Archived Letters
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Dear Elected Ones,

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.

Ministry, open your doors to God’s angel before it is too late. Put the Voice of God back in your pulpits by playing the tapes. It is the only vindicated Voice of God for our day with the Words of infallibility. It is the only Voice with Thus Saith The Lord. It is the only Voice all the Bride can say AMEN to.

It is the greatest age of all time. Jesus is giving us a description of Himself as the days of His grace are winding up. Time has come to an end. He has revealed His very characteristics to us in this last age. He has given us one final look at His own gracious and supreme Deity. This age is the capstone revelation of Himself.

God came in this Laodicean age and spoke through human flesh. His Voice has been recorded and stored up to lead and perfect His Word Bride. There is simply no other Voice that can perfect His Bride but His Own Voice.

In this last age, His Voice on the tapes has been put aside; taken out of the churches. They simply won’t play the tapes. So God says, “I am going against you all. I will spue you out of My mouth. This is the end.”

“For seven out of seven ages, I have seen nothing but men esteeming their own word above Mine. So at the end of this age I am spuing you out of My mouth. It is all over. I am going to speak all right. Yes, I am here in the midst of the Church. The Amen of God, faithful and true will reveal Himself and it will BE BY MY PROPHET.”

As it was before, they are running true to form as did their forefathers in the days of Ahab. There were four hundred of them and all of them were in agreement; and by them all saying the same thing, they fooled the people. But ONE prophet, JUST ONE, was right and all the rest wrong because God had committed the revelation to ONLY ONE.

This is not saying all ministries are false and fooling the people. Nor am I saying a man with a calling to minister can’t preach or teach. I am saying the TRUE five-fold ministry will place THE TAPES, God’s Voice to the Bride, as the most important Voice you MUST HEAR. The Voice on the tapes is the ONLY Voice that has been vindicated by God Himself to be Thus Saith The Lord.

Beware of false prophets, for they are ravening wolves.

How will you know for sure the correct way for today? There is such a division between believers. One group of people say the five-fold ministry will perfect the Bride, while another says just Press Play. We are not to be divided; we are to unite as ONE BRIDE. What is the correct answer?

Let us open our hearts together and hear what God is saying through His prophet to the Bride. For we all agree, Brother Branham is His seventh angel messenger.

On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together. Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride? That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul. I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won’t need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the voice of the sign. Amen.

Thus, this Message spoken by His messenger was perfectly given, and is perfectly understood.

What else did God say about His seventh angel messenger and his Message?

He will hear only from God.

He will have “thus saith the Lord” and speak for God.

He will be God’s mouthpiece.


He will bring back the elect of the last day and they will hear a vindicated prophet give the exact truth as it was with Paul.

He will restore the truth as they had it.

And then what did He say about us?

And those elect with him in that day will be the ones who truly manifest the Lord and be His Body and be His voice and perform His works. Hallelujah! Do you see it?

If you are still in any doubt, ask God by His Spirit to fill you and lead you, for the Word says, “THE VERY ELECT CAN’T BE FOOLED”. There isn’t any man can fool you if you are the Bride.

When the Methodists failed, God raised up others and so it has gone on through the years until in this last day there is again another people in the land, who under their messenger will be the final voice to the final age.

Yes sir. The church is no longer the “mouthpiece” of God. It is its own mouthpiece. So God is turning on her. He will confound her through the prophet and the bride, for the voice of God will be in her. Yes it is, for it says in the last chapter of Revelation verse 17, “The Spirit and the bride say, Come.” Once more the world will hear direct from God as at Pentecost; but of course that Word Bride will be repudiated as in the first age.

The Bride does have a voice, but it will only say what is on the tapes. For that Voice is DIRECT FROM GOD, thus it needs no interpretation as it was perfectly given and is perfectly understood.

Come join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear that Voice reveal to us: The Laodicean Church Age 60-1211E.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Saturday, November 30, 2024

Good Morning Friends,

Never before in the history of the world has there been a time when the Bride of Christ from around the world could be united together in one accord, when a sound from Heaven, the very Voice of God, could come rushing in.

Scriptures are being fulfilled. It is the uniting time Seed sign. The invisible union of the Bride of Christ is taking place as we sit in the presence of the Son, ripening, making Herself ready by hearing the very Voice of God.

We are being perfected by His five-fold ministry.

How many believes that gifts and callings are without repentance? The Bible said there’s five gifts in the church. God has set in the church Apostles, or missionaries, apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors.

