Dear Tape People,
How proud we are to be called “Tape People”. Our hearts race with excitement each week knowing we will be united together around the world by hearing the Voice of God speak to us.
We know, without a shadow of a single doubt, we are in God’s perfect Will by staying with His Word; listening to His Voice by way of His mighty seventh angel messenger.
The messenger He chose for our day is William Marrion Branham. He is God’s lamp to the world, reflecting God’s Light. He is calling out His chosen Pure Word Bride by His angel.
By careful study of His Word, He has revealed to us by His Holy Spirit that William Marrion Branham is the angel He chose to give His Revelation and Ministry to for our day. We see His angel, OUR STAR, in His right hand as He is granting him His power to reveal His Word and call out His Bride.
He has given us the full Revelation of Himself. The Holy Spirit identifying Himself to us through the life of His seventh angel messenger; the angel He chose to be His eyes for our day.
How our hearts burn within us as He tells us with each Message that it is His purpose to bring us forth unto Himself; that we are His Word Bride.
He loves to tell us over and over how He chose us before the foundation of the world IN HIM. How we were foreknown and beloved by Him.
How we love to hear Him speak and tell us we were redeemed by His Blood and can NEVER come into condemnation. We can never be in the judgment, because sin cannot be imputed unto us.
How we will set with Him as He takes His earthly throne of David, and we rule with Him; just like He did in heaven, with power and authority over all the earth. The test and trials of this life will seem like nothing then.
But He has also warned us how careful we must be. That throughout the ages the two vines grew side by side. How the enemy has always been so close; so deceiving. Even Judas was chosen of God, and instructed in truth. He shared knowledge of the mysteries. He had a ministry of power granted unto him and he healed the sick and cast out devils in Jesus’ Name. But he couldn’t go all the way.
You can’t go along with just part of the Word, you have to take ALL the Word. There are people who seem involved in the things of God almost one hundred percent, but they are not.
He said it wasn’t enough that He has associated Himself with the whole church, or even with the fivefold ministry of Ephesians four. He warned us that in each age the church goes astray, and it is not just the laity but the clergy group — shepherds are wrong as well as sheep.
So by the determined counsel of His own will, He brought Himself on the scene in our age as the Chief Shepherd in the ministry of His seventh angel messenger to lead His people back to the truth and the abundant power of that truth.
He is in His messenger and he who would have the fulness of God would follow the messenger as the messenger is a follower of the Lord by His Word.
I want to have the fullness of God and follow His messenger. Thus, for us, the Branham Tabernacle, the only way to follow the messenger as he follows the Lord by His Word, is to PRESS PLAY and hear the Pure Voice of God speak to us the words of infallibility.
We don’t have to guess or check what we are hearing, we just have to Press Play and believe every Word we are hearing.
I heard Brother Branham say the following quote early one morning on the Voice radio. When I heard It, it came on my heart that this is exactly how I / we feel about saying:
It sounded like a statement of our Faith to me.
That’s the reason I believe in this Message, is because It comes from the Word of God. And anything outside the Word of God, I don’t believe it. It could be so, but still I’ll just stay with what God said, and then be sure that I’m right. Now, God can do what He wants to. He’s God. But as long as I stay with His Word, then I know that’s all right. I believe that.
Glory, he said it so PERFECT. All other ministries could be, because God can do what He wants to, with who He wants to, He’s God. But as long as I stay with His Word, His Voice, the Tapes, then I know that’s all right. I believe that.
I know many read my letters and misunderstand what I say and what I believe to be the Will of the Lord for our church. May I humbly say once again as the prophet said: “These letters are meant for my church only. The ones that desire to call the Branham Tabernacle their church. The ones that WANT TO BE IDENTIFIED AND CALLED TAPE PEOPLE”.
If you disagree with what I say and believe, that is 100% fine my brothers and sisters. My letters are not meant for you or against you or your churches. Your church is sovereign and you must do as you feel led to do, but according to the Word, so is ours, and this is what we believe is God’s provided way for us.
All are always welcome to unite with us each Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time. This week, God’s Star for our age, William Marrion Branham, will be bringing us the Message, 60-1209 The Sardisean Church Age.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Illuminated Bride,
How the Lord is revealing to us that throughout all the ages there has always been a very small group that stayed with His Word. They did not fall into the deceiving trap of the enemy, but remained true and faithful to the Word for their day.
