Archived Letters
Saturday, October 2, 2021

Dear Stimulation by Revelation Bride,

What was happening all around the world this past weekend? What was taking place? What was all that racket about? The Bride from all around the world was united together, making mountains out of plaster, clay, sand and sticks. Gathering around bonfires, singing songs of worship and praising the Lord. Young and old alike, wearing shirts that said Stimulation By Revelation. They were from Michigan to Florida, from Maine to California, from North America to South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, every corner of the earth. They were listening by their hook-up’s in their homes, hearing the Voice Of God speak directly to them.

What was the attraction? The predestinated Seed of God who can’t do nothing else but follow the Message of the hour, that believe every Word that was spoken by God’s mouthpiece, had gathered together in praise, in worship, and in celebration of the great event that took place in our day upon Mount Sunset.

It was God confirming His Word. That’s what all this noise is about. Notice, it’s God fulfilling His promised Word again, of Revelation 10:1 to 7, “And in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel’s Message, the mystery of God should be finished.”

It was God making history. It was God fulfilling prophecy. It was the answer of the prophet’s prophecy. And we wanted to be there to get and hear anything that He done through His prophet.

We ignore the criticism of the unbeliever and the make-believers. We have no argument with them. We’ve got one thing to do, that’s believe and to get every bit of It we can. We gather together each week as one unit to hear God’s Voice, as we wait for the Coming of the Messiah.

What a great hour we are living in. To see Scripture being fulfilled in our very lives. But He warned us in His Word that the false anointing would be so close, it would deceive the very elected of God IF it was possible. But praise be to God, it will not be possible to deceive His Bride, for they will stay with that original, manifested, vindicated Voice Of God and will not change one jot or one tittle. They will not add their own interpretation to It, but simply believe EVERY WORD.

How very careful we must be if it is THAT CLOSE. We wonder, will it be the denominational churches? They seem so far off and not even close. Who will it be?

Now, just a cold, formal, starchy churches, and so forth, of man-made theology, that wouldn’t; the Elect would never pay no attention to that. But it’s up there almost like the real thing. Just leaving out one Word is all you have to do.

He said Eve never simply walked out and willfully said she don’t believe in God. It was an error she believed. Satan admitted It was the Word of God, but the problem was he put his own interpretation to It and it made her believe a lie and was damned by it.

The cover has been took off. The pyramid has been opened. The Scriptures have been uncovered. The Revelation has been given to the Bride. It is Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.

That makes Satan so angry at us. He knows he has come to his end. He wants us to question who we are. We are going through tests and trials harder than we ever have been through. We sometimes wonder, why is all this happening to us?

The reason it is, is to try Her, His Bride. It’s to…When She is made manifest, been tried, been proven, proved to Satan.

Glory!!! Our tests and trials are just Him proving to Satan WE ARE HIS MANIFESTED BRIDE.

We find now, this evil age is to prove, to Satan, She is not like Eve, that She is not that type of a woman. And She will be tried by His Word, the Bride, as Adam’s bride was tried by the Word. And Adam’s bride believed every bit of the Word, all, but confused on one promise.

But we will not be confused on one Word or go after their traditions, their interpretations of the Word, we will stay with THE ORGINAL WORD.

If we’ve got a tape machine, we’ll get a group of people together, and play it, and listen close, just as he told us to do!

Just as our natural life and traits is handed down from the natural breeding of your father, so is the Spirit of God, that was predestinated before the foundation of the world.

How thankful we are that the Spirit of God, our breeding, was predestinated before the foundation of the world to have the True Revelation of This Message. You are welcome to come get that same Stimulation By Revelation with us Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: 65-0801M The God Of This Evil Age.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read:

St. Matthew 24th chapter / 27:15-23
St. Luke 17:30
St. John 1:1 / 14:12
Acts 10:47-48
1 Corinthians 4:1-5 / 14th chapter
2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Galatians 1:1-4
Ephesians 2:1-2 / 4:30
2 Thessalonians 2:2-4 / 2:11
Hebrews 7th chapter
1 John Chapter 1 / 3:10 / 4:4-5
Revelation 3:14 / 13:4 / Chapters 6-8 and 11-12 / 18:1-5
Proverbs 3:5
Isaiah 14:12-14


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Dear Eagles, let us all gather together and hear the Message 65-0725E What Is The Attraction On The Mountain? this Sunday at 2:00 pm, Jeffersonville time.

