Archived Letters
Friday, April 7, 2023

Dear Bride, let us all gather together today and hear the Message The Perfection 57-0419. It will be playing on the Voice Radio at 12:30pm, Jeffersonville time, but for those overseas, feel free to listen at whatever time fits your family's schedule.

Brother Joseph Branham


Monday, April 3, 2023

Dear Restored Bride Tree,

All year long, I look forward to the weekend when I can shut the world completely out, turn off all of my devices, pray throughout the day, hear His Voice speak to my heart, have Communion with Him, and completely rededicate my life to His Service. EVERY DAY should be an Easter day for us, but this weekend is a very special, sacred occasion; a set-aside time for the Bride to come together and Worship. I am SO EXCITED about it my friends. I can hardly wait to get shut in with God in a secret place, there in the Spirit, beholding His Face; joined with the Bride of Christ around the world, setting in Heavenly places. Praise the Name of the Lord! It should truly be the most anticipated and sacred weekend of our lives.

Oh, let’s stop just one more minute here. “In Heavenly places.” Now, just not out anywhere, but in Heavenly places. We are assembled in “Heavenly,” it means that the position of the believer. That, if I’m prayed up, you’re prayed up, or the church is prayed up, and we’re ready for the Message, and we have assembled ourselves together as saints, called out, baptized with the Holy Ghost, filled with God’s blessings, called, elected, set together in Heavenly places now, we are Heavenlies in our souls. Our spirits has brought us into a Heavenly atmosphere. Oh, brother! There you are, a Heavenly atmosphere! Oh, what could happen tonight, what could happen tonight if we would be sitting here in a Heavenly atmosphere, and the Holy Spirit moving over every heart that’s been regenerated and become a new creature in Christ Jesus? All sins under the Blood, in perfect worship, with our hands up to God and our hearts lifted, setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, worshipping together in the Heavenly places.

Did you ever set in one? Oh, I have set till I would weep for joy and say, “God, never let me leave here.” Just Heavenly places in Christ Jesus!

Blessing us with what? Divine healing, foreknowledge, revelation, visions, powers, tongues, interpretations, wisdom, knowledge, all the Heavenly blessings, and joy unspeakable and full of Glory, every heart filled with the Spirit, walking together, setting together in Heavenly places, not one evil thought among us, not one cigarette smoked, not one short dress, not one this, that or the other, not one evil thought, nobody got anything against one another, everybody speaking in love and harmony, everybody with one accord in one place, “then suddenly there come from Heaven a sound like a rushing mighty wind.” There you are, “Has blessed us with all spiritual blessings.”

Lord Jesus receive our worship to You this Easter weekend. Let us enter into Heavenly places in Christ Jesus; let us break forth into the Holy of Holies. Not one evil thought, not one distraction, but in one accord, in one Place; then let there be a sound from Heaven come like a rushing mighty wind into each of our homes. “Come Lord Jesus”, we are ready to see You face to face.

For the Bride has been restored through the evening Light Message of our day; through the Message of Malachi 4. We thank You Lord for the full manifestation of Christ in His Church, not a church built with hands, but the full manifestation of Christ demonstrated in a person, Your prophet, by great signs and wonders, and he has revealed the whole Word of God again. And now It is living in Your Bride around the world. Thank you for letting us live to see this great evening Light, according to prophecy.

And what’s the evening Light come out for? What is the evening Light for? To restore. Whew! You get it? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] The evening Light is for the same purpose the morning Light was for, to restore what was cut down by the Dark Ages, through Rome. God is going to restore, by shining forth the evening Light (what?), restore the whole Word of God again, the full manifestation of Christ in His Church. Everything that He did, just exactly the way He did, it would be again in the evening Light. See what I mean? Oh, isn’t that wonderful? [“Amen.”] And to know we’re living right here to see It now, the evening Light, exactly according to prophecy.