But there has never been a time, or a group of people, that the Lord has been prouder of, or had more confidence in, than us. We are His Elect Lady Bride that will not, and even more important, CANNOT, be deceived; for we hear the Shepherd’s Voice and follow Him.
He is showing us that throughout all the ages there has been two groups of people, both proclaiming their revelation from God and their relationship to God. But He told us, the Lord knoweth them that are His. He tracks down our thoughts. He knows what is in our hearts. He sees our works by staying with the prophet and His Word, which are a definite manifestation of what lies within us. Our motives, our purposes is known unto Him as He watches our every action.
He tells us that all the promises that He gave to each age, are OURS. He sees us who keeps doing His works faithfully until the end. He has GIVEN US power over nations. He tells us we are strong, capable, unbending rulers who can cope so powerfully with any situation. Even the most desperate enemy will be broken if need be. Our demonstration of rule by His power will be like unto the very Son’s. GLORY!!
We have experienced the depth of God in our life. It is a personal experience of the Spirit of God indwelling in us. Our minds are illuminated by the wisdom and knowledge of God through His Word.
We go wherever the Bridegroom is. We will never be left by Him. We will never leave His side. We will share the throne with Him. We will be crowned with His glory and honor.
He has revealed to us how deceiving the enemy has been in each age and how important it is to STAY WITH HIS ORIGINAL WORD. Not one Word can be changed. Each age added to and took away from, placing their own interpretation to the original Word; and are eternally lost by doing so.
In the Thyatirean Church Age, that deceiving spirit spoke through the pope of Rome and changed His Word. He made it “one mediator between God and man (not men).” So now he mediates between the mediator and men. Thus, the whole program of God was altered; not by changing a word, but by changing ONE LETTER. Satan had changed an “E” to an “A”.
Every Word will be judged by His Original Word spoken on the tapes. Therefore, His Bride MUST stay with the tapes. While the enemy tries to discourage the people by giving them a different program, a different idea, a different letter, the Bride will STAY WITH THE ORIGINAL WORD.
In each age Jesus identifies Himself with the messenger of that age. They receive from Him the revelation on the Word for their age. This Word revelation brings the elect of God out of the world and into full union with Jesus Christ.
He has called and ordained many men to be a blessing to the church, but He ONLY has but ONE MESSENGER that He called to LEAD His church by His Holy Spirit. There is ONE VOICE with Thus Saith The Lord. There is ONE VOICE He said He would judge us by. There is ONE VOICE His Bride is placing their eternal destination on. THAT VOICE IS THE VOICE OF GOD ON THE TAPES.
Bride, God’s will for us is Perfection, and in His sight, we ARE PERFECT. And that perfection is patience, waiting on God...and waiting for God. He tells us it is the process of our character development. We may have many tests, trials and tribulations, but your faithfulness to His Word is working patience in us that we may be perfect and entire, lacking nothing.
We will never forget FAITH cometh by hearing, hearing the Word, and the Word comes to the prophet.
Come and experience the greatest joy of your life as you sit together with us in Heavenly places as we hear the Voice of God bring us the Word on: The Thyatirean Church Age 60-1208, this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Chaste Virgin Bride,
Have you been enjoying the Seven Church Ages? God is giving His Bride a revival like never before. He is giving us more Revelation, more Faith, and more assurance knowing who we are, and what we are doing by staying with the Word, His provided Way for today.
Now He tells us: “From Sunday’s service on, put on your spiritual thinking. Let the Holy Spirit just soak It in and catch the spiritual application in all I’m going to do. It is My Spirit-quickened Word spoken by My prophet of Malachi 4”.
Let us read and catch a few of His Words and apply our spiritual thinking to them.
God set up His Spirit-filled leader for His Spirit-filled group; His angel; and It set upon him a seal of a name, but he mustn’t reveal it. He must keep it to himself, see. “No man knows but himself.”
So God gave His Bride a Spirit-filled leader for His Spirit-filled group. LEADER, NOT LEADERS for His Spirit-filled group.
Coming in the world soon, the great angel of Light that’ll come to us, that’ll lead us out, a great Holy Spirit, come in power, and will lead us to the Lord Jesus Christ.
A great angel of Light. Who is the great angel of Light to this last age? William Marrion Branham. He’s not talking about the Holy Spirit. He has already come and he says that will come.
