Archived Letters
Saturday, November 6, 2021

Dear Lightened Bride,

As the day was far spent, we were tuned in on the hook up and He came into our houses and lived with us. Across the nations, part of the Body of Christ, Who His prophet had been given the right to feed, sat together in Heavenly places as HE spoke to us through His mighty angel that He has sent; to lighten the world by His Holy Spirit through him, to call out His Bride.

God sent, in this 18th chapter, a mighty angel, after that mystery was known, a mighty angel, or, a messenger....

God sent an angel, a messenger to (what?) call out, “Come out!” The Message of the hour!...

Come out of her! God sent a many…mighty angel, or, a messenger. And his Light wasn’t in a corner, It scattered over the earth… To lighten the earth, and call His people out of her...

Now, you know that’s the Truth. A messenger was sent from Heaven, to call God’s people out of Babylon. And his Light lighted the earth, great Holy Spirit.

Last week a minister told his congregation that I wanted the people to believe that Brother Branham was the angel of Revelations 18, but he pointed out that was an angel from Heaven, and couldn’t be Brother Branham. If the brother would have simply did what the prophet TOLD him to do, check it with the Word, and NOT his understanding, HE WOULD HAVE HEARD, THAT IN FACT, IT WAS BROTHER BRANHAM THAT SAID HE WAS THAT ANGEL.

...Notice, this is the angel of Light, remember, the last angel, it’s the angel in the church age to the Laodicea. It’s the Laodicea messenger, that, it’s the last, because the very next chapter is the 19th chapter, which is the coming Bride.

Brothers and sisters, I HATE to say these things and to point them out. As Brother Branham says, “I am so misunderstood”. I don’t mean it is all the ministers saying these things, nor do I believe all ministers are false, or should not minister. NO, but too many are deceiving the people by placing more importance on their ministry by preaching the Word, rather than pressing play with their people and hearing EXACTLY what the prophet said.

If you are predestinated, you see It. There’s no way to hide It from you. You look and say, “It’s just so plain before my face! I’m looking right at It. I see It. Here It is, the Word, every Word, Word by Word. It’s manifested before me and my whole soul is wrapped into It.”

Let me give you this quote my minister brothers, that express just what I, and the church the Lord has given me to pastor, believes as far as playing the tapes in church.

And if this is being taped; to any ministers at any place, any time, this is not directed in disregards to your teachings, this is not even directed to your sheep. This Message, and all other of the Messages that I speak on, is directed to my congregation. It’s not for your congregation unless they want to receive It. But It’s directed to this people here.

The people buy these tapes. The people across the world buy them and play them. Many times they write in. And I always refer to them, if they’re a member of some church, “See your pastor.”

They look to me as their local pastor, thus I tell them, “I BELIEVE IN RECEIVING THE TAPES AND PRESSING PLAY. Brother Branham is our pastor. We are part of his congregation”.

Now, pastor, I want you to know that, that, this is only to my congregation I speak these things. And I have a right to do that, because I been set by the Holy Spirit to watch over these sheep. And woe unto me if I don’t tell them what I think is the Truth, and way I think It comes. But It’s not for the world or the rest of the churches. You do whatever God tells you to do. I cannot answer for you, neither can you answer for me. But we must each answer before God, for our ministry.

I must answer to God for the ministry He gave me. With every fiber of my being I believe you must play The Voice Of God by way of the recorded Messages in your church. It is God’s provided way for today to ripen His Bride. It is the ONLY way for the Bride to be united and perfected.

The Message we are about to hear Sunday was spoken and recorded for TODAY. It is Spiritual Food In Due Season. Let us open our hearts so the Holy Spirit can anoint us to hear what He was warning us to be on the outlook for in these last days.

He told us both spirits will be fully manifested in this last day. He told us it would be so close it would deceive the very elect if it was possible. That day is here.

Look, when Jesus come, see, Satan was in that bunch of Jewish teachers, and rabbis and priests, trying to tell them to keep the law of Moses, when the very Word said that in that day the Son of man would be revealed, see, that He would reveal Himself. So they was trying, as long as they kept them religious, and on the law of Moses. ...See what he did? He was trying to tell them, “That part of the Word is just exactly right, but this Man isn’t that Person.” See how deceiving he is? That’s that real day of deception.

