Brothers and Sisters,
Like you, I am so thankful for such a WONDERFUL evening of Silent Prayer we had with Him yesterday at the Tabernacle. About 1,000 people signed up on the App and was able to come at their scheduled time...PRAISE THE LORD. As I was telling my wife after our prayer service, knowing how many times the Pillar of Fire came down in that little building, and knowing how the mysteries of God were revealed there like never before in history, I was just awe took my breath away. I told her in all the world, there is no place I’d rather be than right there. Thank you Lord Jesus for preserving that very special Church in which You did mighty, wonderful works through the ministry of your seventh Angel. There is just no place like it in the world.
I would like to thank each of you for cooperating so well with the scheduling, and for being so reverent and quiet while coming in and leaving the Tabernacle. It is so special to me to see how much you respect and cherish this opportunity, just as much as I do.
If the Lord is willing, we will continue to have these prayer meetings every Wednesday evening. Because of the amount of people wanting to attend, please continue to schedule a prayer time on the BT Live app. (Signups for the following week will start on Thursday; the day after each prayer meeting.) It is best if you can arrive just before your scheduled time, in order to allow the last group to leave and free up the parking lot. It was asked if you can add non-family members while scheduling your prayer time, which is perfectly fine. You can add up to 15 people on the app. And as always, we ask that you turn off, silence, or better yet, leave your cell phone in your cars before entering the Tabernacle.
It is such a joy to gather in the Branham Tabernacle again to pray, meditate, and thank the Lord for all He has done and all He is doing in our lives. I’m already looking forward to scheduling our next conference with Him.
God bless you,
Brother Joseph
Brothers and Sisters,
I’m so happy to inform you that if the Lord willing, we will open the Branham Tabernacle, on 8th and Penn street, for silent prayer meetings starting this Wednesday, August 2nd. Brother Branham called it his “home church,” and “his headquarters,” and there truly is a sacredness and reverence there like no other place on earth. To think of the many miracles that have been done, and how the Revelation of the Word was brought forth like never before. Truly, the angels of God still line the walls of that building, just like Brother Branham said, and their presence can still be felt.
In order to schedule a prayer time, you will need to have the BT Live app, and choose a time that is convenient for you and your immediate family. You can download or update the app here: Because of very limited parking and seating, this is the only way we will be able to manage the crowds. We will keep each silent prayer meeting to 30 minutes or less, like we have done in past. As we all know, there is one thing we can’t do too much of, and that’s pray, but I certainly hope you understand the special challenges we face at the Tabernacle, and why we must schedule times like this in order to accommodate all the people.
And as always, please be reverent while entering in and leaving the sanctuary. And we ask that there be no talking in the parking lot, in order to free up parking spaces for the other brothers and sisters.
I can’t wait to enter in to this very sacred place again, and more importantly, to enter in to His Presence and talk it all over with Him.
Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
May God bless you,
Brother Joseph Branham
Dear Bride,
The Bride hasn’t wondered about this Message or Its messenger since 1933, when the Pillar of Fire appeared down on the Ohio River that day. We have known that William Marrion Branham is God’s mighty 7th angel messenger He sent to earth to call out His Bride.
Since that day, God has been gathering His Bride together for His Coming. We are under such great anticipation; for we know it will be just any day now.
He has been building our Faith like never before, telling us, reassuring us, we are His faithful Bride. We know by staying with His Stored-Up Food, whatever we have need of is THERE, ON THE TAPES.
How do we know that for certainty? The Word says God will do NOTHING till He reveals It to His servants the prophets. Thus we know if God is going to reveal anything, or do anything, give us rapturing in Faith, He is going to Thunder It out through our prophet, and His prophet alone.
The days of wondering are over. The Bride has taken a stand. There is nothing more important than to hear God speak to His Bride on the Tapes. It is the only Words vindicated by God Himself to be Thus Saith The Lord.
