Archived Letters
Saturday, July 8, 2023

Dear Peculiar People, Odd, Strange, Spiritual Priesthood, Royal Nation,

What a glorious time He has been giving to His Bride, revealing His Word like never before. Each Message we hear seems like we have never heard It before. Our hearts and souls are full of joy as we feast upon Fresh Manna coming down from Heaven. It feels like a preview of our soon coming Wedding Supper as He feeds us Revelation after Revelation.

We are offering spiritual sacrifices to God, by the fruits of our lips, giving praise to His Name. We have taken our position like the stars of the heavens.

He has united us together in heavenly places, pouring out His Holy Spirit upon us, getting us ready for His soon Coming. It’s all we can think about. It’s all we have on our minds. All we want to do is HEAR THE WORD. He is telling us over and over we are His Bride. This is His Perfect Will by staying with His provided Way.

We are soldiers in His Tape Ministry Division, and we are so proud of it. It is a badge of honor. We want to shout it out and tell the world, YES, WE ARE ONE OF THEM.

He has provided stored up Food for us to feed upon. The very Manna of God Himself speaking to His Bride, letting us know we are in His army.

We are gathering under the great canopy of heaven in such harmony, that the Holy Spirit has placed every member of the Body till there are spontaneous healings of both soul and body.

We take the Word of God and defeat the devil and his power. We chop him to ribbons with that Word. Our Chief Captain told us: “You are the Word. Don’t be afraid. Walk right up to the devil and say, ‘IT IS WRITTEN.’”

He has selected us to be His soldiers. We have been in training, fortified with His Word. We are now dressed and ready for fighting. Our 5 Star General has commanded us what to do: Stay right with My tape teaching.

And you be sure, just say just what the tape says. Don’t say nothing else. See? Cause, I don’t say That of my own. It’s Him that says It, you see. And so many times, confusion, people raise up and say, “Well, So-and-so said It meant so-and-so.” Just—just leave It the way It is.

It’s not what William Branham is saying to us on the tapes, It’s what GOD is saying to His Bride on tapes. These are His ORDERS. There is only one way to obey these orders from your 5 Star General and leave It the way It is, PRESS PLAY.

We are in God’s army, thus we must obey our orders Word for Word. We’re moving forward. We’re men of valor, men of faith, men of power, men of understanding, men of Revelation.

We are becoming in perfect fellowship with the Father again, standing on the other side of the chasm, with no remembrance of sin against us. His restored Adam.

It is God in simplicity once again. It’s not for everyone, only His Bride, and we see It clearly and in plain view.

I am under great anticipation to hear the Seven Seals once again. He will be revealing His Word to us like never before. We will be receiving a greater Revelation of His Word.

He has waited until this day to reveal more to us. All we have need of has been recorded and is available for us to hear with just a touch of our finger.

This Message is those Seven Thunders that will perfect the Bride; for ALL THE MYSTERIES OF GOD WILL BE REVEALED BY OUR 7TH ANGEL MESSENGER TO THE BRIDE.

This is the most glorious time in the history of the world. We are on the verge of His Coming for His Bride. The world is expecting all these things that was spoken in the Scriptures; like the sun going down in the middle of the day and all kinds of things to happen. But it’s already passed, and they didn’t know it.

Remember, it’s sealed with them Seven mysterious Thunders. See?

Great things are going to take place as we gather once again to hear God Thunder and reveal more to His Bride on the Seven Seals.

I invite you to join us at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we begin this great series with the Message: 63-0317M God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Then Revealing Himself In The Same.

As Brother Branham rededicates the Branham Tabernacle and the people to God, let us rededicate ourselves, our homes, our churches, or wherever we are gathered, to Him.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read in preparation for hearing the Message.

1 Chronicles 17:1-8
Isaiah 35:8 / 40:1-5 / 53:1
Malachi 3rd Chapter
St. Matthew 11:10, 11:25-26
St. John 14:1-6
1 Corinthians 13th Chapter
Revelation 21st Chapter


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Dear Tape Ministry Special Forces,

Let us unite together for a great climax to the wonderful weekend of training we have had, as we hear our 5-Star General speak through His chosen earthly angel and instruct us how to fight and win The Greatest Battle Ever Fought 62-0311.