We CAN NOT be deceived, we are the Bride. We ARE children of God. We ARE a part of God’s attribute that was in Him, made flesh like He was made flesh, so we can have fellowship one with the other as a family of God upon the earth. We don’t remember it now, but we were there. He knowed it. And He wanted us to become so He could contact us, speak with us and love us, and shake our hands, GLORY!!!

There is no more, “I THINK I am His Bride. I HOPE I am His Bride.” WE KNOW WE ARE HIS BRIDE.

The Holy Ghost is in action in us. It’s a Life, not an emotion; not some sort of a fleshly evidence, but It is a Person, Jesus Christ, the Word of God established in our heart, to quicken every Word of this age.

You are welcome to join us on the hook up Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as the Holy Spirit lightens us with His Word spoken through His angel, and brings us the Message: Satan’s Eden 65-0829.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Scripture to read:

2 Timothy 3:1-9
Revelations 3:14
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
Isaiah 14:12-14
Matthew 24:24


Saturday, October 30, 2021

Dear Bible Believers,

What a glorious day we are living in. Our hearts burn within us as He speaks to us daily along the way. Christ has been revealed to us by His Word. It is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the Word Himself made manifest in flesh. It is the Voice of God calling out His Bride.

We have an ultimate, the last word, our Absolute; it is His Word, the Bible. Now if the “Bible” is our Absolute, let us see what the prophet said the Bible was.

He said God wrote the Bible only by using the prophets. That was His way of doing it. That was the way He had of bringing His Word to the people: through the lips of His prophets. His Word only came to the prophet.

The prophet had his mind set constantly on what God said; not what man thought, what the age thought, what the church thought, what the kingdom thought, but what God thought! He only expressed God’s thoughts to Word. When God revealed His thoughts to him, he expressed It by the written Word.

So, the whole Bible is not the words of man, neither was It wrote by man, brought by man, or neither can It be revealed by man. It is God’s Word revealed by God Himself, His Own Interpreter. His Word.

Now these prophets said, “It’s not me. I have nothing to do with it, but it’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.” So, the Bible is THUS SAITH THE LORD by the prophets. These prophets not only spoke and wrote the Word, but he also was the ONLY Divine interpreter of that written Word.

So, the Bible is the very thoughts of God written by the prophets. The prophet is the only divine interpreter of the Bible. The Message, the Word, the Bible and the messenger are the same. Thus, we will be judged by the interpretation of the Bible spoken by the prophet.

“You were sent, for a leader. And God will come. And when He does, He’ll judge you according to what you taught them, first, whether they go in or not. We’ll go in according to your teaching.”

WHAT did he just say? He will be judged first by what HE taught us. We can ONLY enter in according to HIS teachings. So how important is it just to say what is on the tapes as we will be judged by HIS WORD ON TAPE; which is the interpretation of the Bible. Are you going to trust your Eternal destination on what some man says? Not the Bride!! What are we going to do and say?

And all of them screamed with one accord, “We know that! We’re resting with assurance.”

So, the Bride is resting on every Word the prophet spoke, which was the interpretation of the thoughts of God written by prophets, and in these last days spoke by God Himself through the lips His prophet.

“You will present us to Him, and then we’ll all go back to earth again, to live forever.”

Oh brothers and sisters, wake up before it’s too late. This is His last call. Open your heart and see how you must be listening to the Voice of God on tape. If we’re going to be judged by the Message God spoke through His messenger on tape, how can you not see how important, and the only way to be correct and line up with His Word, is by hearing the Voice of God on tape.

Yes, God has called the 5-fold ministry, but they have to place the importance on hearing the tapes more than their ministry. I’m not saying your pastor can not preach or teach. I’m not saying stop going to church; you should go to church, but when your pastor is not putting the tapes, the Voice of God which you will be judged by, first, before you to hear, you have on the wrong filter.

Ask yourself, when a minister tells you, you should only play tapes in your home and not in church, does that even make sense? Surely, you’re not that deceived. The very Voice and Word you are going to be judged by should ONLY be heard in your homes and not in church? Brother Branham never said Play tapes in church, but you should only listen to me as your pastor when you come to church. Do you have any revelation at all?