The true Bride does not stop at Justification, although She knows Her sins are as if She had never done them; She does not stop at Sanctification, although She has been cleansed and set aside for service; She does not stop at Pentecost, although She has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit; but She goes on to the WORD FOR OUR DAY: Malachi 4, the Word Itself made flesh again in a human being. The, “I will restore saith the Lord,” that will bring forth Rapturing Faith to the Bride. And that manifested Word can ONLY come by hearing the Tapes, praise His wonderful Name.

One of them, Martin Luther, he begin to shine a Light. There was a little Light, just a very small strength, of justification.

Along come Wesley, stronger, sanctification.

After Wesley, come the stronger than him, Pentecostal, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, in another great prophet. See?

But in the last days, of Malachi 4, Elijah is to come with the very Word. “The Word of the Lord came to the prophet.” In the evening Lights, is to come forth, to restore and bring back. What? “Turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of God.” Fourth Light!

Come gather around the Word, in your homes, during Easter weekend and let us Worship the Lord. Shut down your phones except to take photos, to hear Quote Of The Day, and to play the tapes from the Table app, the Lifeline app, or the downloadable link.

I would like for us all to unite for the following schedule:


It was Thursday night that the Lord Jesus had the Last Supper with His disciples, in commemoration of the Passover before the exodus of the children of Israel. What an opportunity we have to commune with the Lord in our homes, before our sacred weekend, and ask Him to forgive us of our sins, and to give us all what we have need of in our journey.

God, examine our hearts now. Is the Blood there, Lord? If it’s not, we pray that—that You’ll apply it just now, taking away our sins and covering them, and they’ll be divorced from us, Lord, the sins of this world, that we might be holy and presentable to our Father now as we come to take the—the body and the shed Blood of our Lamb, God’s Son, our Saviour.

Let us all start at 6:00 P.M. on your local time zone to hear The Communion 57-0418 and then go into our Special Communion and Feet Washing Service, which will be playing on the Lifeline app, or you can download the service in English or other languages by clicking on the link below.

Following the Message, we will gather with our families in our homes and take the Lord’s Supper.


Let us go to prayer with our families at 9:00 A.M., and then again at 12:00 P.M., inviting the Lord to be with us and fill our homes with the Holy Spirit as we dedicate ourselves to Him.

May our minds go back to that day at Calvary, over 2000 years ago, and see our Savior hanging on the cross, and then commit ourselves likewise to always do that which pleases the Father:

Now we find that it reflected Him perfectly. The Sculptor now had the Word reflected in the Masterpiece again, called His Son, God, Emmanuel. Just think, that a Person so yielded until God identified Himself in there, in that body, and He became, Him and God became One. “I and My Father are One. My Father dwelleth in Me. I do that always which pleases the Father.”

What if the Christian today could have a testimony like that? You would be a masterpiece right here in Yuma, on the street. If you’re a wash-woman out there behind the wash tub, you still be a masterpiece to God, when you can say, “I do that always which pleases God,” and the whole world can see the—the work of Jesus Christ reflecting in you.

Then at 12:30 P.M., let us join together in our homes to hear, The Perfection 57-0419.

Then let us rejoin together in prayer at 3:00 P.M. in commemoration of our Lord’s crucifixion.


Let us once again all unite in prayer at 9:00 A.M., and 12:00 P.M., and prepare our hearts for the great things He will do for us in our midst.

Lord! Please, Lord! Oh, I might sing too much. I might preach too much. I might shout too much. I might cry too much. But I’ll never pray too much. O God, search me and try me.

Was just speaking, a while ago, about the deep pools, how they reflect the stars; put a depth of Thy Spirit in us, Lord, as David the prophet said, “Lead me beside the still waters,” not the riffling waters. The still waters, lead me there, Lord. Get me quiet.

Then at 12:30 P.M., we will all come together to hear the WORD: The Entombment 57-0420.

What a RED LETTER DAY this is going to be for His Bride around the world.

Then let us rejoin together in prayer at 3:00 P.M..


What a perfect Day to hear and partake of the Restoration Of The Bride Tree. Let us first rise early like Brother Branham did the morning when his little friend, the robin, woke him up at 5:00 A.M.. Let us just thank the Lord for raising Jesus from the dead:

Five o'clock this morning, my little friend with a red breast flew up at the window and woke me up. Seemed like his little heart would burst, saying, "He is risen.”

