Dear Earthly Bride,
Malachi 4 is God’s Word, and It has brought forth of its kind, US, His Bride. It is the Holy Ghost, the Person of Jesus Christ, in action, established in our hearts. We are quickened to EVERY Word He spoke, for “My sheep hear My Voice; a stranger they won’t follow.”
How wonderful have these last months been, following the prophet in Jeffersonville. God has been speaking through His mighty angel and feeding us with His stored up Food from His ONE LITTLE STOREHOUSE in all the country. It is Hidden Manna, just for His Bride.
With each Message we hear, we fellowship and rejoice with each other; “I know I have heard these Messages so many times before, but NEVER have I heard them like now”. It’s truly a fountain of Living Water bubbling up inside of us. We can hardly contain ourselves. It’s all we want to talk about. We have never been surer in our lives, who we are and where we are going.
There is no more wondering:
“I just don’t know. I’ve done so many terrible things in my life. I’ve failed the Lord so many times. It seems like I ALWAYS mess up.”
No more hoping:
“I really hope I’m a child of God. I WANT to be. I pray I am.”
Those days are ALL OVER. Now WE KNOW. Glory to God!!
How do we know? God has been speaking directly to us by His Voice on the tapes, telling us over and over, “I am in you, you are in Me. We are ONE. I chose YOU before the foundation of the world. You are flesh of My Flesh, bone of My Bone”.
What a perfect Message God spoke to us on Sunday to tell us all about how this world we are living in is not ours, it’s Satan’s Eden. How he deceived Eve in the beginning to question and doubt just ONE WORD. She took off God’s Holy Veil, and put on a veil of knowledge, then her eyes were opened and she knew she was naked.
Satan perverted the original Word, and now has blinded her that she is still naked and don’t know it. She has become Satan’s queen and this earth is her Eden kingdom.
Sunday, our Heavenly Bridegroom wants to remind His earthly Bride where our Future Home is and what It will be like. “Dear sweetheart, now that I have told you all about this world and how it’s Satan’s Eden, I want to tell you ONCE AGAIN about YOUR Future Home with Me.
I want to tell you in great detail. I know you’ve heard Me tell you about It many times, but just wait, this time it’s going to be like you’ve never heard Me tell you before.
I want to go into great detail. I want to reveal to you you’re in My perfect Will by staying with My Word and My prophet. I want to give you a type of what you are doing today as a perfect type of the new City you will be living in.
We’re really going to get into something. I will be dropping you a little something; I know you’ll catch It. You will be living in that City with Me. My prophet will live next door to you. He will be your neighbor. You’ll walk up those streets of gold and drink from My Fountain. You’ll be walking into the paradises of God, with Angels hovering and singing the anthems.
You’ll be the jewels in My prophet’s crown. You will outshine everything in the world, at that Day. There is so much I want to reveal to you on Sunday. What a wonderful day we will have together”.
He has so much in store for us in the next few weeks, if He doesn’t come and get us before then. Week after week, telling us, who we are, where we are going, what It will be like over There. He will be leading us up to the most glorious Easter week we have ever had, filled with nothing but praising and worshipping Him.
What an exciting time. We’re seeing prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. We see the Word being manifested IN US. His Coming could be at any moment. We are standing at the door with the bouquet in our hands. We can hear the horses galloping and the sand rolling under the wheels.
The old buckboard will be stopped pretty soon. We’ll jump out the door of this old body and fly into His arms. He’ll look at us and say, “It’s all over now, honey, I’ll take you now to your Future Home.”
You are invited to be part of the greatest days the world has ever seen. Eaglets will be gathering from around the world to hear the Voice of God speak to His Bride and tell her all about: The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride 64-0802, at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Reminder: Don’t forget about Daylight Savings Time.
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
St. Matthew 19:28
St. John 14: 1-3
Ephesians 1:10
2 Peter 2:5-6 / 3rd Chapter
Revelations 2:7 / 6:14 / 21:1-14
Leviticus 23:36
Isaiah 4th Chapter / 28:10 / 65:17-25
Malachi 3:6
My Dear Children,
You are an attribute of Me, your Heavenly Father. You were in Me from the beginning. You don’t remember it now, but you were there with Me. I so longed to know you because I wanted to contact you, speak with you, love you, and shake your hands.
As My child, you are a part of Me, made flesh, just like I was made flesh, so we can have fellowship one with the other as a family of God upon the earth. That was My purpose and what I wanted from the beginning.
I made a Garden of Eden for you so we could fellowship, but My enemy slipped in with deceit, and took this world over by misinterpreting My program to you.
It is a treacherous hour that you are living in, but it is also the most glorious time of all the ages, because you are now facing the great Millennium again; you’re facing Eden again.
My Spirit is not something that is schooled into you. It’s something that I predestinated by My foreknowledge into you by My mighty hand. Now My last call is going out to catch My Bride; “Come out from among them, be ye separated”.
