Archived Letters
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Dear Pure Beaten Gold,

How thankful I am to be united with each of you, getting into the Spirit and listening to God speak to us, lip to ear. There is just no end to what He is revealing to us. Our hearts are filled with joy. Our souls are bubbling over. How can one comprehend what we are hearing?

Just listen to what the Lord Himself is saying to us: “You are My true Church, My Bride. To Me, you are likened to PURE gold. Your righteousness is My righteousness. Your attributes are MY own glorious attributes. Your very identity is found in Me. What I AM, you are reflecting. What I HAVE, you are manifesting.

To ME, there is no fault in you, you are glorious within and without. From the beginning to the ending, you are My work…and all MY works are perfect.

You will never be in the judgment, because sin cannot be imputed to you. Even before the foundation of the earth, My purpose was to share My Eternal Life with YOU.

How can one grasp these Words? How can our minds comprehend what is taking place? What is being revealed? Think of it, we don’t need to cry in our heart and say, “Oh, that might have been back there in the first age when the apostles were first sent out.” There is NO need for us to look back, because of Him, who never changes either in essence or in His ways, is in our midst NOW, speaking to us and telling us He is the same yesterday, today and forever. This is the GREATEST time in the history of the world to be living.

We are beaten and purged, filled up with the sufferings that Christ left behind. We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. We are killed all the day long. We suffer much, but in it all, we retaliate not, neither do we cause others to suffer. To Him, we are pure beaten gold, not bowed, not broken, not destroyed, but formed as a thing of beauty and a joy forever by the trials and testings of this life.

He is now warning all others, “Get back to your First Love”. How careful they must be as you can’t change ONE WORD, not even a dot or a dash. That was the original trick of Satan in the Garden of Eden. Just a word added, just a Word taken away, then it is anti-Word.

In this last age he warns us there will be many false prophets appearing, telling the people that if they don’t believe them and what they say, you will be lost.

There is ONLY ONE WAY to be sure NOTHING has been added, nothing has been taken away, nothing has been changed… by listening to the pure VOICE OF GOD…PRESS PLAY.

Thank the Lord for the true, faithfully taught minister, that not only tells their sheep the importance of listening to the Message every day in their homes, but by being true leaders, placing This Message, This Voice, These Tapes, FIRST AND FOREMOST before the people in their churches.

By saying these things, I am misunderstood and accused of splitting churches and telling the people not to go to church. That is simply not true. The WORD is taking the people from these churches that are not placing the tapes FIRST in their churches. They are hungry to hear the Word from God’s Prophet. They feel IT is the most important Message and Voice they want to listen to. They feel It is God’s perfect Will to play the tapes in their church.

I have always told the people, “GO TO CHURCH”. When they ask: “Do you feel preachers can still preach?” “Yes.” I have never said or thought they shouldn’t. I simply tell the preachers, teachers, pastors, “Do what God called you to do, BUT PLEASE, place the very Voice of God on Tape FIRST, NOT YOUR MINISTRY”.

That is MY REVELATION. They must do as THEY FEEL LED TO DO. I have a right to preach and teach what I feel. If they want to say Brother Branham never said to Press Play in Church, the very Voice of God they claim they are following, that’s up to them.

The Holy Spirit is, and always has been, leading His Bride. We believe He is telling US, “PRESS PLAY, STAY WITH MY PROPHET, MY VOICE, MY HOLY SPIRIT.”

Well, we’ll have a showdown of it, then, like Elijah the prophet before this. And if you’re a child of God, you’ll stay with the prophet of this Bible. It’s the Word. Notice the hour, the season.

Who is the prophet of the Bible, The Word, the Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit is the Prophet of this hour; He vindicating His Word, proving It. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Moses’ hour. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Micaiah’s hour. The Holy Spirit, which wrote the Word, comes and confirms the Word.

The Holy Spirit of this hour is leading us by His prophet, as He has done in every age. God never changes His program.

Therefore, you are invited to come join us in what we feel is God’s Program by listening to the Holy Spirit speak through His prophet, and lead us as He brings us the Message: The Ephesian Church Age 60-1205, at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read in preparation for hearing the Message.

Acts 20:27-30
Revelation 2:1-7


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Dear Lovers Of The Word Of God,

How wonderful it is to be able to address each of you as Lovers of the Word of God. There is nothing that can take Its place. To have the opportunity to listen every day of our lives to our Lord, speaking to us through human lips, and telling us who He is and who WE ARE. There is no place, no voice, no church, and no man that can tell you these things like the VOICE OF GOD.

He told us the inspiration of the Word was on the tapes. All we have to do is Press Play and the Holy Spirit fills the room. Our messenger was drawing life, and light, from the resources of that main bowl. He had his wick dipped therein.

His life is on fire with the Holy Ghost. His wick (life) has been immersed in Christ. Through that wick he is drawing the very life of Christ, and by it, gives out light to us, the Bride.

Then He tells us not only is His mighty messenger’s wick there, but we are all drawing from the same source. We have all been dipped into the same bowl. We are dead to ourselves and our lives are hid with Christ in God, sealed in by the Holy Ghost.

No man can pluck us out of His hand. Our lives cannot be tampered with. The visible life is burning and shining in us, giving light and manifestations of the Holy Ghost. Our inner, invisible life is hidden in God and fed by the Lord’s Word. We have the Revelation of Jesus Christ in our day.