Where: Headquarters (Throne Of God)


Bro. Joseph Branham



Saturday, June 24, 2023

Dear Word-By-Word Bride,

No prophet, no apostle, never, in no time, ever lived in such a time as we live now. This is the end. The Pillar of Fire has returned back. The Pillar of Fire that led the children of Israel; the same One that struck down Saul on his road down to Damascus. The same One has come with the same Power, doing the same things, and revealing the same Word, staying Word-by-Word with the Bible!

All of the hidden mysteries were revealed to him. Did you notice, ALL the mysteries. Nothing new, nothing left out, nothing is going to be revealed from anyone else; ALL were revealed to His seventh angel messenger and have been given to US, His Bride, on Tape.

It’s ALL the Bride has need of; NOTICE AGAIN, ALL THE BRIDE HAS NEED OF. Others need other things, and that is given to them. But what we need has been recorded and given to us on Tape and IT is giving us Rapturing FAITH.

We are the church that the Lord God gave him. This is His headquarters. Here is where He told us to stay. Not a building, THE TAPES. We are that group of people that believe, and are hungry and holding on to every Word. He told us to stay here and look upon the White Stone, Granite, WORD ON THE TAPES.

A Voice from Heaven spoke to him and said, “Bring in Food. Store It in. That’s the only way to keep them here, is give them Food”. He didn’t say look for something else, or that there would be new revelations coming from someone else; look upon THIS STORED-UP FOOD ON TAPE, STAY THERE.

But just like they did in all the dreams He revealed, some took out that way; some took one way, and some another. A very few stayed and looked on to what HE had told them.

Now compare even that with the others, the dreams. This was a vision. The Food, here It is. This is the place.

He could not be any clearer to His Bride than that. This was a vision, not a dream, a VISION. The Food is here: THE TAPES. This is the place: THE TAPES. We are doing exactly what he told us to do: Listen to THE TAPES!

It takes a Spiritual Revelation to understand these things. It’s going to take Spiritual Revelation to believe and understand all He is going to say to us this Sunday. It will be a glorious time for the Bride.

There are so many things God is telling and revealing to us on this Message. I want to copy quote after quote and give It to you, but I know He’ll reveal each Nugget to you because this is who He said you were:

This is the church that the Lord God gave me. Here is my headquarters. Here is where I stay...there’s a group of people here that believe, and are hungry and holding on.

We are that group that are hungry and holding on. Many misunderstand and make fun of us, but that’s alright, we love and pray for them; but we only want ONE VOICE to lead us.

Forgive me, but I’ve got to give you this quote.

“When he begins to sound, the mystery will be finished.” Now, note, then it’s time for the Seven Seal voices, of Revelation 10, to be revealed. Do you understand? When all the mysteries of the Book has completed! And the Bible said, here, that he would finish the mysteries.

Who would finish the mysteries? Your pastor? A group? Me? The Seventh Angel Messenger: William Marrion Branham. No one before, during, or after him. HE WOULD FINISH THE MYSTERIES.

It may be the end time. It may be time for the rainbows to sweep across the sky, and an announcement from the heavens, saying, “Time is no more.” If it is, let’s prepare ourselves, friends, to meet our God.

Yes Lord, we want to be prepared to meet You. We want to do all we can. We want to be in Your perfect Will. Please tell us Father, what we should do to be prepared?

There’s been plenty of Food laid in now. Let’s make use of It. Let’s make use of It now.

Thank You Father for the Food You laid in for Your Bride and the Revelation of It. We are making use of It daily.

I pray for forgiveness of my little church here, that You sent me down to—to—to—to lead and to guide. Bless them, Lord. I did according to what the visions and dreams and things has said, so, the best of my knowledge. I’ve laid in all the Food that I know how, for them, Lord. Whatever it is, Lord, we are Yours.

Thank You Lord, You told us once again, You’ve laid in all the Food we need for our journey.