Preacher: I’d go down the street. Somebody’d say, “Are you a preacher?” I’d say, “Yes sir. Oh yes, I’m a preacher.”

Teacher: And now the reason I never took to preach this morning, was because, I thought, in teaching, we would understand it better than just to take a text and skip over it. We would just teach it.

Apostle: The word “missionary” means “one sent.” “Apostle” means “one sent.” A missionary is an apostle. I—I, I’m a missionary, as you know, do evangelistic, missionary work, about seven times overseas, around the world.

Prophet: Do you believe me to be God’s prophet? Then go do what I tell you to do.

Pastor: Know ye what I have done to you? You call me your pastor, and you say well, for so I am.

And I seen those millions standing there, I said, “Are they all Branham’s?” Said, “No.” Said, “They’re your converts.” And I said, I—I said, “I want to see Jesus.” He said, “Not yet. It’ll be a time before He comes yet. But He’ll come to you first and you’ll be judged by the Word that you preached,

Then we’ll all raised our hands and said, “We are resting on that!”

Something is fixing to take place. What’s happening? The dead in Christ are beginning to rise all around me. I’m feeling a change come in my body. My gray hair, it’s gone. Look at my face...all my wrinkles have disappeared. My aches and pains….they’re GONE. My feeling of depression has instantly vanished. I’ve been changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye.

Then we’ll begin to look around us and see our loved ones. Oh my, there’s Mama and Papa…Glory, my son…my daughter. Grandpa, Grandma, oh I missed you both so much. Hey...there’s my old buddy. OH LOOK, it’s Brother Branham, our prophet, Hallelujah!! It’s here. It’s happening!

Then together, all at once, we’ll be caught up out yonder somewhere in space beyond the earth. We’ll meet the Lord on His road down. We’ll stand there with Him upon the rings of this earth and sing the songs of redemption. We’ll sing and praise Him for His redeeming grace that He’s give us.

What all is in store for His Bride. What a time we’re going to have throughout eternity with each other, and our Lord Jesus. Mortal words cannot express, Lord, how we feel in our hearts.

If you’d like to hear Him call you His Bride, and tell you what it’s going to be like with Him, come join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and you will be blessed beyond measure.

Bro. Joseph Branham


60-1211M The Ten Virgins, And The Hundred And Forty-Four Thousand Jews



Saturday, November 23, 2024

Dear Mrs. Jesus Christ,

What will this Sunday hold for the Bride of Jesus Christ? What all will the Holy Spirit reveal to us? Perfect Realization. We will now fully understand by Revelation, antitype contrasted with type and substance with shadow. Jesus is the true Bread of Life. He is the whole of It. He is One God. He is Hebrews 13:8. He is the I AM.

Christ, by appearing in the flesh and shedding His own Blood, has put away our sins once and for all by the offering of Himself; therefore He has now made us PERFECT. His very life is in us. His Blood has cleansed us. His Spirit fills us. His stripes have ALREADY healed us.

His Word is in our heart and mouth. It’s Christ in our lives and nothing else, as everything in our lives fade away into insignificance, besides Him and His Word.

Our heart will be filled with joy as He tells us that by His Divine decree, He knew exactly who would be His Bride. How He chose us. He called us. He died for us. He paid the price for us and we belong to Him, and Him alone. He speaks, and we obey, for it is our delight. We are His sole property and He has no other one but US. He is our King of kings and we are His kingdom. We are His eternal possession.

He will strengthen us and illuminate us by His Voice Word. He will clearly explain and reveal that He is the Door of the sheep. He is both Alpha and Omega. He is Father, He is the Son, and He is the Holy Spirit. He is One, and we are One with Him and in Him.

He will teach us patience, as He did Abraham, by explaining how we must patiently wait and endure if we wish to obtain any promise.

He will clearly show us the very day that we’re living in. How the ecumenical move will become so strong politically, and place pressure up on the government for all to join her through adherence to principles enacted into law, so that no people will be recognized as churches unless direct or indirect domination of their council.

He will reveal how many will go along, thinking they are serving God in the framework of the organization. But He tells us, “Have no fear, for the Bride will not be deceived, we will stay with His Word, His Voice.”

How encouraging it will be to hear Him tells us: “Hold fast, persevere. Never give up, but put on the whole armor of God, every weapon, every gift I have given you is at our disposal. Don’t never be discouraged sweetheart, just keep looking ahead with joy because you are going to be crowned by Me, your King of kings and Lord of Lords, your Husband.”