That’ll LEAD US OUT. We truly know and believe it is the Holy Spirit that is leading us, but He clearly places His angel and the Holy Spirit together and says He (His Holy Spirit) will be leading us (BY) His great angel of Light.
He continues to tie them together by saying:
He probably won’t know it,
He is not saying the Holy Spirit will not know who It is, but His earthly angel messenger that He has chosen to LEAD US OUT.
But he’ll be here some of these days. He’ll make...God will make him known. He won’t have to make himself known, God will make him known. God will prove His Own.
Again, He is not saying the Holy Spirit will be here SOME OF THESE DAYS, but His great angel of Light to lead His Bride. He won’t have to make himself known, God will make His great leader known to His Bride Himself by REVELATION.
Are you catching the spiritual application? Do you see who the angel of Light is who God chose to lead His Bride? Does it say here the baton has been passed on to other leaders?
You’ll never live no higher than your pastor. You just remember that, see.
While others may not understand and ridicule us, how happy and truly thankful we are for the Revelation to say, WILLIAM MARRION BRANHAM IS OUR PASTOR.
Now since each of these messages is directed to the “angel” — (human messenger) a very great responsibility as well as a wonderful privilege is his lot.
The Message was directed to His angel, then His angel gives It to the Bride; not just the ministry, but to ALL HIS BRIDE and It is on tape for all to hear. It cannot be added to or taken away from, and It needs NO INTERPRETATION.
He is coming soon, and when He does He will come to you first, and you will be judged according to the Gospel you have preached, and we will be your subjects.” I said, “Do you mean I am responsible for all these?” He said, “Every one. You were born a leader.”
When the great day of judgment comes, He is coming first to His angel of Light and will judge him first according to the gospel he preached. We are HIS SUBJECTS. He is responsible for each one of us as he was God’s chosen LEADER.
Place your spiritual application to that. We will be judged by what God’s angel said. So, you want to take a chance for your eternal life by what someone says HE SAID when you can hear it direct from HIM?
How can anyone believe there is A MINISTRY MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT IS ON THE TAPES. If you believe that, or have been persuaded that by reasoning, you better get back to the ORIGINAL WORD; for you’re going to be judged by the words on the tapes. Stay with the Word as It was spoken.
But this prophet will come, and as the forerunner to the first coming cried, “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world,” even so will he no doubt cry out, “Behold the Lamb of God, coming in glory.” He will do this, for even as John was the messenger of truth to the elect, so is this one the last messenger to the elect and Word-born bride.
Who will introduce us to the Lord Jesus? His great angel of Light, William Marrion Branham.
Come be a Chaste Virgin Bride with us as we hear His great angel messenger bring us more Revelation, Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear the Message 60-1207 - "The Pergamean Church Age".
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Spirit-Filled Bride,
There is only one group of people; a very special group of people, who are able to hear what the Spirit is saying in this last age. It is a special group that has received the Revelation for this age. That group is of God. The group that cannot hear, is not of God.
The group that can, and does hear what the Spirit is saying, receives the True Revelation. We are the ones who have the Spirit of God. We are the ones that are born of God and baptized with the Holy Ghost. We are His Spirit-Filled Bride that has received the Revelation for our age.
What does it mean for us to Press Play? REVELATION! It is hearing, receiving and staying with God’s provided Way for today. The very Voice of God speaking lip to ear to His Bride. It is the Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts and souls.
We know God uses men anointed with His Spirit to speak, but there is no other place to hear Thus Saith The Lord except by Pressing Play and hearing the VOICE of His seventh angel, William Marrion Branham. It is the only Voice vindicated by the Holy Spirit Himself. He is God’s Voice, God’s prophet, God’s pastor, to us, and to the world.
When he speaks, we say AMEN to every Word; for it is God Himself speaking to us. His Word is the only Word that needs no interpretation. It is God using his voice to speak to His Bride.
It is God Himself telling us, “My little ones, you have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you. Before there was a speck of stardust; before I was even known to you as your God, I knew you. You were in My Mind, existing in My eternal Thoughts. You are My literal Spoken Word Seed Bride.
Although you were in My eternal Thoughts, I did not express you until My designated and decreed season. For I knew YOU would be My special group that would stay with My Word. All others have failed, but I knew you would not.