What could be more important when coming together in your church to worship the Lord, to grow in understanding of the Word, to get closer to God, than to be ripened by hearing the ONLY…ONLY vindicated Voice of God.

Can you imagine Joshua telling all of Israel, I know we have the exact words Moses spoke, but Moses never said when we come together that we should read his writings. I’m leading you now and I will tell you the words of Moses.

And afterward he read all the words of the law, the blessings and cursings, according to all that is written in the book of the law.

There was not a word of all that Moses commanded, which Joshua read not before all the congregation of Israel, with the women, and the little ones, and the strangers that were conversant among them.

In other words, if Joshua would have had a tape recorder in his day, when he gathered the people together he would PRESS PLAY.

Malachi 4 has come with THUS SAITH THE LORD, and you are going to be judged by every word that was spoken on the tapes. This Message is your filter. Listen and live, refuse and die.

How can we take a chance when our Eternal destination is in question? We need to be constantly hearing the Word; in our homes, in our cars, doing the laundry, teaching our children, washing our cars, taking a hike, and most importantly, gathering in our churches.

You are welcome to join a portion of His Bride, that believes EVERY WORD on the tapes, as we hear the Message: A Thinking Man’s Filter 65-0822E, Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time. Or encourage your pastor to play a tape in your church so you too can hear the very Voice that is going to introduce you to our Lord Jesus Christ, and then we’ll go back to earth again to live forever. IT DOESN’T GET BETTER THAN THAT.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Saturday, October 23, 2021

Dear Stimulated Bride,

We have never been happier, or more satisfied in our life. We have Stimulation by Revelation like never before. The world is falling apart. People have gone completely insane. We are seeing the things we have heard about our whole life now taking place right before our eyes.

Each Message we hear is so perfectly on time and just what we need to hear. It is Spiritual Food In Due Season. We are satisfied It is not the thoughts of a man, neither is It the Words of a man, It is the Words of God speaking through a Man, calling out His Bride.

We can say from the depths of our heart:

  • This Message is Thus Saith The Lord.
  • It is God’s provided way for today.
  • It needs no interpretation.
  • It is the Words of infallibility.

Listening to this last series of Messages has been the highlight of my life. I just want to share quote after quote with everyone. “Did you hear this quote…I have never heard It like that before…I heard that tape 4 times in the last few days and I never caught it like I did today. This Message is more current than when it was preached 56 years ago”.

There is nothing like the sheer joy of knowing you’re listening to the pure vindicated Voice of God. No need to have your guard up. No need to wonder, does this line up with the Word. Is that his thoughts or his interpretation? I’ve got to go check it with the Word.

Not us, we just sit back, relax, and say AMEN to every Word, as we know everything we are hearing is THUS SAITH THE LORD.

It simply doesn’t get better or easier than that.

I have been praying and seeking the Lord and He is leading me to continue on with these last Messages the prophet spoke. I know we have listened to these next Messages just a few months ago, but each time we hear them He is revealing more and more to us.

When I think of His Bride, gathered together from around the world, waiting with great anticipation to start their Message to hear God speak to them from the lips of His prophet, I get so excited. What is He going to reveal to us today?

There is a great awakening taking place around the world. The Bride is crying out, saying: “We want to hear the tapes. We want to press play. We want to be united with the Bride around The Word”.

We are uniting and sitting together in the presence of the Son, ripening, getting ready for the Rapture. I’d like to invite you to come ripen with us at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear God speak to His Bride and bring the Message, Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word 65-0822M.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Exodus 4:10-12
Isaiah 53:1-5
Jeremiah 1:4-9
Malachi: 4:5
St. Luke 17:30
St. John 1:1 / 1:14 / 7:1-3 / 14:12 / 15:24 / 16:13
Galatians 1:8
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Hebrews 1:1-3 / 4:12 / 13:8
2 Peter 1:20-21
Revelation 1:1-3 / 10:1-7 / 22:18-19


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Dear Gathering Eagles,

Oh, what a moment, what a time! There is nothing left undone. God’s Eagles are gathering around the Carcass. Prophecy is being fulfilled. Not one time has It ever missed, and It won’t, for we, who have been predestinated to see It, see It.