The hour is late and we can feel the heaviness of our enemy’s foul breath all around us. The battles are in array and Satan is attacking on all fronts, but praise be to God we’ve got Spiritual Food, and we are sitting at the Master’s Table day and night, feasting on that Hidden Manna. He keeps revealing more and more to us daily as He tells us, “All is well My sweetheart. I’m with you. I told you I’d never leave you or forsake you. Keep pressing. Cast them devils out. I give you My atomic bomb, My Word, use It. I thought It. Then It was Written, and now, in your day, I have spoken It so you can hear ME tell YOU, Thus Saith The Lord, You are My Bride. You are the Word made flesh.”
God has spoken through human lips and has given us His Word; we have nothing to fear. It’s not our Word, our thoughts, our imagination, It’s God’s Word He has given to US. Our FAITH is in His Word and His Word can NEVER FAIL!
Now, as we hear these Seals opening, the Holy Spirit is once again speaking to us and we can see our names written there in the Lamb’s Book of Life. We can hardly contain ourselves...YES, it’s my name written there. He’s talking about ME.
Come join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and hear The Second Seal 63-0319, as the Voice Of God tells you your names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
St. Matthew 4:8 / 11:25-26 / 24:6
St. Mark 16:16
St. John 14:12
2 Thessalonians 2:3
Hebrews 4:12
Revelation 2:6 / 6:3-4 / 17th Chapter / 19:11-16
Joel 2:25
Amos 3:6-7
Associated Services
Dear...I’m going to call you Bride,
God, the Great Creator, the Alpha and Omega, Lily of the Valley, Rose of Sharon, the Bright and Morning Star, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the Pillar of Fire, God Himself, came to earth and spoke through human lips to us, GLORY!, placed It on magnetic tape, so you could hear HIM call you...“YOU” HIS BRIDE.
Visualize that my friends. Our Lord Jesus Christ, looking you in the eye and telling you: “You are My Bride. I love you. I have waited so long for you. To Me, you are perfect. You’re flesh of My flesh, bone of My bone. I chose you before I made the Earth or the stars. I love you so much. We will spend Eternity together. Now, I’m Coming for you.”
That alone should give each of us Rapturing In Faith. What can the devil throw at you, tell you, place on you that can harm you? NOTHING, YOU’RE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST! You are His Word made flesh, you’re Mrs. Jesus Christ.
How can anyone, in any language, write and express what that means to us? You simply cannot.
There is no place in the world you can have that honor and privilege to hear these Words unless you have the right Revelation and PRESS PLAY.
The greatest events that the world has been waiting for since the beginning of time, is taking place right now, and we are part of It. He has waited for this day, this hour, this people; YOU, to fulfill and bring to pass His Great Plan.
The Revelation of the mystery of the Seven Seals, the Thunders being revealed, our perfection, His fully restored Adam, His Coming, all these things are being made manifest and coming to pass NOW, in YOU, HIS BRIDE!
Not in Moses’ day. Not in Noah’s day. Not in Jesus’ day, not even in John or Paul’s day; It’s happening now, RIGHT NOW, WITH YOU.
We don’t want to miss It. We want to be ready for His Coming. In order to do that, we have been commanded to go to the WORD for our answers. Not my idea, or some man’s idea or thoughts, but what God’s vindicated Word says.
We know the Bride must say “amen” to every Word and be united together as One. So we must look in God’s Word to see what is going to unite the Bride together.
And then there is coming forth seven mysterious Thunders that’s not even written at all. That’s right. And I believe that, through those Seven Thunders, will be revealed in the last days in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith.
Right there It is in the Word. The Seven Thunders will be revealed in our day in order to get the Bride together for rapturing faith.
Then the next question we need to know is: What are the Thunders?
When, the “thundered.” Remember, a loud clapping noise of a Thunder is a Voice of God. That’s what the Bible says, see, “a clap of Thunder.” They thought it was a thunder, but It was God. He understood It, for It was revealed to Him. See? It was a Thunder.
So the Thunders are the Voice of God that is going to bring the Bride together and give them (US) rapturing faith. There’s our answer.
Who is the Voice of God to the Bride? William Marrion Branham.
Now, I’m just your brother, by the grace of God, but when the Angel of the Lord moves down, it becomes, then, a Voice of God to you…I can say nothing in myself, but what He shows me, I say it. You believe it and watch what happens.