At 9:00 A.M. let us join once again in our prayer chain, praying for each other and preparing ourselves to hear the Voice of God.

At 12:30 P.M. we will come together to hear our Easter Message: The Restoration Of The Bride Tree 62-0422.

After this service, let us once again unite in prayer, thanking Him for the WONDERFUL WEEKEND HE HAS GIVEN US WITH HIM AND WITH HIS BRIDE AROUND THE WORLD.

To my brothers and sisters overseas, like last year, I would like to invite you to unite with us for these events on Jeffersonville time, for all the prayer times on this schedule and for the tape played on Sunday afternoon. I realize, however, that playing the Tapes on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday afternoon at Jeffersonville time would be very difficult for most of you, so please feel free to play those Messages at whatever time of day is convenient for you. I would, however, like for us all to join together on Sunday at 12:30 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear our Sunday Message together.

I would also like to invite you and your children to be part of the Creations projects, journaling, and the YF quizzes, which your whole family can enjoy together. We think you will love them as they are all based upon the WORD we will be hearing this weekend.

For the weekend schedule, information on preparing for the Communion service, material that will be needed for the Creations projects, Easter Quizzes, and other information, see the links below.

It is such an honor for me to invite you and your family to come together with the Bride around the world for a weekend full of WORSHIP, PRAISE AND HEALING. I believe it truly is a weekend that will change your life forever.

Brother Joseph Branham



Service Audio

Below are the sermons for the Easter weekend. The Thursday Communion/Feet Washing Service is part of the download.

THURSDAY- 6:00 PM (local time)

The Communion (Special Communion & Feet Washing Service)
1 hour 28 minutes view service

FRIDAY - 12:30 PM (local time)

The Perfection
1 hour 16 minutes view service

SATURDAY- 12:30 PM (local time)

The Entombment
1 hour 4 minutes view service

SUNDAY- 12:30 PM (Jeffersonville time)

The Restoration Of The Bride Tree
3 hours 45 minutes view service
Saturday, April 1, 2023

Dear Word On Top Of Word,

Many churches are puzzled, perplexed, mystified, stumped, confounded, confused and even bewildered by what is taking place with these “Tape People” from around the world every Sunday.

It is The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ, sitting in the presence of the Son, ripening, making ourselves ready. Our Heavenly Bridegroom has been telling us all about our Future Home with Him.

Just a few weeks ago He told us: “This world is not your Home, it’s Satan’s Eden, and I will destroy it with fire. You are My sweetheart, whom I have chosen before the foundation of the world to be My Bride. Now, this Sunday I’m going to tell you all about My soon coming Rapture.”

We’re under such great expectation. We can feel it in the air. Things are taking place so quickly.

Just what the Bible said would happen in this day, it’s happening, day by day. Why, it’s cumulating so fast out there, in those deserts, and things taking place, that I couldn’t even keep up with it. We’re near the Coming of Jesus, to be united with His Church, where the Word becomes the Word.

This is all taking place for us, His Elected Lady, the Bride of this day. We are the only ones that see these things unfolding.

He has predestinated us to this age and no one else can take our place. We are now manifested sons and daughters so we can fellowship with Him; that’s what He wants.

WE ARE Word on top of Word, germ on top of germ, Life on top of Life, and the full stature of the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you have a need, speak It. You are the Word on top of Word. Don’t look at the gloominess in the world all around us; sickness, disease, murder, despair, the insanity of people that don’t know if they’re a man or a woman. WE ARE THE BRIDE, predestinated, justified, manifested Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Fear NOTHING. Be happy and rejoice. Time is at hand. We’re fixing to leave this pest house, GLORY!!!

Come get ready with us for The Rapture, Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time. You will never be the same.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Psalms 27:1-5


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Dear Elected Lady,

What would you give to have the Lord Jesus come into your home this Sunday, sit down on your couch, look you in your eyes and speak directly to you?