You are My true church; the very temple of God by My Holy Ghost that is living within you. You will become pillars in the new temple; the very foundation that will hold up the superstructure. I will place you as overcomers with the apostles and the prophets, for I have given you a Revelation of My Word, of Myself.

He will clearly reveal to us that our names were written in His Lamb’s Book Of Life before the foundation of the world. We will therefore be before His throne day and night to serve Him in His temple. We are the special care of the Lord; we are His Bride.

We will have a new name by taking on His name. It will be the name that is given unto us when He takes us to Himself. We will be His Mrs. Jesus Christ.

The new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, a Bride adorned for her Husband. There will be no more death, sorrow, nor crying. Neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away. All of God’s wonderful promises will be fulfilled. The change will be completed. The Lamb and His Bride will forever be settled in all the perfections of God.

Dear Mrs. Jesus Christ, DREAM ABOUT IT. It will be more wonderful than you could ever imagine.

I invite everyone to come join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as our Husband, Jesus Christ, speaks through His mighty seventh angel messenger and tells us all these things.

Bro. Joseph Branham

Message: The Philadelphian Church Age 60-1210



Saturday, November 16, 2024

Dear Tape People,

How proud we are to be called “Tape People”. Our hearts race with excitement each week knowing we will be united together around the world by hearing the Voice of God speak to us.

We know, without a shadow of a single doubt, we are in God’s perfect Will by staying with His Word; listening to His Voice by way of His mighty seventh angel messenger.

The messenger He chose for our day is William Marrion Branham. He is God’s lamp to the world, reflecting God’s Light. He is calling out His chosen Pure Word Bride by His angel.

By careful study of His Word, He has revealed to us by His Holy Spirit that William Marrion Branham is the angel He chose to give His Revelation and Ministry to for our day. We see His angel, OUR STAR, in His right hand as He is granting him His power to reveal His Word and call out His Bride.

He has given us the full Revelation of Himself. The Holy Spirit identifying Himself to us through the life of His seventh angel messenger; the angel He chose to be His eyes for our day.

How our hearts burn within us as He tells us with each Message that it is His purpose to bring us forth unto Himself; that we are His Word Bride.

He loves to tell us over and over how He chose us before the foundation of the world IN HIM. How we were foreknown and beloved by Him.

How we love to hear Him speak and tell us we were redeemed by His Blood and can NEVER come into condemnation. We can never be in the judgment, because sin cannot be imputed unto us.

How we will set with Him as He takes His earthly throne of David, and we rule with Him; just like He did in heaven, with power and authority over all the earth. The test and trials of this life will seem like nothing then.

But He has also warned us how careful we must be. That throughout the ages the two vines grew side by side. How the enemy has always been so close; so deceiving. Even Judas was chosen of God, and instructed in truth. He shared knowledge of the mysteries. He had a ministry of power granted unto him and he healed the sick and cast out devils in Jesus’ Name. But he couldn’t go all the way.

You can’t go along with just part of the Word, you have to take ALL the Word. There are people who seem involved in the things of God almost one hundred percent, but they are not.

He said it wasn’t enough that He has associated Himself with the whole church, or even with the fivefold ministry of Ephesians four. He warned us that in each age the church goes astray, and it is not just the laity but the clergy group — shepherds are wrong as well as sheep.

So by the determined counsel of His own will, He brought Himself on the scene in our age as the Chief Shepherd in the ministry of His seventh angel messenger to lead His people back to the truth and the abundant power of that truth.

He is in His messenger and he who would have the fulness of God would follow the messenger as the messenger is a follower of the Lord by His Word.

I want to have the fullness of God and follow His messenger. Thus, for us, the Branham Tabernacle, the only way to follow the messenger as he follows the Lord by His Word, is to PRESS PLAY and hear the Pure Voice of God speak to us the words of infallibility.

We don’t have to guess or check what we are hearing, we just have to Press Play and believe every Word we are hearing.

I heard Brother Branham say the following quote early one morning on the Voice radio. When I heard It, it came on my heart that this is exactly how I / we feel about saying:


It sounded like a statement of our Faith to me.

That’s the reason I believe in this Message, is because It comes from the Word of God. And anything outside the Word of God, I don’t believe it. It could be so, but still I’ll just stay with what God said, and then be sure that I’m right. Now, God can do what He wants to. He’s God. But as long as I stay with His Word, then I know that’s all right. I believe that.