I can’t hardly wait to hear, Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir? 62-1230E, with each of you Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time. I know things will be revealed to us like never before. This could be the last time we hear It.

What if it is something to let us know how to enter into the Rapturing Faith? Is it? Will we run, leap over walls? And is there something fixing to happen, and these old, marred, vile bodies are going to be changed? Can I live to see it, O Lord? Is it so close that I’ll see it? Is this the generation? Sirs, my brethren, what time is it? Where are we at?

Bro. Joseph Branham



Saturday, June 17, 2023

Dear Infallible Word Believers,

How wonderful it has been hearing and reading these Seven Church Ages. With each Message we hear, each chapter we read, He is giving us more Revelation. We clearly see ourselves coming down through each Church age...His Bride, who stayed with the original Word.

Throughout the ages we clearly see the two spirits; Satan’s deceitfulness and lies, twisting God’s Word around, deceiving, corrupting and conquering the people. But all the time there was God’s little faithful group of people, His Bride, holding on to every Word.

There is always one constant warning given to the people, you must STAY WITH THE WORD. The second you get from behind that Word, you’re caught in Satan’s great web; like Eve did from the beginning. She failed to use the Word. Adam failed in direct disobedience to the Word. But Jesus, in His own personal Life, contending with Himself, overcame by obedience to the Word of God.

He said if we wish to sit in His throne, we must be that living Word. Our prayers, fasting, or even our repentances will not gain us that privilege. It will be granted only to the WORD Bride.

There is so much I’d like to say, and quotes I’d love to share with each one of you; it’s endless. I know This Message is burning in each one of your hearts and you love every Word, just like I do. All we want to do is talk and fellowship about It. We want the world to know: Yes, we are tape people. Yes, we Press Play. Yes, we believe the Voice on the tapes is what is going to perfect the Bride. Yes, the tapes will unite the Bride. Yes, Pressing Play is God’s Perfect Will. Yes, I am His Bride.

I know I am repeating myself from many letters, but I am so happy, so thankful, so sure... it’s just unquestionable, this is God’s Program for His Bride.

With each Message we hear, we wonder in amazement, how can they not see, read or hear what we are hearing? It’s right there, on tape, after tape, after tape. It makes me feel like saying to them like Jesus said to Nicodemus: “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?”

Just listen to how simple the angel makes it.

On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together.

On human behavior ALONE, no spiritual understanding needed, everyone knows two men will have divided opinions on LESSER POINTS of a major doctrine.

They might all agree and say if the people don’t do what they say, or if they leave them, then destruction will follow. But a true prophet will always lead one to the Word and bind the people to Jesus Christ and he won’t tell the people to fear him or what he says, but to fear what the Word says.

What does the Word say? I will send you Elijah the prophet. In the days of the VOICE. There will be ONE Word prophet...just ONE...because God has committed the Revelation to ONLY THAT ONE. He will be the one to restore My Bride.

With so many voices and so many opinions and quotes, how can one be FOR SURE?

Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride?

That’s who the Bride wants to listen to, the one with the power of infallibility; for he will be the one to RESTORE the Bride. He will not have divided opinions, He is the Word.

Question: Lord, we want to know, who is that person that will have the Words of infallibility?

I will tell you who will have it. It will be a prophet as thoroughly vindicated, or even more thoroughly vindicated than was any prophet in all the ages from Enoch to this day, because this man will of necessity have the capstone prophetic ministry, and God will shew him forth. He won’t need to speak for himself, God will speak for him by the Voice of the sign. Amen.

Answer: William Marrion Branham.

Let me encourage you today Elected Bride. YOU CAN NOT, AND YOU WILL NOT, BE FOOLED. Did you get that? There isn’t any man can fool you. Paul could not fool any elect, had he been wrong. Even in the first church age of Ephesus, the elect could not be fooled. They tried the false apostles and prophets and found them to be liars and put them out.

GLORY are HIS sheep and you hear His Voice and you follow HIM. YOU ARE THE LIVING WORD BRIDE!!