You couldn’t talk. You wouldn’t want to talk. All you would want to do is just look at Him and cry. You’d be afraid to even open your mouth. What could you say? In your mind you’d be thinking, Lord, I’m so unworthy for You to be here in my home. I am the lowest of the low. I have failed You so many times Lord, but Lord, I love You so much.

You would then realize in your heart, He knows exactly what I’m thinking, there is nothing hid from Him. He knows the very secrets of my heart.

As you look into His precious Eyes, you’d see such love and compassion. He would be speaking to you without even opening His mouth. You’d be thinking, He’s actually here, in my home, with me.

Your heart would begin racing even more, as you seen He was about to say something to you. All at once, the sweetest Voice you have ever heard would say, “My dear sweetheart, don’t worry, your name is on My Lamb’s Book of Life. Not the old book of your natural union, but My new Bride Book. It’s your marriage certificate with Me.

My dearest, you are not only forgiven of all your sins and failures, but to Me, you’re JUSTIFIED. In My Eyes, you have never done anything wrong.

You are My precious, virtuous, sinless son and daughter. You are standing pure; My unadulterated Bride that has been washed by the Water of My Own Blood.

Before there was even a moon, stars, or a molecule, you were My son and daughter. You are the physical manifestation of the attributes that was in Me at the beginning.

Your spiritual gene was in Me because you are an expression of My attributes, My thoughts. You were even in Me before the foundation of the world.

You are My spiritual Bride that has been laying in the Presence of the Son, ripening, by listening to My Word. Now you have begun to have a revival, coming back and lining yourself up with My Word. You are My Elected Lady Bride.

You are now having a spiritual union with Me. Your flesh is becoming Word, and the Word is becoming flesh; manifested and vindicated. Just what I told you would happen in this day, it’s happening, day by day. The Word becoming the Word.

You have the true Revelation for this last day: the gathering of My Bride together by This Message. No other age did I promise It. I promised It to you, in this age: Malachi 4, Luke 17:30, Saint John 14:12.

We are going to have a Thanksgiving Feast this Sunday when I will tell you even more. I will spend hours with you, fellowshipping and feasting upon My Word. I will reassure you that by staying with My Word, My prophet, My Voice, Pressing Play, you are in My perfect Will.

I told them in My Word, I’m standing at the door, and knocking. If any man hear My VOICE, and will open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. Many will not listen and open their door, but by Revelation, you have opened your door and welcomed Me in.

They do not agree with playing My Voice in their churches. If they would just let the Holy Spirit search their minds with the Word, they would agree. Let Christ, the anointed Word, search out your own conscience. Let Him get into you, see if That’s right or not.

I told you it would not be a denomination to bring you together, they can’t even agree on one or two Words in the Bible. Did I ever tell you it would be a group of men? No! I told you It was a ONE Man Message; and you listened and obeyed.

Because they would not listen and accept My original program from the beginning, I sent them preachers, teachers, apostles, pastors and prophets. But they were sent to point the people BACK to My original and perfect program, My mighty angel. For It is the Voice of God to you.


He is the one I sent to call you to be My Bride. He is the one to introduce you to Me. He is the one that I stood with as I showed him a preview of you, My Bride. I told you all about him in Revelations when I said, I Jesus have sent MINE ANGEL to testify unto you these things IN THE CHURCHES. It is ME, I’m just using his body and his voice to speak to you.”

What a wonderful day we are having together with Him. We have never been happier or more content in our lives. This is IT. This is what we’ve been waiting for all our lives.

There is not a shadow of doubt in our hearts or our minds. For with each Message we hear, He tells us we are in His perfect Will. There is only one Voice that will unite you, perfect you, and bring you together…Me, ME SPEAKING THROUGH MY PROPHET. NOT HIS WORDS, MY WORDS. IT’S MY PROVIDED WAY.

