Dear Reflection Of Jesus Christ,
Like the little boy that looked into the mirror and didn’t realize he was looking at himself, we are now looking into God’s Mirror, His Word, and are realizing, FATHER, THAT’S ME, I am the reflection of Your Word. I am Your Word made manifest. I am a believer, I am Your Bride!
Each Message we hear elevates our Faith to new heights. He told us we must fit into one of three categories: Believers, make believers or unbelievers. As we looked in His mirror we shouted, “I see, without a shadow of a doubt, we are Believers. For only a Believer will believe every jot and every tittle; FATHER, THAT’S ME.”
There is nothing that can satisfy us and give us Life but the spoken Word of God on tape. It is the only way Life can come, through His spoken Word, the Voice of God for our day.
Get ready, there’s more to come this Sunday, July 17, 2022. There is a Man here that is going to turn on the Light, and when He does, we’re all going to have sore throats from shouting and screaming Amen, Hallelujah, Praise The Name Of The Lord, Glory To God, because God Himself will be speaking directly to us and reveal more of His Word.
Like the same sun, shine today, will be ripening the grain for the harvest in July. See what I mean? But the light today won’t do any good back there in July. It’s stronger. The wheat is more advanced; it’s ready to take It. Amen. Certainly is.
The harvest is ripe! We are more advanced and more ready to take It. Jesus has a table spread, where the saints of God are fed on ripened Food of the day. The Gospel Light vindicating and proving that He is here today with us. The saints are eating the spiritual Food that has been stored up, getting ready for the Rapture.
When our Pastor, the Holy Spirit speaking through His vindicated prophet, flips that switch and turns on the light of Revelation, He will tell us just who He is in our day. He will scream out and warn us, I hope you’re not asleep.
Noah was the Light in his day. Moses was the Light of his hour, now I’ve sent you a mighty prophet in your day and I am manifesting My promised Word through him. He is the Word of God made manifest in your day. He is the Light of today.
When I was here on earth in flesh last time, I took the original five barley loaves and begin to break the loaves. From the original, I made bread and it fed five thousand.
Then I got a fish, and from that fish, I made another fish and another fish, and fed five thousand.
But in your day, I had nothing. I just spoke and said, “Say it’ll be there,” and it was there, without anything. I never had a squirrel; there was none there. I just said, “Let there be,” and there was. My Word is infallible, and It has to be fulfilled.
Like the children of Israel, when they were on their journey, they were eating new manna every day. They were walking in the Light of a Pillar of Fire. That Pillar of Fire was Jesus Christ.
Today He is with us once again, the same Pillar of Fire, doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth fulfilling His Word.
We invite you to join us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as our pastor, the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire, turns on His Light of Revelation, as we hear: 63-1229M "There Is A Man Here That Can Turn On The Light".
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
Genesis 1:3, Chapter 2
Psalm 22
Joel 2:28
Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, 28:10, 42:1-7
St. Matthew 4:12-17, Chapters 24 and 28
St. Mark Chapter 16
Revelation Chapter 3
Associated Services
Dear Believer,
Just think of it, the God, Who made all things and set it in order, came down and was made flesh among us, to redeem us. And then He would so honor us with His august Presence, that He would stand here on this sinful earth in the last days, and prove His Word to be so, because He’s obligated to that Word.
The Holy Ghost has quickened that Word to us. It has become alive. By faith we see it. We know it’s so because the Word said so, and the Spirit quickens that Word to us. Now we are being united by the Word of God made manifest in the flesh, just as the prophet said It would.
The believer believes It, Not what somebody else says; what the Word says! Now, remember, that is the believer. The believer doesn’t question. The believer doesn’t say, “How can it be? If I can get It explained!” That’s the unbeliever. Uh-huh. It’s the believer, that, no matter what It is, “If It’s the Word, It’s the Word! That’s true.” That’s the believer.
You’ve got to believe every tittle and every jot, and everything that’s said in There. It’s got to be true. If you say, “I don’t believe that. Some is God, some is man, some of it is just hunting stories.” Well, then you’re an unbeliever. The believer don’t question. The believer believes It, regardless of what It sounds like or what anybody else has got to say about It, how impossible It seems to be, WE BELIEVE IT!