How the Word feeds our soul. There is nothing like It. How He has provided a way that the Bride, from around the world, can gather together to hear the Voice of God at the same time. No matter what the critics or the skeptics say, God has made a way and it is a sweet smelling savor to Him. He just told us that He’ll get us all together at the end of the third day. Glory!!

Let us all come together this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear the Voice of God bring us the Revelation of the Word as we hear: The Patmos Vision 60-1204E.

First, we must GET INTO THE SPIRIT as we are going to hear;

The voice that sounded forth His Word in the Garden of Eden and upon Mount Sinai, which voice was also heard in the excellent glory of the Mount of Transfiguration, was once again sounding forth, and this time to the seven churches with a complete and final revelation of Jesus Christ.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read in preparation for hearing the Message.

Remember to read and hear The Seven Church Age book.

Isaiah 28:8-12
Daniel 7:8-14
Zechariah 4:1-6
Malachi 4:1-2, 4:5
St. Matthew 11:28-29, 17:1-2
St. John 5:22
Hebrews 4:3-4, 4:7-10, 4:12
Revelation 1:9-20, 19:11-15


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Dear Bride Tree,

What a jubilee the Bride Tree is having. Our heart and souls are burning within us like never before. He is walking and talking with us, revealing His Word. Things are happening so fast we can hardly keep up with It.

We’re hearing the perfect Word of God made manifest by the perfect Prophet Tree, preaching the perfect Prophet Word, bringing forth the perfect Prophet fruit, by the perfect Word of God.

Everything that was destroyed and eaten by the four messengers of death that killed the Tree, has now been restored again by four messengers of Life. Not FIVE messengers, not five-fold messengers, not a group; FOUR messengers have restored the Bride Tree.

Since the beginning of time, God has waited for this day and season to come to pass so He could see His fruit, in His time, by the prophet’s season. We are that Fruit. This is the season. Harvest time has come.

This Easter Weekend was like no other Easter anyone has ever experienced. We will never be the same. Such a presence of the Lord. I was waiting for the Rapture to take place at any second.

In the Bible, David spoke these Words: They pierced my hands and feet. I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

The people had read and heard that passage for hundreds of years, but when Jesus was hanging there before their eyes on the cross, the Bride must have looked at Him and realized, This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled before our very eyes.

What they must have felt like when they realized they were seeing, with their eyes, that Scripture being fulfilled, and they were part of the written Word.

That is us NOW. We are living in the days that all the final Scriptures are being fulfilled before our very eyes; and we are part of that Scripture.

He is moving right amongst us. It is the end of the third day. He has appeared and showed us His resurrection sign. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We are the living fruits of His Presence. He has been manifested and is appearing to all of us, His Church.


The prophet has been taken from this earth, but the Holy Spirit is on the tapes, and is going across the nations and around the world. IT IS THE LIVE MINISTRY OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. He is getting His Bride all together by the only thing that can, and will: His Word. His Voice. PRESSING PLAY!

This Day, This Scripture, Is Fulfilled.

He is the Bridegroom Tree from the Garden of Eden. But the Bridegroom Tree without the Female, can’t bear fruit; He’s got to have a Bride Tree. That is YOU. You were born of the same material. The Word has been made flesh in YOU. The same Life that is in the Bridegroom is now in YOU.

The Bride shouts: Hallelujah, Amen, Glory!!

What does He have in store for us next?

The reason for this special time was that we would…Upon my heart the Holy Spirit had laid this warning of conviction, that, “The Church in this day should have this Message.” Because, I believe that it is the most outstanding Messages of the Bible, because it reveals Christ in His Church at this time.

Thus, the Bride will be gathering this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: The Revelation Of Jesus Christ 60-1204M.

I’d like to encourage you to hear, or read, each week from the Church Age Book, the chapter we have heard each Sunday. We will be posting the English audio on the Lifeline - Voice Radio each day at different times, but feel free to read, hear and study it all week long at any time.

Let us rejoice and be happy. Don’t focus on this world and the sin and despair all around us. Let us celebrate all that He is doing for us each day.

In the days of Moses, I’m sure the people kept asking Moses, “When do we leave this place? When do we get out of here?”

I can just hear Moses calm the people and say:

“When God is ready. But for now, enjoy all He is doing for YOU”.

Do you have frogs in your house? NO.
Do you have locus’ eating your plants? NO.
Do you have bloody water to drink? NO. You’re drinking fresh artesian water. Just set back and enjoy all He is doing and revealing to you.

It’s death, destructions and judgment for them. But for you, these are the greatest days on earth. Have joy, peace and happiness. Just praise the Lord for all He is doing, and look forward to what He is going to do next.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Sunday, April 9, 2023

Dear Bride, let us all gather together today and hear the Message The Restoration Of The Bride Tree 62-0422. It will be playing on the Voice Radio at 12:30pm, Jeffersonville time.

Brother Joseph Branham


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Dear Bride, let us all gather together today and hear the Message The Entombment 57-0420. It will be playing on the Voice Radio at 12:30pm, Jeffersonville time, but for those overseas, feel free to listen at whatever time fits your family's schedule.

Brother Joseph Branham