The Table is spread. It’s full of cabbages, and turnips, and radishes...WORD ON TOP OF WORD, ON TOP OF WORD. We’re going to have a Thanksgiving Feast like never before. There will be a jubilee around the world as the Bride gathers around their Tables to listen to the Voice of God speak to them. Our homes and churches will be filled with His presence. We will be speechless except for our Glories, Hallelujah’s, praise the Name of the Lord.

Come be a part of the Bride’s Family Thanksgiving Gathering, as He feeds us. Don’t be late, as we will start feasting Sunday, at exactly 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time. He will be there, for He told me He would.

I’M COMING and I will be telling you all about your Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ 65-1125.

I’ll see you there at the Table.

Bro. Joseph Branham

AKA: His Elected Lady



Saturday, March 18, 2023

Dear One In A Million,

I have been waiting for you so long. You are My darling sweetheart, and I love you so much. As I promised you, I have been making you a new Home where We will live together throughout Eternity. I’ve made everything exactly like you like them.

I can now look at you and see, you are the very reflection of Me. You have My very character, My flesh, My bones, My same Spirit, My same everything, just exactly. You have become one with Me.

I sent My mighty angel to earth to call you out of Satan’s Eden. I sent him so he could express My thoughts, My attributes, and tell you of the things that are to come. I used his mouth and his voice to express them by. After he said them, I brought them to pass, because Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word to you shall never fail.

I knew when you heard Me speak, using My angel’s voice, you would know deep within your heart, that wasn’t him, It was Me speaking to you. It was Me sending you a love letter, telling you, I have chosen you to be My sweetheart Bride.

In My eyes, there is no one like you. No one can take your place. You have stayed true and faithful to Me. When I look at you, My heart beams with joy.

When I told you, be very careful sweetheart, what you listen to, there will be many anointed ones using My Words, but they are false. You understood My warning by Revelation and stayed true and faithful to My Voice.

I was so proud when you prayed earnestly about what church you fellowship with. I told you to make the right choice, and gave you examples of what the perfect church is. You remembered when I said they all carry spirits, and chose the perfect church.

I even told you to be very careful who your pastor is. So you can just imagine how My heart leaped with joy when I saw you stayed with the pastor I sent to bring you to Me. You knew it was My Holy Spirit living in My prophet to lead you to Me.

I remember the day you were so happy, and so excited, when I called My angel up to a high place so I could show him a preview of you. We were standing there watching you as you marched to the tune of Onward Christian Soldiers in front of Us.

He loved how you were all dressed in your national garb from where you come from; like Switzerland, Germany, and from around the world. Each one in your long hair that was fixed so nice. Your skirts were down neatly. I was so proud and excited to show you all to him, so he could go back and encourage you and tell you he saw you There.

Every eye was on Us. When a few girls, in the back of the line, started looking around to other places, he screamed out, “Don’t do that! Don’t get out of step!”

When I told you I was storing up Food for you to feed upon, you knew exactly what I was talking about. You wanted to be My pure Word Virgin Bride. Never did I catch you flirting with anyone else. It was always Me, My Word. That made Me so happy.

I have chosen you, YOU, to be My Bride. I am so in love with you, just as you are in love with Me. Don’t be discouraged, be encouraged, be happy, rejoice, the day is quickly approaching when I shall be coming for you. What a wonderful time We will have.

To the rest of you, REPENT, the earth is belching. One day Los Angeles will be laying in the bottom of the sea, just as I told you it would be. My wrath is belching right beneath it. I will not hold that sandbar much longer. You will slide into the ocean a mile deep, plumb back to the Salton Sea. It’ll be worse than the last day of Pompeii.

I’m going to cleanse this earth with fire soon. I will kill everything on it and beneath it. You see what is taking place around the world, just as I told you. You see My Bride uniting together around My Word, just as I told you.

Now is the time. Now is the season. Prepare yourself!

The hour of His wrath is upon the earth. Flee while there’s time to flee, and come into Christ.



You are invited to come join us, a portion of His Bride, as we make ourselves ready for His Coming, by hearing God’s Voice speak to us and bring us the Message: The Choosing Of A Bride 65-0429E this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Genesis 24:12-14
Isaiah 53:2
Revelation 21:9