Archived Letters
Monday, December 6, 2021

Branham Tabernacle Construction update:

I have been asked by SO MANY, “Brother Joseph, when do we get to come to the new church!?” Well I wish I knew the answer to that question...As many of you have experienced also, we have faced many delays in shipping materials to the jobsite, delays in permits from local authorities, and delays in the actual construction process also. It has been one thing after another. But even if the church WAS finished today, I don’t think we would be able to have service quite yet. Like you are probably thinking also, I’m anticipating a LOT of believers to come from the East and West at our first service back. I would guess well over 2,000 believers could be here, easily.

Brother Branham cared about the safety of the people. He often referred to limitations the church had because of restrictions from the fire marshal; it always grieved him when the building was too hot; he would ask the people to take turns standing, so no one would have to stand too long; he often apologized for it being too hot...HE CARED FOR THE COMFORT AND SAFETY OF THE PEOPLE. I too feel with 2,000 gathering all at once, it would be so hard for us not to shake hands, hug necks, and do things that could jeopardize the health of the people, especially our elderly...I know EVERYONE will want to come to the first service back, and I want to make sure they can.

I’ve been praying day after day, and week after week about these things. Am I disappointed? “Yes,” in one way, as I long to see you all again; but “Not at ALL” in another way. All I want to do is be in God’s Program, whatever That is. And I KNOW the series of tapes we have been hearing are His Program, His Perfect Will for us at this time. You that have been following along no doubt know that too. The Lord has truly poured out His Spirit to us in our home tape churches, and gave us Stimulation by Revelation like never before. Praise His wonderful Name for keeping the step of the Bride perfectly in line through this Pandemic. Blessed be your wonderful Name!

I do not know when that day will be, but certainly will continue in prayer every day, and ask that you pray about this also. For we not only want His perfect Will, but His perfect timing in all things.

I am happy to share several pictures with you of the progress of the church and the new Sunday School classrooms. They are turning out absolutely WONDERFUL; the new classrooms will be such a blessing to the children, and whenever I step inside the new sanctuary, I can just feel the presence of the Lord there. I know it is a church that Daddy would have loved to have, and I can’t wait to share it with you also.

I will try my best to let you know as early as I can when the first service at the new church will be, but until then, let’s continue in God’s Perfect Program for us, by inviting the prophet, the Seventh Angel, the Word for our day, into our homes to speak to us, and prepare us for His soon Coming. Lord Jesus, thank you for sustaining us with your Spiritual Food in due season. Come quickly and take us up from our homes for the sudden, secret going away of the church, that the world will know nothing about.

May God richly bless you,

Brother Joseph



Monday, December 6, 2021

Dear Voice Bride, let us all gather together and hear the Message 65-1206 Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy. It will be playing on the Voice Radio at 9:00am and 7:00pm, Jeffersonville time, but feel free to listen whatever time fits your family's schedule.

Brother Joseph Branham



Read Brother Joseph's letter concerning services this week.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Dear Voice Bride, let us all gather together and hear the Message 65-1205 Things That Are To Be today at 2:00 PM, Jeffersonville time.

Brother Joseph Branham



Read Brother Joseph's letter concerning services this week.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Dear Voice Bride,

I believe I can speak for each of us when I say, we have just had the greatest Thanksgiving weekend of our lives. GLORY!!

We heard Word on top of Word, Revelation on top of Revelation. Our Thirst was quenched by the only thing that can: His Word, the Message of the hour, Christ Himself speaking to His Bride.

Now we see that same promised Word, of Luke, of Malachi, all these other promises from today, made flesh, dwelling among us, that we heard with our ears; now we see Him (with our eyes) interpreting His Own Word, we don’t need any interpretation of man. O Church of the living God, here and on the phones, wake up quick, before it’s too late! God bless you.

Could we imagine that we would be looking with our own eyes, at the living Word of God made manifest? Looking at the living Word being interpreted in natural form, God among us! No wonder all the old sages looked for this day, but NOW, we are living in those promised days, seeing and hearing It being manifested with our own ears and eyes.

We have heard of Thee, that Thou could create squirrels. We have heard of Thee, that Thou could create a ram. But now we see Thee, with our own eye! The manifestation, the vision made visible.

What is He then? The Word interpreted is the manifestation of the Name of God.

No matter what the critics say, we are in His perfect Will by gathering in our homes, in our churches, or wherever we are gathered, listening to His Voice.

If I don’t believe in going to church, why do I have church? We had them all across the country, hooked up the other night, every two hundred square miles had one of my churches.

HIS churches are hooked up around the world to hear God’s Voice speak, and call out His Bride. There is no leaven among us, which brings the entire fullness of the Godhead bodily among us. The Son of man is being manifested, revealed, bringing back the Church together with the entire Deity of God amongst us. He is showing us the same visible signs and manifestation of Himself like He did at the beginning when He was manifested on earth in a form of a Prophet-God.

Promised by Malachi 4, promised by the rest of the Scriptures. Where you worship at? The house of God, seated (in present tense).

I am so thankful to the Lord for all He is doing for His Bride in these last days. He has been encouraging us, reassuring us, that we are His chosen Ones that were in Him before the foundation of the world. What a wonderful time it is for His Bride.

The Lord has placed upon my heart to continue with these last Messages that have been Stored Up for His Bride. I feel so blessed to think, Father provided a way that we could all be united together, from around the world, to hear these Messages. It is truly, The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ.

Since we have not been able to have service together locally, due to Covid and the building of the new sanctuary, there are two things that we all miss and long to do. It is the two things the Lord commanded for His Bride to do until His return: Communion and Feet Washing.

While praying and seeking the Lord, He laid upon my heart for us to have both Communion and Feet Washing with our families. I was so blessed and excited when He placed that upon my heart, and how we can do it. We will be having it on the exact date of the last Communion service Brother Branham had when he was here with us, on December 12, 1965. We will also be blessed to have him conduct the Communion and Feet Washing service for us once again.

I will be sending you a letter, and posting on the Branham Tabernacle website, all the details in a few days. I can promise you it will be a time the Bride will not forget. I am under such expectation of His great blessings He will be giving to us.

Starting this Saturday, we will be listening to our Voice bring us the Message: The Rapture 65-1204, at 9:00 A.M., Jeffersonville time. It will be 56 years to the day that God spoke through His messenger and placed His Voice on magnetic tape, so the Bride could feast upon It and ripen Herself, making Herself ready for the soon coming Rapture.

We will continue the schedule by gathering Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear: Things That Are To Be 65-1205.

Then Monday we will hear: Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy 65-1206, and Tuesday: Leadership 65-1207. You can listen at whatever time is convenient for you and your family. Like last week, we will be posting them on Voice Radio at both 9:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.

Attached here is a calendar with the days, times and Messages we will be hearing. In the next few days, I will be sending you a letter and posting the schedule for our upcoming Communion Service.

Looking forward to be with you, His Invisible Bride, at His Throne.

May the Lord Bless You,

Bro. Joseph Branham




The Voice Radio (English Only) is available on the Lifeline mobile application and is a free app download from the Google Play Store (Android) or the Apple App Store (iOS).


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Dear Eagles, let us all gather together and hear the Message 65-1128E On The Wings Of A Snow-White Dove today at 2:00 pm, Jeffersonville time.

Brother Joseph Branham



Read Brother Joseph's letter concerning services this week.