Dear God’s Temple,
This Message is unlimited in power. It’s perfect in Itself. It is the final Word on all things. There is nothing else for the Bride but that Voice that has been recorded on tape. It is God’s vindicated Message of the hour. It is our Absolute.
We’re on our journey towards the Promised Land, being led by the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire. Our Spiritual Food has been stored up to sustain us on our journey. All we have need of has been provided.
David prepared abundantly before his death all the things that were needed to build the house of the Lord. He commanded that it must be exceeding magnifical, of fame, and of glory, throughout all countries.
Then he spoke to Solomon, and gave him all that he had prepared for the building of the Temple for the Lord. He gave him the pattern of the porch, and of the houses thereof, of the treasuries, the upper chambers, the inner parlors, and the place of the mercy seat.
He gave him the pattern of all that he had by the spirit, of the courts of the house of the Lord. All the chambers round about, the treasuries of the house of God, and of the treasuries of the dedicated things.
The courses of the priests and the Levites, and for all the work of the service of the house of the Lord. He also gave him all the vessels of service in the house of the Lord. Gold and silver for all the instruments of every kind of service. The weight of gold and silver for every candlestick. Gold and silver for every table of shewbread, fleshhooks, bowls, cups and basins.
For the altar of incense, refined gold by weight; and gold for the pattern of the chariot of the cherubims, that spread out their wings, and covered the ark of the covenant of the LORD.
All had been prepared and stored up for the building. There was nothing lacking. He must follow the blueprint exactly to build the Temple of the Lord.
But in our day, God is building another Temple, His Bride. This Temple will not be destroyed, but will live for Eternity with Him. He has prepared and stored-up abundantly for everything that is needed to build His new Temple.
Godhead, Serpent’s Seed, Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, Seven Church Ages, Seven Seals, Recognizing Your Day, Marriage and Divorce, Unveiling Of God, The Token, Absolute, Anointed Ones, Spiritual Food, Christ Is Mystery, and hundreds and hundreds of more, which must be followed exactly.
He has stored up everything we have need of, but we must follow the blueprint exactly, not changing one jot or one tittle.
Now, this is what I’m saying this morning, is storing Food. Storing Food, so that you’ll have something to eat, so that you’ll have something to feast upon. Get It on your tapes. Set in the cool of the room. Maybe, when I’m long ways away, you’ll still remember these things are true. Set in your room and listen. See? And this is Food, storing in, in the storehouse.
He said the tabernacle feels more like home to him than anyplace else. It was the place where the Food had been stored.
Out in the meetings where I go, you never hear me preach these Messages. No, I promised you, to come to this tabernacle. Right here is where I preach my Messages from. I’ve got three or four more here, that the Lord has given me, I’ve got the Scriptures on it, that I would be daresn’t to preach it anywhere else but right here. Here is where the Word of God started going from. And, till God changes it, I’m staying right here and bringing it out right here. That’s right.
The prophet of the Lord spoke and said there was a group of people that believe him, and are hungry and holding on to every word he spoke. You are that group of people. You are his congregation. You are his little flock.
I have been in prayer and feel the Lord is leading us to follow the Messages He had His prophet abundantly store up in His storehouse to build His Bride.
We will continue following His prophet as we listen to: Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir? 62-1230E. I would like to invite you to join us Sunday at 10:00 A.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear this specially prepared and stored up Food that will build you into the Temple of the Lord.
“Time is no more.” If it is, let’s prepare ourselves, friends, to meet our God. There’s been plenty of Food laid in now. Let’s make use of It. Let’s make use of It now.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear One Man Message Bride,
What a Red Letter year it has been for the Bride. He has united us from around the world by the only thing that can bring His Bride together, The Message of the hour, the very Voice of God calling out His Bride.
And now I believe She is ready to strike that final climax yonder, to bring forth a Faith that will rapture the Church into Glory. And She is laying in the Messages.
The Revelation of this Message is now anchored deep in our hearts. Our actions are exactly with the Word. We know our teaching is perfect with the Word, adding nothing to It or taking nothing from It. For us, it is nothing but the Word on tape.
He has been getting us ready for the final climax by giving us the Faith we need for the Rapture. That Faith, is in us NOW. The life of Christ is being reproduced in almost an incarnate way, through us, as it was in Christ.
We can see His life. “The works that I do shall you do also, he that believeth.” Not him that maketh-believe, he that thinks he believe, but, “He that believeth.” “He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also.” Why? He is anchored to the same Rock. What was the Rock? The Word, always. You’re anchored there. It’s your north Star when you’re lost at sea.