Every person that’s here, present, every person that listens to this tape; and even though some day I have to leave this world, these tapes will still live. That’s right. See? And you’re in one of these classes. You’ve got to be in one of them.
We are living in the last days and you must look at your life and see what class of people you are in. Do you say, “I believe God sent a prophet that has been vindicated by the Pillar of Fire?" He told us to believe every Word. To say EXACTLY what is on the tapes and don’t change one Word. We will be judged by what HE SAID, not by what someone said he said, or what someone says he meant, but by what the tapes say.
Or, are you going to go with Korah and Dathan, and them that say, “He’s not the only holy man. Other people have been called to do these things he did. You place too much on God’s prophet. The Holy Spirit is leading us now. This is a different age”.
You’re in one of these classes. In your present state right now, the present state of mind, that, you here in this visible audience, and you that will be in the invisible audience of this tape, your present state of mind after listening to this tape, proves to you what class you’re in. It’s tells you exactly where you are, whether you are a believer in the Word and will stay with It whether you’d walked out, or shut that tape off.
Praise the Name of the Lord, we are genuine BELIEVERS, not someone persuaded by some other person; not by some other thing, but the Holy Spirit has revealed to us the Word Itself. We see the Word made plain, vindicated and made manifested.
We are put to the test with trials, the dusty roads, the hot sun of persecution, but the loyalty of our hearts beats that material of the Word. We are now ready to go into the mold. We are God’s children, made up correctly on His Word. We are living examples, and the Word of God is living through us. The trials come to shake us, to put us to the very bottom, to see where we’ll stand. But we cannot be moved, we stand on every Word.
Listen as He tells you who you are.
Just remember that every part of you was here, when God spoke the world into existence. He put your body here right then. And there is nothing can take it away except God.
Nothing can take It away from you. Nobody can take your place no matter how little you are. You say, “I’m just a housewife.” Nobody can take your place! God, in His great economy, has so set the Body of Christ in order, till there is no one that can take your place.
Glory… Hallelujah… Listening to God’s stored-up Food just gets greater and GREATER. The more we hear God speak through His chosen messenger telling us who we are, the greater our Faith becomes. The sheer joy of knowing:
- We are “ONE OF THEM”
- We are “THE BRIDE”
I would like to INVITE you to PRESS PLAY with me, the Branham Tabernacle, and a portion of the Bride from around the world at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we will be gathering from the East, West, North and South to hear: Three Kinds Of Believers 63-1124E. This is what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do. For us, this is the program of God.
- Press Play: Whatever tape God lays on your heart.
- Press Play: Listen to whatever time you choose.
- PRESS PLAY: Is my message to you.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
St. John 6:60-71
Associated Services
Dear Eagles, let us all gather together and hear the Message 63-1124M - What Shall I Do With Jesus Called Christ? this Sunday at 12:00 pm, Jeffersonville time.
Brother Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Greatest Faith Bride,
I know this is just a simple letter with improper grammar, but I want the world to know that we believe every word our prophet said and accept It to be Thus Saith The Lord. When we hear him say something on tape, we believe It, we accept It, and then personally receive It as God Himself speaking directly to us.
It has been preached, and thoroughly vindicated by the Word of God, that it couldn’t be man, it has to be God.
We believe the same material signs have appeared on the earth today that appeared when Jesus was here. The same Pillar of Fire that Saint Paul saw with the same Nature, doing the same thing, came in our day. It is God speaking directly to us:
The very same spiritual sign that He identified Himself as Messiah, has identified Him today. He is still Messiah!
You can only receive these great blessings IF you believe every Word is Thus Saith The Lord, by pressing play. If you are someone that doesn’t believe that, and has to decide intellectually or by someone telling you: “This is the Word of the Lord, and this is just Brother Branham speaking,” then this isn’t for you.
In the time that Moses led the children of Israel, there was one, that was Moses. The rest of them just followed the Message. See?
But today, for us that DO BELIEVE IT THAT WAY, our hearts are so full of joy and bubbling over, we can hardly contain ourselves.
I feel that He has redeemed us. I feel that our names are on His Book. I believe that we’ve been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb.
