come join us this Winter as we unite together from around the world and hear the Voice of God reveal His Word to His Bride as never before. There is no greater anointing than to press play and listen to His Voice.
From the depths of my heart, I can say: I’m so glad I can say I am One Of Them with each of you.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Message: 61-0108 - Revelation, Chapter Four Part III
Time: 12:00 P.M. Jeffersonville time