We are so anchored to that Rock. We are certain of It. We’re positive of It. We don’t take somebody else’s word, we stay with Thus Saith The Lord. We have come to our Absolute.
We’re fully satisfied and content. No more wondering about like it was in the days of Judges, and with so many today, where every man done what was right in his own sight, where every man had his own absolute and did just what he wanted to do. God doesn’t change His policy, He cannot and be God. If God ever says anything or does anything, He must do the same every time.
God always sends a prophet to lead His people. He sent us His 7th angel prophet; the Son of Man revealing Himself in human flesh, to call out and lead His Bride. The Tapes are the Voice Of God to His Bride. THAT IS OUR ABSOLUTE.
She went up there. She knowed. And I like that, the way she come. She got to her absolute, her tie post.
God is calling His Bride together. He will not change His program. He will not send a group of men to gather His Bride. His Bride will only unite around the pure Word, that is the Voice Of God on the Tapes. It is God’s true ministry for today.
There is no better way to start the New Year than by coming together and hearing our tie post, our Absolute, speak to us. I would like to invite everyone to come listen with us Sunday at 10:00 A.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear the Message: Absolute 62-1230M.
If you cannot join us, I encourage you to choose a Message to play in your homes, or encourage your pastor to pick a Message that you too may set together, under the greatest anointing there is, and hear the Bride’s vindicated Absolute.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Class,
I would like to preach and teach you today by the way of my letter. Let us first review what we learned last Sunday.
How do you catch a predestinated seed of God? PRESS PLAY.
What did Joshua tell his ministers to do? Go into Jericho, minister to the people by PRESSING PLAY, and thy and thy house shall be saved.
His messengers returned back, and said, “I have obeyed your orders. And there was a woman we found, when we played the tapes.
We are not ashamed. We don’t care who sees It. We wanted everybody to see It and hear It. We have placed It in our homes, in our churches, everywhere we go, so everybody passing by will know that we are identified with our Token; Jesus Christ, His Word, The Holy Spirit, The Message of the hour, The Tapes, The Voice Of God.
We can see that the wrath is about ready to pass through the land, and everything that is not under that Token, will perish. But when He sees that Token, He’ll pass over us. It’s God’s requirement of the hour. The evening-time Message, is to apply the Token.
How close did he tell us it would be class?
- Just to say I believe It… isn’t enough.
- To walk around where It is at... isn’t enough, it makes you worse.
- I don’t steal.
- I go to the Branham Tabernacle.
That’s good, that just means you’re able to read.
Don’t just come this far, say, “I believe the Message.” You obey the messenger. Come into Christ!
Take the Message, take It into your heart, that you must have the Token, the very Life that was in Christ be in you. “When I see That, I will pass over you.”
What has God been telling His Bride Message after Message? THE TAPES, THE TAPES, THE TAPES. It’s okay to preach the Message and to teach the Message, but you must PLAY THE MESSAGE.
How can anyone say they are in love with The Message and not want to play the Message before the people? They don’t have the same love relationship I have with The Message, as I want everyone to come together and hear that vindicated by the Pillar Of Fire Voice.
We have unmovable FAITH in His Word. We’re not Eve. We’re not doubters or compromising with Satan. We hold to every Word of God in the Bible, and every Word on Tape. For the tapes are the very thoughts of God, spoken and revealed to His Bride, and it needs no interpretation. It is the only place we know that we can say AMEN to every Word.
This Message is fresh bread coming down from Heaven, for our journey. It is the Bread of Life, and every day we receive a freshness from Christ, from Heaven, the Holy Spirit, coming and filling our souls.
We are sitting together with one objective, the Word of God, and we feed upon That Word. We are in God’s spiritual Bethlehem, eating God’s spiritual Bread, and our souls are punctuating every Word that He spoke, with an “Amen!” We are enjoying this Heavenly angel Food that has been stored up for us to feast upon.
Come join us at His Table and feast upon that Heavenly angel Food with us this Sunday at 10:00 A.M., Jeffersonville time.
If you tape people here, listening to the tapes, I’d like for you to listen to that one: Why Jesus Had To Come To Bethlehem. Why did He have to do it?
Father has spoken to us through His prophet once again and invited all you Tape People to come hear the Message: Why Little Bethlehem 63-1214.
My preaching and teaching is now over, now let’s PRESS PLAY.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Token Bride,
There has never been a time like this before in the history of the world. The whole universe had to testify to it, as five planets aligned themselves together. Something was taking place on December 12, 2021 in the heavens, while something was taking place on earth. The Bride had united themselves together from around the world as God spoke through His prophet, and His Bride had Communion and Feet Washing together in their homes.