Brother Joseph Branham


Introduction To The Tape



Saturday, September 18, 2021

Dear Elected Bride,

The reason the Elected, Jesus said, won’t be deceived, because they are that Word. They can’t be nothing else. They can’t hear nothing else. They don’t know nothing else.

There is nothing greater in life than to know that God chose His prophet before the foundation of the world to speak these Words. Then, He allowed His Voice to be recorded, so we, His predestinated Bride, could refer back and hear His Voice that was recorded and stored–up, because He wanted us to know:

  • We are the Word.
  • We cannot be deceived.
  • We can’t be nothing else.
  • We can’t hear nothing else.
  • We don’t know nothing else.

He knew we would need encouragement today like no other day in history. The battles would be raging like never before. His Bride would be put to the test. But if He could remind His Bride who they are, they could rejoice in their hearts knowing they are His sweethearts in His perfect Will.

Whatever Satan throws at us, whatever we have to go through, now we know, He is Choosing A Bride, and we are that Bride. We are not Ashamed of our Revelation of the Word. We will never Try To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God. To us, it is Spiritual Food In Due Season. We recognize that there will be The Anointed Ones At The End Time, but we will STAY WITH THE WORD.

If you would like this same assurance, come join us Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear: 65-0725M The Anointed Ones At The End Time.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Scriptures To Read:

St. Matthew 5:44-45 / 7:21 / 24:15-28
St. Luke 17:30 / 18:1-8
St. John 14:12
Ephesians 1:5
II Timothy 3:1-8
Hebrews 6:1-8 / 11:4
Revelation 10:1-7 / 16:13-14
Malachi 4:5
I Kings 22:1-28
Jeremiah: Chapters 27 & 28


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Dear Sheep of God’s Sheep Pen,

In the days when our Lord Jesus was here on earth in flesh, the sceptics and the unbelievers said unto Him:

How long dost thou make us doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.

Once again, He is going to speak to us pretty plainly and tell both His critics and His Bride, “I am a man that comes from God, sent from God, ordained of God, with the true THUS SAITH THE LORD. I have been in His presence so long, I will speak to you as God Himself.

I want there to be no doubt, and for you to believe, I am God’s messenger to you. The Message that I speak, and the messenger, are the selfsame thing. We are One and the same. He sent me to you to represent THUS SAITH THE LORD, Word by Word.

Remember, God’s Word says He will not do nothing until He reveals it to me first. Men want to put their own interpretation to what I say, but the Words that I speak to you need no interpretation. You say ONLY what I say.

I also want you to know that the same Word that I speak to you, also lives in us. You have the authority of the living God in you. You are the living Church Bride.

After I leave, but before the drought begins, God has provided for you a secret place to hide before judgement strikes the earth. You will be there waiting, eating this hidden Food that He will be leaving you. You will be living on the goodness and mercy of the Revelation of Jesus Christ as He vindicates Himself to you daily.

For you, It will be spiritual Food in due season. It would make others sick at their stomach. I will be too rich for them. But for you, His Sheep, It will be the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Don’t forget, I will feed thee “THERE”; not someplace else, “THERE”. People will laugh at you and say you are crazy, but what they call crazy and foolish, God will call Great.”

He told us that the great ministry God gave him was a perfect type of the time of Elijah. After the drought was about over, He called him out and took him down to a widow’s HOUSE until the drought was over.

He said the widow had not associated herself with the unbelievers or took the mark of the beast during the drought, so He called Elijah to sustain her. She was ready to die as she just had one little cake left, one little thing she was holding on to.

Elijah called out to her, “Give that to me first, for THUS SAITH THE LORD, that barrel will not go empty neither will the cruse run dry, until the day that the Lord God sends rain upon the earth.”

She had to put God first. She had to believe and hold on to every Word that messenger said. She knew that the messenger and his Message were the same. The Words he said to her would have to come to pass, for it was Thus Saith The Lord.

So is it today, that the Bread of Life that the children eat on, follows the Message of God, to sustain them during the time of the drought.

That same Word has come to us and is in us and we are feeding on the secret Things of God which is hid from the world. He has revealed to us that the Message and the messenger are one. The spiritual Food is ready, and It is in the season now.