There is simply nothing greater than to know these Words. To know in your heart and soul, you are His Bride. The days the world has been waiting for has arrived. The Bride is recognizing Herself and is becoming ONE WITH HIM; we are GOD’S NEW CREATION.

Once again I plead with you, HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD on Sunday, wherever you assemble. It doesn’t matter what Message you hear as long as you are hearing God’s vindicated Voice. That Voice was the Voice that God called and chose to restore and gather His Bride.

To all churches, all people, you are invited to listen with us this Sunday at 12:00P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: The Laodicean Church Age 60-1211E.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Saturday, June 10, 2023

Dear Manna Lovers,

We’re happy because we can eat Food that doesn’t have a bone or a seed in It. Wafers coming down from Heaven, called “Manna,” cover all over with the sweetness of Heaven.

By Spiritual Revelation, He has revealed to us there is only one place we can get this Fresh Manna with no seeds: by hearing the Voice of God He has provided for His Bride.

It is His constant plea in each age that the churches listen to the Voice of the Lord. In this last age, His plea is even more insistent than any other age; for this is the day of the Coming of the Lord. He has warned us, with all urgency, that we must hear His true, vindicated Voice.

Oh, there are so many voices in the world — so many problems and needs crying for attention; but there will never be a voice so important and so worth attending as the voice of the Spirit. So, “He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

There it is, His warning to the churches, how important it is to hear the VOICE of the Spirit. Surely that is where the enemy will attack, trying to keep the importance of hearing THAT VOICE from the people.

He tells us there are MANY VOICES. There are many problems and needs, crying for attention, but never forget, you must hear HIS VINDICATED VOICE.

If I offended you by saying that, forgive me, but, I felt that might been resented, but, I am God’s Voice to you.

There’s the answer: I AM GOD’S VOICE TO YOU.

It’s so clear to His Bride. It’s not hidden, It’s right there in plain view; anyone can read It. I’m not telling the people something He didn’t say…I’m not making it up. He tells us clearly what is the most important thing we must do. The perfect will of God is to HEAR HIS VOICE AND HE IS GOD’S VOICE TO US.

Brothers and sisters, I’m not saying you can’t hear your pastors. I’m not saying they are false or wrong if they minister. Clearly the Lord has placed us here to be a help to the Bride and point you BACK to the original Word; to place that Voice before you as the most important you can hear. We are to get BACK to God’s PERFECT WILL. The fully restored Adam, fortified behind the Word. God spoke each day lip to ear to Adam in the Garden, and today, He is doing the same thing.

We should be standing in the breach and saying, “We are brothers!” We are not divided, All one Body we; One in hope and Doctrine, (The Doctrine of the Bible.)

We are brothers. I’m not trying to divide the Churches, I’m trying to bring us together with the ONLY thing that can bring the Bride together. We can’t all agree with ANY ONE, OR GROUP OF MINISTERS; they’re all different, and say different things. There is only ONE seventh angel messenger. There is only ONE Voice of God. The Voice that God has provided for His Bride on tape.

I’ll be clear. My Revelation is: Listening to the Voice of God on tape IS GOD’S PERFECT WILL.

Like in the days of Samuel, when the people approached him and told him they wanted a king to rule over them. It grieved his heart. He went to God and told Him what they wanted. God told Samuel, they haven’t rejected you, Samuel, they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them.

How was He reigning over them? BY HIS PROPHET, SAMUEL. That was His PERFECT WILL, and they rejected him. To be His Bride you must get BACK to God’s Perfect Will. You can’t have 2 PERFECT WILLS.

How I would love for the whole Bride to come together from around the world to hear the Voice of God all at the same time. Not because “I” am saying it, but because God is DOING IT. It’s the only thing to bring His Bride together.

I invite you to come listen with a portion of the Bride, Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear: The Ten Virgins, And The Hundred And Forty-Four Thousand Jews 60-1211M.

If you can’t join us, encourage your pastor to listen to the Voice of God this Sunday morning in your church. Can you imagine, the Bride around the world, in each church, each home, or wherever you are at, hearing Fresh Manna cover all over with the sweetness of Heaven.

Bro. Joseph Branham