What an atmosphere and presence of the Lord there was in our homes. Some tape boys had slipped into our homes and we made our home a church for the Lord. We applied the Token to our homes and to our families. The Holy Spirit filled our house, our heart, and our souls with His presence. It was as if we were the children of Israel getting ready for our exodus journey.
The Word was speaking to us through His angel and was applied to our homes. Death was all around us, but we knew we were safe and it would pass over our homes. We were getting ready to leave for OUR Promise Land.
Never have we felt such a closeness like we did that night. We knew something was taking place. We knew He was making us ready for His Coming, but it had to be this time, this day, this month, this year. Everything was perfect and in place. It had a meaning. It was happening for a sign to the world.
Every spiritual happening is a sign from God. Be careful. Notice that, see. Watch, every spiritual happening, everything that happens, is a sign. We’re not here by accident. These things just don’t happen by accident. It’s a sign. It’s a sign, to get—get to safety, quickly. Noah was a sign to his generation; Elijah was a sign to his; John was a sign to his. See? Everything, the Message of the hour, is a sign. Watch It, look what It’s doing. See? It’s a sign. Everything has a meaning.
When Moses began His ministry in Israel, Israel quickly gathered from all over Egypt, to Goshen. They were coming back to the homeplace because they knew something was fixing to happen.
What a perfect type for today, as the Bride is gathering around the pure unadulterated Word for the hour; because we too know, something is fixing to take place.
They’re coming from the east and west, they’re coming from the lands of far, to feast with the King, to dine as His guest around His Stored-Up Food at HIS TABLE.
He sent His angel prophet with a Message to call out and lead His Bride to the Promise Land. He identified Himself among us with a Pillar of Fire. Then, He sent His Token for His Bride to get under, because He only recognizes that Token.
What is the Token for today?
He only recognizes the—the Token. That’s the Message of the hour! That’s the Message of this day! That’s the Message of this time! In the Name of Jesus Christ, receive It!
The Bride and Christ are becoming One. The ministry of the Bride, and the ministry of Christ, is the same. God Himself recognizes His messenger’s Message. He has recognized His Bride. The negative is becoming the positive. Every promise in His Word is OURS. It must obey us.
We are becoming that perfect Word Bride by God’s provided way for today: His Voice, His Word, on Tape. God never changes His program. He has always sent a prophet to lead His people. He had others that were called and anointed, but they could ONLY say what the prophet said, for his Words were THUS SAITH THE LORD for the people.
How can you be 100% SURE you’re hearing the PERFECT Word of God? There is only one way for me: Press Play.
There are surely others that are called to preach the Word, for it is in the Word and can not be disputed, but they can only preach the Word they have heard on Tape from God’s messenger. They cannot preach, teach, interpret, take away or ADD ANYTHING TO IT as It is the PERFECT WORD OF GOD. That is what the Word says.
It is not wrong to hear a minister, as some say, nor is it wrong to go to church. You should go to church, but the Bride wants to hear sheep food, and many believe the only way to hear the pure Word is to Press Play.
God bless them and their ministry God has called them to. For I am not against them and I love them and believe I will spend Eternity with all His predestinated Bride. I’m just for the tape ministry.
Many say you have to have a minister to be Bride. I agree, I do, William Marrion Branham, for he is the greatest minister with the greatest ministry in the world. For it is not his word, his message, his thoughts, nor is It his interpretation. It is the only vindicated Word of God for our day. And yes, it is the greatest LIVE MINISTRY there is.
My questions is: Can you only listen to the Tapes and be the Bride of Christ, or do I have to have something more than the Voice Of God on tape?
As for me and my house, we are a TAPE HOME, and believe we are His Bride and all WE NEED is the Voice of God on tape.
If you’d like to join us in your home, church, car or wherever the Lord has you, to hear Thus Saith The Lord, join us Sunday at 9:00 A.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear the Word of God perfect His Bride and bring us the Message: Token 63-0901M
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
Genesis 4:10
Exodus 12th chapter
Joshua 12th chapter
Acts 16:31 / 19:1-7
Romans 8:1
1 Corinthians 12:13
Ephesians 2:12 / 4:30
Hebrews 6:4 / 9:11-14 / 10:26-29 / 11:37 / 12:24 / 13:8, 10-20
St. John 14:12
Associated Services
Dear Voice Bride, let us all gather together and hear the Message 65-1207 Leadership. It will be playing on the Voice Radio at 9:00am and 7:00pm, Jeffersonville time, but feel free to listen whatever time fits your family's schedule.
Brother Joseph Branham
Read Brother Joseph's letter concerning services this week.