Because we do believe this Message is God’s Voice speaking directly to us, we accept this as God Himself speaking to us lip to ear. There is NO DOUBT our names are on His Book.
May I put it like this, the ministry of Jesus Christ reincarnated in His Church in this last day. That’s what many of us believe. I believe with you.
That is exactly how we believe it, Jesus Christ reincarnated, speaking to His Bride on tape.
Every time we press play our faith reaches new heights. This isn’t just another preacher speaking, this is God Himself speaking to us. We only want 100% pure Word.
Let me ask you something. Is William Marrion Branham your pastor? Is he God’s vindicated seventh angel messenger? Do you believe what he asked God to do, God did? Do you believe he was the Voice of God for this day? You believe every word he said? Then you are going to be blessed once again beyond words Sunday.
There’s no other way you can receive this blessing unless you’re listening to the tapes and believe what you are hearing to be Thus Saith The Lord. You must believe what he is saying is God speaking directly to you.
I, as your pastor, your brother, with what faith I have, I’ve asked God to place it on you. I believe that I’ll receive what I have asked. Now if you will believe it with me; with what faith that I have, I give to you for this hour.
To us, he is our pastor. There is no one in the world that has more, or greater, Faith than OUR PASTOR, God’s prophet. Now God’s prophet has asked God to give us HIS GREAT FAITH. IF you believe It with all your heart, It is now YOUR FAITH....GLORY, WE DO!!! Our Faith might have been weak, but no more, for we now have his FAITH.
And now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, renounce your affliction, your sickness, and say to it, “You have to go,” ’cause you have your faith, plus my faith, with the power of Jesus Christ, Whose omnipresence is here to vindicate it and prove that He is here, will make you well at this time.
What can I say that would make you come join us and receive this great blessing? Think of it, whatever you have need of, you can have it if you’ll come listen and simply believe It.
Come listen Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, with the Bride. We will be gathering and listening from the East, the West, the North and the South, all at the same time, as Thus Saith The Lord speaks to us and tell us all about: He That Is In You 63-1110E.
If you can’t listen with us at the same time Sunday, no matter, just press play anytime and listen and believe what you are hearing to be the Voice Of God speaking to you.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Father, what can I write today that You might use me, in some small way, to encourage Your precious Bride?
God came in our day and lived in human flesh, in a man named William Marrion Branham, so He could reveal and fulfill His Word. That is the Revelation of Jesus Christ in our day.
To listen to that Voice and believe every Word is God’s only provided way for today. He sent the world many men anointed with His Holy Spirit, but He only sent and spoke through one man to reveal His Word and to lead His Bride.
He never changes His Program or His Way of doing things. How He did it the first time, He does it every time. He leads His people Himself, by the Pillar of Fire.
You are God’s chosen elected Bride and there is nothing the devil can do or say that can take that from you, NOTHING! He predestinated you before the foundation of the world. He knew you then, and you were with Him then. He knew your name. He knew everything about you. He knew your ups and downs. He knew your failures, your mistakes, and He still loved you, for you were part of Him.
Your soul can only feed on His Word. Nothing can satisfy you but His Word. You love to read His Word and meditate upon Him, praying from the depths of your heart, but when you hear His Voice speak directly to you, it lifts you up beyond the curtain of time. For you know you are sitting with Him in Heavenly places as He speaks lip to ear to you, revealing His Word, reminding you, YOU ARE MY BRIDE.
The devil can pound and pound and pound at you. You can get so low sometimes and feel you are a total failure; feel like you’ve failed Him like no other. You are the worst of the worst, but somewhere, down deep in your soul, you hear that Still Small Voice tell you: “Nothing can separate you from My Word, YOU ARE MY WORD. I placed your name on My Lamb’s Book Of Life, Myself.”
What can I say to encourage you today? Just press play every day and hear the Voice of God speak and tell you: Thus Saith The Lord.
You are invited to join the Bride this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we gather to listen to that Still Small Voice: 63-1110M Souls That Are In Prison Now.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
Genesis 15:16
St. Matthew 23:27-34
St. John 4:23-24 / 6:49 / 14:12
1 Peter 3:18-22
2 Peter 2:4-5
Jude 1:5-6