Since Father took His prophet Home, never has His Bride been united around His Voice like it is today. He chose the way His Word would come, and that was by His prophets, which were predestinated and foreordained. And we are satisfied, and convinced, that this is Jesus Christ making Himself known, identifying Himself in prophecy.

How it was that He led the children of Israel through the wilderness, in their journey, as a type of the called-out people today. Here He is, by scientific research, even identified Himself before science. And by His very actions and by His very prophecy, the things that’s prophesied of Him to do in this day, to make Him the same yesterday, today, and forever, has been perfectly a vindicated. Isn’t it enough to make our hearts burn within us?

Like those apostles of that day, we are ordained to Life. The only thing we have to do is just make His Voice known. And that Voice is the very thoughts of God expressed. We believe all of It. We don’t have to scientifically prove anything, or ask any Sadducee or Pharisee, or anybody else about It. He said It and we believe It. His sheep hear His Voice, speaking through His prophet.

This Message is the Voice of God on tape. It is the entire Revelation of Jesus Christ, Old and New Testament put together. All secrets have been revealed. We don’t add to or take away from It. We do just as He has commanded us to do, STAY WITH THE WORD.

There you are. It’s that inside man. That inside that will punctuate the Word, hang with the Word, regardless.

He prophesied and told us what was to come to pass. The whole world would be grouping in insanity, and will get worse and worse and worse, until they’ll be a bunch of maniacs.

He said the hour is close at hand when we’re going to see something happen, something will take place. And all these Messages were backgrounding and laying a foundation for a short, quick Message that will shake the whole nations. I believe we are now seeing these things taking place right now.

And I know that, after my going away from this earth, them tapes and them books will be living on, and many of you young children will find, in the days to come, that this is exactly the Truth, because I speak it in the Name of the Lord.

Let us listen and pay close attention to all the details of the dreams the prophet told us about. How they saw him standing on a rock that reached from the east to the west, in a pointed shape like a pyramid. How he was on a horse that they never seen anything like in their life; great white horse, with a white mane hanging down.

How a white cloud came down and got him and packed him away. Then after a while it sat him at the head of the table and he was snow white. He was standing there and spoke with authority. There was no guessing to it. Every man understood exactly what he said.

“I’ll ride this trail once more!”

I believe we are seeing that take place today. These Messages are riding that trail once more. God is calling His Eagles together from around the world. They are uniting around His Word, His Voice, This Message.

The world is naked, miserable, wretched, blind, and don’t know it. But the Bride is dressed with the Word, glorious in Spirit, joyful by His Grace, and we can see and know who we are: HIS BRIDE.

He told us as far as he knew, he didn’t see anything to hinder, at this time, the Coming of the Lord Jesus, outside of the readiness of His Church.

Eagles, let us make ourselves ready. I invite you to gather with us around the Carcass on Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear the Voice of God for our day make us ready for the soon coming Rapture as we hear: 65-0815 And Knoweth It Not.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Scriptures to read:

Revelations 3:14-19
Colossians 1:9-20



Saturday, October 9, 2021

Dear Christ’s Little Virgin, Word, Flock, Bride.

We are His Word Bride waiting for our Word Groom and His Millennium honeymoon. We’ll only listen to one Voice. “My sheep know My Voice. A stranger they’ll not follow.” What is His Voice?

Any man’s voice is his word. And this is It, the Bible, not one word to be added to It or taken from It. Just stay right with that Voice. “A stranger they won’t follow,” a denomination.

That Voice is His Voice, speaking on tape through the only divine interpreter of His Word, His prophet, William Marrion Branham. It’s Jesus Christ speaking through human lips. We don’t care about man’s words, man’s thoughts or man’s interpretation, we only care about the vindicated Voice for our day. It is THUS SAITH THE LORD.

God moved our prophet’s hands. God moved his eyes in the visions. He could say nothing but what he was looking at. He could speak nothing, ’cause God had full control of his tongue, his finger, every organ of his body was in full sway with God. No wonder the Bible said His prophets were gods; they were a part of God! He was God’s Word being manifested for our day.