I know that you are persecuted and made fun of because you have stayed with My prophet, but you are My True Vine that has not deviated from My Word, but has stayed true and faithful to My prophet who speaks My Words.
There are many others that have been faithfully taught, but they don’t always learn how necessary it is to speak only what I have spoken through My messenger.”
How careful we must be to hear ONE voice, for the Spirit has but one voice which is the voice of God.
Oh, how important it is to hear the voice of God by way of His messengers, and then say what has been given them to say to the churches.
“My Word has always come to My prophet, but in this day, I had My Voice recorded so there would be NO MISTAKES what I said to the Bride. There is only one plumb line, only one rod, and that is the WORD which I spoke through My angel. As in every age, My prophet is the Word for the day.”
The Tapes, His Voice, is a love letter to us. While the enemy constantly beats us down through our trials and tribulations and hardships, He sent His mighty angel to tell us that it is nothing but God’s elective love to us, proving to us that He has chosen us as we will not move.
His great purpose is after we have suffered for a while, He would make us perfect, establish and strengthen us. He told us that even our Lord Jesus was perfected by His suffering. What a blessing He has left for us. For by our suffering, He would bring us into perfection also.
He is character-building us through our trials and tribulations. For our character is not made without suffering. Thus, our suffering is a VICTORY to us, and not a gift.
How can we prove our love to Him?
• By believing what He says.
• Staying with His Word.
• Conducting ourselves with joy through our trials and tribulations, that He, in His great wisdom, allows to come to pass.
How He lifts our spirit by hearing His Word. His Voice comforts our soul. When we Press Play and hear Him speak, all our burdens are lifted. We can’t even begin to imagine what treasures have been laid up for us through all of our tribulation.
Oh, Bride of Jesus Christ, how happy I am to be One Of Them with each of you. What joy fills my heart to know He has given us a Revelation of His Word. When He tells us it will be so close it would deceive the very elected if it was possible, He has given us the TRUE REVELATION.
Come, get into the Spirit with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear the perfect Word: 60-1206 — The Smyrnaean Church Age.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear True Bride,
What a wonderful time we are having as His Life is flowing and pulsating in and through us, giving us life. Without Him, there would be no life. His Word is our very breath.
In this gross day of darkness, we are His last-age group that has risen up; His true Bride of the last day that will only listen to the Spirit, the Voice of God for our day.
How we love to hear Him tell us, “To Me, you are liken to pure beaten gold. Your righteousness is My righteousness. Your attributes are My glorious attributes. You are My lovely True Bride.”
As our battles seem to get harder and harder each week, we simply Press Play to hear Him speak to us so sweetly and tell us, “Don’t worry, you are worthy of My Gospel. You are a thing of beauty and joy. I love to watch you as you overcome the enemy by your trials and testing of this life.”
I see your labor of love; it is the high calling of your life to serve Me. I knew before the foundation of the world that you would recognize My mighty angel whom I would send to be My Voice to you; how you would not be deceived when the grievous wolves come around trying to claim equal revelation. You would not deviate from My Word, not for a moment, NOT BY ONE IOTA. You would stay with My Word, My Voice.
You would perceive as I reveal My Word to you how the True Vine and the false vine that started in the Garden of Eden would grow together throughout the ages.
What started in the early church would continue throughout every age. How in the first church age, Satan’s false vine would begin to creep into, and conquer the laity by his nicolaitane spirit. But how I love that only you, My elected Bride, will not be deceived.
This week, I will crystalize My Word in you by revealing the great mystery of the serpent’s seed. I will reveal to you in every detail what took place in the garden of Eden; how Satan got mixed into the human race.
It will be such a thrilling thought when you recognize that I, the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, which could not be approached until now because of the fall of Adam, is now given to you, My overcomers.
This will be your reward. I will give you the privilege of the paradise of God; a constant fellowship with Me. You will never be separated from Me. Whither I go, you, My Bride will go. What is Mine, I will share with you, My beloved.
How our hearts race within us as we read these words. We know the fulfillment of His promises are quickly approaching, and can hardly wait. May we hasten to obey His Word and thereby prove our worthiness to share His glory.
I’d like to beckon you to come join us as we continue our great study of the Seven Church Ages, where God is revealing His Word to us by His provided way, His seventh angel messenger.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Sunday 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.
60-1205 The Ephesian Church Age