Believe It and watch what happens and takes place this Sunday, as we gather together, receiving rapturing in faith, hearing Him Thunder to His Bride.
Talk about “sitting now in Heavenly places”? What will it be! If we can feel this way, sitting down here on earth, before the Rapture comes, in this condition that we’re in now; and we can enjoy, and stand up around walls, and stand in the rain, just to hear This; what will it be when we see Him sitting there! Oh, my! Oh, it’ll be a glorious time.
Don’t miss out in this glorious time. You’re invited to gather with us as we hear: The First Seal 63-0318, at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read in preparation for the hearing of the Message:
St. Matthew 10:1 / 11:1-14 / 24:6 / 28:19
St. John 12:23-28
Acts 2:38
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
Hebrews 4:12
Revelation 6:1-2 / 10:1-7 / 12:7-9 / 13:16 / 19:11-16
Malachi 3rd and 4th Chapters
Daniel 8:23-25 / 11:21 / 9:25-27
Associated Services
Dear Little Pond Lilies,
We have pushed ourselves to the top of the muddy water and spread our wings forth. Our little petals have went out and are now reflecting the Lily of the Valley. We have fully dedicated our lives to God and His Word.
We are in the end-time and are coming from the East and West, North and South, getting ready for that Rapture. We’re holding ourselves steady for a few minutes till every fiber is filled with the Holy Ghost. We’re getting ready to GO UP.
The day has arrived. He is calling His people together to Himself in the true oneness with Himself. It is Jesus Christ living with His Spirit in our flesh, doing the same things He did as an ensign to the world.
The most sublime thing in the Scripture is taking place in our day. An act, that not even an Angel, nothing, could do it, only the Lamb. He came and took the Book from the right Hand of Him that sat upon the Throne, opened It, tore off the Seals, and sent It down to the earth, to His seventh angel, to reveal It to US, His Bride.
The things that are taking place; the Word He is revealing to us each day, is beyond words. We raise our voices and shout and scream, Hallelujah! The anointing, the power, the glory, the manifestation, the Revelation of His Word is greater than It ever has been since the beginning of time.
With every creature which is in Heaven, and on the earth, and underneath the earth, within the sea, and all that is in them we scream: blessings, honor, glory, power, be to Him that sits upon the throne, and to the Lamb forever, amen! Amen, and amen!
Every creature, every man from the beginning of time has waited for this day to arrive. Even God Himself has waited till His chosen angel arrived on earth before He came forth to take the Book, tear It open and reveal all His mysteries to His elected Bride.
We now know what no man on earth, from the beginning of time, has ever known. Everything that was lost in the fall. Everything that has been hidden in His Word. Everything the Bride needs has been recorded and has been laid in God’s one little storehouse.
He has shown us beyond the curtain of time and we see ourselves with Him on the other Side. The Bride has made Herself ready by hearing the Word.
We have been in training. We have put on the whole armor of God. Nothing can move us. Nothing can scare us. Nothing can harm us. Nothing can make us compromise on one Word. WE ARE THE WORD.
We’re waiting for Him with our bouquet in our hands. It’s just about time. The old clock is ticking. We hear the horses galloping, the sand rolling under the wheels. The old buckboard is about to stop.
When He arrives we’ll jump from this old world right into His Arms. He’ll grab us and say, “I’ve been gone to prepare a place for you, but It’s all over now, honey”.
His Coming is so close. We are under anticipation like never before. We’re so excited as He wants us to hear the Seven Seals once more. We know we're going to receive more Revelation, because each Message we hear is like we have never heard It before.
To live today and to hear this Message is even greater then when It was recorded. He is revealing even more to us now. What could take place?
Come gather with us at 12:00 p.m., Jeffersonville time, and enjoy listening to: 63-0317E The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals. It’s Stored Up Food the Lord has prepared for the Bride to eat.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read in preparation for the hearing of the Message:
Leviticus 25:47-55
Jeremiah 32:1-15
Zechariah 3:8-9 / 4:10
Romans 8:22-23
Ephesians 1:13-14 / 4:30
Revelation 1:12-18 / 5th Chapter / 10:1-7 / 11:18