Today they don’t try to establish My Word in the peoples’ hearts, they are trying to establish themselves. Churches are trying to establish the doctrine of the church in a person’s heart. Every man saying, “I did this. Me, I, mine, my denomination, me, this.” They are establishing themselves and not My Word which is spoken through My prophet.
You don’t have to understand everything I say, you just have to believe It because I said so, and that settles it forever.
My Holy Spirit is in action in you. It’s a Life in you, not an emotion; not some sort of a fleshly evidence, but It is a Person, ME, Jesus Christ, the Word of God, established in your heart, and It quickens every Word of this age. It’s My Holy Spirit in action in you according to the Word.
My first bride failed by listening to Satan’s reasoning, but I have redeemed you by Myself, which is the Word made flesh. YOU WILL NOT FAIL ME. You are My virgin Word Bride that will not listen to Satan’s reasoning. You will stay with My Word.
After the Millennium is over, then there will be an established Eden again; My great Kingdom will be taken back. I fought it out with Satan in the garden of Gethsemane, and won back My Eden. Now I have gone to prepare your New Eden in Heaven. I will be returning for you again very soon, so let not your hearts be troubled.
There will be no more sea, for the first heaven and first earth will pass away. I will renovate it with a Fire baptism that’ll kill every germ, every sickness, every disease, and every filthy thing that was ever on the earth.
She’ll burst forth, and there will come a New Earth. This first heaven and first earth will pass away. There will be a New Jerusalem descending from Me out of Heaven. There I will be with you, My true attributes, My sons and daughters. We will fellowship in holiness, with your eyes blinded to any sin.
I have come again unto you as I promised you I would. I have kept My Word to you. I have had My Word recorded on magnetic tape so there will be no misunderstanding, no question, just My pure Word for you; for It is Thus Saith The Lord.
Keep your conscience pure. Keep your hearts veiled. Keep your eyes veiled from the things of the world to become some big somebody.
Never forget, I will turn at the west and ride back again, one of these days. Until then, take My Name with you; It will joy and comfort give you, take It, everywhere you go, by pressing play.
Don’t compromise on one Word. My Word on tape needs no interpretation. You are part of Me, My attribute. This world is Satan’s Eden, but I have made you a New Eden where we will spend eternity together. Until then, unite around My Word. Love one another.
Come unite with the Branham Tabernacle this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and hear Me speak through My chosen prophet and reveal My Word as you hear; Satan’s Eden 65-0829.
On His behalf,
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
2 Timothy 3:1-9Revelation 3:14
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
Isaiah 14:12-14
Matthew 24:24
Associated Services
Dear Brother Branham’s Congregation,
I would like to invite the world to join us on the hook up this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we Eagles gather together every two hundred square miles in one of the prophet’s churches. We will hear God speaking through His seventh angel messenger and tell us:
This Message, and all other of the Messages that I speak on, is directed to my congregation. It’s not for your congregation unless they want to receive It. But It’s directed to this people here.
He is talking to us, GLORY, his congregation. Not you that say, “Brother Branham is the prophet, but he is not my pastor. Our pastor says playing tapes in church is not according to the Word for today.” “Our pastor tells us we must listen to him. According to the Word, he is leading us by the Holy Spirit now.”
The prophet addressed you and your pastor.
To any ministers at any place, any time, this is not directed in disregards to your teachings, this is not even directed to your sheep.
We don’t want to fuss with you brothers and sisters. We understand, It’s not directed to you, but to us, who believe the Holy Spirit has placed His seventh angel messenger to be our pastor and lead us, His church. We believe playing the tapes is the ONLY TRUE WAY. You are correct and doing what the prophet told YOU to do:
And I always refer to them, if they’re a member of some church, “See your pastor.”
You must do as your pastor says.
Then the prophet tells your pastor once again, just to make sure he understands.
Now, pastor, I want you to know that, that, this is only to my congregation I speak these things. And I have a right to do that, because I been set by the Holy Spirit to watch over these sheep.
He has been sent to watch over us, his sheep; the ones God has placed in HIS CARE. The Holy Spirit is our pastor as He speaks to us and leads us every day by His vindicated Voice.
This is what the Lord is leading us to do. We are not against you or your pastor, or how you feel led of the Lord to do. Each person must do as they feel the Lord is leading them to do according to the Word.
We have one filter, THIS MESSAGE. Everything we hear must go through that filter. The Voice we hear on the tapes is the only Voice we have 100% confidence in to be Thus Saith The Lord.
Do you believe that that anointing on those people means that it’s the anointing of the Holy Spirit?” Yes, sir, the genuine Holy Spirit of God upon a person, and yet they are false.
Our eternal destination depends on what HE SAID ON TAPE, not what any other man or group of men say. Thus, we cannot, and will not hear any other. How can anyone take a chance?
Come assemble yourselves with us even more so as you see the day approaching.
The people can set right in their homes or their…gather in their places, their churches, and so forth, and hear the service.
That, my friends, according to the prophet of God, not some man’s interpretation of what the Bible says, is assembling ourselves together around the Word even more so as we see the day approaching.