This Bible foretells, by prophecy, the day and time we’re living in. What kind of events that would be taking place. It foretells it exactly to the letter, and has never missed one age. Those who are predestinated to see It, will see It. It’s the Word joining with the Word.

In every age, people let men put their own interpretation to this Word, and it causes them to be blinded to the event that’s happened. The same thing it done with the Pharisees and Sadducees.

They told the people, “We are anointed of God. You need us to tell you what the Word says. You need us to interpret It for you.”

As it was in that day so is it today. The deceiving part is they are anointed with the Holy Spirit. They do have a calling from God to minister the Word. They are to tell the people what the prophet said, but too many of them PLACE THEIR INTERPRETATION TO IT by making their ministry more important than the very Voice Of God.

Notice how they want to try to rally the people together around their ministry, around their interpretation of what God’s prophets said, but they simply can’t do it.

They hide behind and scare the people to justify not playing tapes in their churches by saying, “Them people place too much on the man and are worshiping him and not Jesus Christ. It’s a denomination to hear a message all at the same time from one place. Brother Branham never said play tapes in church”, thus avoiding the real reason, they simply do not want to play the tapes in their churches. Their ministry, their understanding, their calling, is more important than listening to tapes in church. They won’t dare say that, NO WAY, but their actions speak for them.

Any real true minister, that claims to believe this is the true end-time Message, the Voice Of God for our day, would never find an excuse not to play the tapes in their church. CHECK THAT STATEMENT WITH THE WORD BRIDE.

I have never said everyone must listen at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, or you’re not Bride, NEVER. I have never worshiped a man. It is Jesus Christ which receives all the glory. I worship the God in the man as THE WORD told us to do. How deceiving and blind they are. Just read the Scriptures my brother, it’s right there.

The devil KNOWS that any minister, or group of ministers, will NEVER unite the Bride; they don’t even agree with each other. Just like the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and the Pentecostal, how can any one of them or combination of them unite the Bride…it simply CAN NOT.


The enemy hates it, so he is trying to destroy it, but it will be impossible to do so….GLORY!

As ever, they always, at the end of the age, have got in such a mess by their theologians and priests until it’s always a mess-up. Always their interpretation is wrong, not one time has it ever failed to be wrong. And not one time has God’s Word ever failed to be right. That’s the difference.

There is simply one way to be for sure, stay with the Word, the Voice of God on the tapes. Read your Bible, it will tell you what events are to take place in this day. It will tell you of His mighty angel that is to come in this day. It will tell you to stay with That Voice, stay with His chosen messenger.

If Satan hates any Book of the Bible, it’s the book of Revelation. It was written by Christ Himself. Then according to that spirit, Christ Himself must have put too much emphasis of His 7th angel.

And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

Christ Himself said the whole earth was LIGHTENED BY HIS GLORY. He didn’t say lightened by “My Glory”. Then according to your understanding, you are accusing Christ Himself putting too much emphasis upon His 7th angel messenger.

That earthly messenger was so close to Christ Himself, John tried to worship him, TWICE, but he said, “NO!, worship God.” That is exactly what we do, worship God. We do not place too much on the man, we just say what CHRIST THE WORD SAID….“the earth was lightened by his glory”. That gives us Stimulation By Revelation.

God does His Own choosing, by predestination, chose the prophets for every age. Notice it. He fixes the nature of that prophet to fit that age. See, He fits his style, whatever he does. He fits him whether he’s educated or not educated. He fits the gifts, the manner that he’ll preach in, the gifts he’ll have. And the Message for that certain age, God’s predestinated that certain thing to happen and there’s not another thing can take its place.

Play a tape, any tape, Sunday, nothing can take Its place. If you want to join the Branham Tabernacle as we listen to a tape, you are welcome and are invited to join us Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: Events Made Clear By Prophecy 65-0801E.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Genesis: 22:17-18
Psalms: 16:10 / Chapter 22 / 35:11 / 41:9
Zechariah 11:12 / 13:7
Isaiah: 9:6 / 40: 3-5 / 50:6 / 53:7-12
Malachi: 3:1 / 4th chapter
St. John 15:26
St. Luke: 17:30 / 24:12-35
Romans: 8:5-13
Hebrews: 1:1 / 13:8
Revelation: 1:1-3 / Chapter 10