You are welcome to yet ANOTHER RED-LETTER DAY FOR THE BRIDE. We’ll grab our cruse of Oil, and it will be running over. Then we’ll scoop the barrel of Meal, and It will be full to the brim. We will sit together in Heavenly places from around the world, hidden away in our secret place, enjoying the hidden Manna as God vindicates Himself to us.

Come gather in the Sheep pen with us Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear God’s messenger bring us God’s Message: Spiritual Food In Due Season 65-0718E.

Us with one dollar and eighty cents to build a tabernacle, a lot of the garage people done decided it was going to be their garage. But it’s still a sheep pen for God’s Sheep.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Scriptures to read

1 Kings 17:1-7
Amos 3:7
Joel 2:28
Malachi 4:4
Luke 17:30
St. John 14:12


Saturday, September 4, 2021

Dear Voice Of God Church,

We are His Voice Of God Church, His sweetheart Word Bride, and we can hardly wait to hear what Father is going to speak and reveal to us this Sunday.

We have the living Voice Of God at our fingertips. With one touch of our finger we can hear God speaking through human lips, the Words of Eternal life. With one finger He speaks to us and reveals to us all the mysteries that were hidden since the foundation of the world.

With one finger He answers any question we have on our hearts. With one finger He tells us anything we need to know. With one finger we can hear God’s Voice speak to us and give us Rapturing in Faith. By one finger we can hear God speak and tell us, you’re healed.

When the enemy tells us we’re not God’s Bride, you’re just a failure, with one finger we press play and can hear Father speak to us and reassure us, “YOU ARE My chosen Bride. I predestinated you before the foundation of the world.”

When we’re low in spirit and the enemy is attacking us from every angle, with our one finger we can hear Him speak to us and simply say, “Good morning Friends,” and the peace of the Holy Spirit fills the room.

When we hear THE ENEMY SAY you’re just following a man and place too much on him, with just one finger we hear the Voice of God tell us:

He told me if I get the people to believe me. That seems strange for me to have to say this, “You believe in me?” Said, “Aren’t you supposed believe God?” You must believe that. You must believe God and believe Christ, and believe the Holy Ghost. Then after believing all of them, God wants you to believe me.

When the enemy tries to tell us, “It’s not Scripture and it’s wrong to come together at a certain time and just hear the tapes,” with just one finger we hear God’s Voice tell us:

And to this church, and to the tapes, people on tapes, and people on the hookup across other parts of the nation, I want you to listen to this real close, and don’t you fail.

When the enemy says Brother Branham said stay with the Word, not the tapes, with one finger we hear the Voice of God SCREAM OUT and say:

So say I, in the Name of Jesus Christ: Don’t you add one thing, don’t take, put your own ideas in It, you just say what is said on those tapes, you just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do; don’t add to It!

That Voice even tells us how to check It with the Word so we don’t make a mistake.

There is your five musts. It’s got to be that way.

  • His time.
  • His season.
  • The man that He chose.
  • It must come to the prophet.
  • The prophet must be a vindicated prophet.

Our Prophet is Jesus Christ.

The vindicated Word of the hour! The vindicated Word of the days of Moses was Jesus. The vindicated Word of the day of Isaiah, Elijah, John, all, was Jesus. And the vindicated Word today is Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

With one finger we can press play and hear Jesus Christ Himself speak and reveal to us:

  • This is the time,
  • This is the season,
  • This is the man I chose,
  • This is My prophet,
  • This prophet has been vindicated more than any other of My prophets.

Today, not only do we have the God of Heaven speaking to us, but He is in us, dwelling, and living His Life through us. It’s beyond our understanding.

Let us make ourselves ready. Time is at hand. We see Scripture being fulfilled daily. The Message reads like today’s news:

“Perplexity of the time, distress between nations, earthquakes in divers places, the sea roaring, man’s heart failing for fear.”

Even nature itself tells us today, as we see the nations breaking, the earth sinking in, the handwriting is on the wall.

We see the Bride and the state She is in. And we know, by nature, that the Church is getting ready to leave.

GLORY, we’re getting ready to leave. With just one finger you can make yourself ready. I invite you to come join us Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear: Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God 65-0718M.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Scriptures To Read:

Deuteronomy 4:1-4 / 4:25-26
1 Chronicles 13
1 Chronicles 15:15
Psalms 22
St. Mark 7:7
Joel 2:28
Amos 3:7
Malachi 3
St. Matthew 11:1-15
1 Corinthians 13:1