What good is the ark without God? It’s just a wooden box, couple tables of stone.
Come assemble with us as we listen to God’s provided filter, as He brings us the Message: A Thinking Man’s Filter 65-0822E.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Check what you’re fighting for. Check what you’re here for. Check what you go to church for. What makes you...It’s good to go to church, but just don’t go to church only; that won’t save you.
Associated Services
My Little Flock,
Greetings to you and you on this telephone system, which is very, very fine. I’m so thankful to the Lord you can set right in your homes, gather in your places, your churches, and hear the service. Wherever my voice is coming, may that little group be blessed.
Today, I want to write you a little love letter from my heart to encourage you. You are the ones God chose to be His Bride before the foundation of the world; you listening to these tapes. I have told you so many times, these tapes are only for you, you are my congregation. I’m not responsible for what God gave other ministers to shepherd; I’m only responsible for what kind of Food I feed you. These tapes are for you, my tabernacle only, what God has given to me to pastor. It’s hidden Manna, the other can’t take It.
Now, if some people want to hybreed food and stuff out there, let them get the revelation from God and do what God tells them to do, feed on whatever they wish to. I’ll do the same thing. But these Messages are only for you.
I’m trying my best to stay right with the Word, for you that’s been put in my hands from God, ’cause sheep want sheep food. “My sheep hear My Voice.” And that’s what we live by, every Word that proceedeth. Not just a Word now and then, but every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. That’s what you saints live by.
Everyone has to have something that they hold to. Something has to be a tie post, in other words, an ultimate. And everyone must have an ultimate or an absolute. To me, and to the ones that I hope that I’m leading to Christ, and by Christ, the Bible is our ultimate.
Now, we realize that God sent us His prophets. That is the way He has of bringing His Word to the people, through the lips of His prophet. Now in this last days, He has promised to manifest Himself in the fullness again, of His flesh, in Spirit. It’s God Himself in letter form, prophet form, manifested in flesh.
I must live constantly in the Presence of the Author with my pen ready at any time to strike down whatever He says. I have my mind set on His thoughts; not what man thinks, what the age thinks, what the church thinks, what the kingdom thinks. Only God’s thoughts! I only express God’s thoughts to Word.
When God reveals His thoughts to me, I express it in Word to you on tape, “THUS SAITH THE LORD.” It’s not, “Thus Saith me.” It’s, “THUS SAITH THE LORD!” I can only interpret It as the Author will permit me to interpret to you; for It is the infallible Word of God.
There are many others who try to impersonate me, like priests, and so forth. And what do they do? Just mess up, that’s all. They couldn’t do it. God sent me, His prophet, to lead His Bride; not another man, or not a group of men.
The words that I say, and the way I act, will blind others, but open others’ eyes. He dressed me in the type of dress that I would wear, my nature, my ambition, everything just the way I have to be. He perfectly selected me for you. Others would stand and look and say, “Well, I can’t. There’s…I—I can’t see.” They are blinded.
He will reveal to whom He will reveal It. He is so designed that He can hide Himself in the Scripture, to the smartest theologian there is. He can just hide Himself, set right there in the Scripture, and they can look all day long and never see it; look a lifetime, and never see it. He can just hide Himself, setting there.
What matters now is those who obtain the Message in their hearts, must lay in the Presence of the Son, to get ripened. Press Play and then let the Son bake all the greenness out of you, making you matured Christians.
When he come the first time, he was a man. When he come the second time; with a double portion, he was a man. When he come in the form of John the Baptist, he was a man. He promised to come this day and live and reveal Himself once again in a man; the Son of man living in human flesh.
We are now in the Eye age, prophetic, of Malachi 4. There’s nothing else left for it to come but He Himself to step into that, ’cause that’s the last thing there is.
Listen my little lambs, you that God has given me to pastor. The hour is late. He is coming soon for you, His Bride. Stay with them tapes, it needs no interpretation.
I invite you little Eagles to come unite with me with the only thing that will bring His Bride together this Sunday, at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time. You will hear Thus Saith The Lord as God speaks through me and reveals: Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word 65-0822M.
Brother Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
Exodus 4:10-12
Isaiah 53:1-5
Jeremiah 1:4-9
Malachi 4:5
St. Luke 17:30
St. John 1:1 / 1:14 / 7:1-3 / 14:12 / 15:24 / 16:13
Galatians 1:8
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Hebrews 1:1-3 / 4:12 / 13:8
2 Peter 1:20-21
Revelation 1:1-3 / 10:1-7 / 22:18-19
Associated Services
Dear Awaiting Bride,
And I know that, after my going away from this earth, them tapes and them books will be living on, and many of you young children will find, in the days to come, that this is exactly the Truth, because I speak it in the Name of the Lord.
Come gather with us Eagles, Sunday at 12:00 P.M. Jeffersonville time, as we hear 65-0815 - And Knoweth It Not.
Bro. Joseph Branham