Glory, he said it so PERFECT. All other ministries could be, because God can do what He wants to, with who He wants to, He’s God. But as long as I stay with His Word, His Voice, the Tapes, then I know that’s all right. I believe that.

I know many read my letters and misunderstand what I say and what I believe to be the Will of the Lord for our church. May I humbly say once again as the prophet said: “These letters are meant for my church only. The ones that desire to call the Branham Tabernacle their church. The ones that WANT TO BE IDENTIFIED AND CALLED TAPE PEOPLE”.

If you disagree with what I say and believe, that is 100% fine my brothers and sisters. My letters are not meant for you or against you or your churches. Your church is sovereign and you must do as you feel led to do, but according to the Word, so is ours, and this is what we believe is God’s provided way for us.

All are always welcome to unite with us each Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time. This week, God’s Star for our age, William Marrion Branham, will be bringing us the Message, 60-1209 The Sardisean Church Age.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Saturday, November 9, 2024

Dear Illuminated Bride,

How the Lord is revealing to us that throughout all the ages there has always been a very small group that stayed with His Word. They did not fall into the deceiving trap of the enemy, but remained true and faithful to the Word for their day.

But there has never been a time, or a group of people, that the Lord has been prouder of, or had more confidence in, than us. We are His Elect Lady Bride that will not, and even more important, CANNOT, be deceived; for we hear the Shepherd’s Voice and follow Him.

He is showing us that throughout all the ages there has been two groups of people, both proclaiming their revelation from God and their relationship to God. But He told us, the Lord knoweth them that are His. He tracks down our thoughts. He knows what is in our hearts. He sees our works by staying with the prophet and His Word, which are a definite manifestation of what lies within us. Our motives, our purposes is known unto Him as He watches our every action.

He tells us that all the promises that He gave to each age, are OURS. He sees us who keeps doing His works faithfully until the end. He has GIVEN US power over nations. He tells us we are strong, capable, unbending rulers who can cope so powerfully with any situation. Even the most desperate enemy will be broken if need be. Our demonstration of rule by His power will be like unto the very Son’s. GLORY!!

We have experienced the depth of God in our life. It is a personal experience of the Spirit of God indwelling in us. Our minds are illuminated by the wisdom and knowledge of God through His Word.

We go wherever the Bridegroom is. We will never be left by Him. We will never leave His side. We will share the throne with Him. We will be crowned with His glory and honor.

He has revealed to us how deceiving the enemy has been in each age and how important it is to STAY WITH HIS ORIGINAL WORD. Not one Word can be changed. Each age added to and took away from, placing their own interpretation to the original Word; and are eternally lost by doing so.

In the Thyatirean Church Age, that deceiving spirit spoke through the pope of Rome and changed His Word. He made it “one mediator between God and man (not men).” So now he mediates between the mediator and men. Thus, the whole program of God was altered; not by changing a word, but by changing ONE LETTER. Satan had changed an “E” to an “A”.

Every Word will be judged by His Original Word spoken on the tapes. Therefore, His Bride MUST stay with the tapes. While the enemy tries to discourage the people by giving them a different program, a different idea, a different letter, the Bride will STAY WITH THE ORIGINAL WORD.

In each age Jesus identifies Himself with the messenger of that age. They receive from Him the revelation on the Word for their age. This Word revelation brings the elect of God out of the world and into full union with Jesus Christ.

He has called and ordained many men to be a blessing to the church, but He ONLY has but ONE MESSENGER that He called to LEAD His church by His Holy Spirit. There is ONE VOICE with Thus Saith The Lord. There is ONE VOICE He said He would judge us by. There is ONE VOICE His Bride is placing their eternal destination on. THAT VOICE IS THE VOICE OF GOD ON THE TAPES.

Bride, God’s will for us is Perfection, and in His sight, we ARE PERFECT. And that perfection is patience, waiting on God...and waiting for God. He tells us it is the process of our character development. We may have many tests, trials and tribulations, but your faithfulness to His Word is working patience in us that we may be perfect and entire, lacking nothing.

We will never forget FAITH cometh by hearing, hearing the Word, and the Word comes to the prophet.

Come and experience the greatest joy of your life as you sit together with us in Heavenly places as we hear the Voice of God bring us the Word on: The Thyatirean Church Age 60-1208, this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.

Bro. Joseph Branham