Dear Flesh Of His Flesh,
I’m so happy that God doesn’t change His Mind about His Word. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. How He did things from the beginning, He does it the same today. God, Himself, manifested in human flesh, by the Blood of Jesus Christ, to sanctify a life that He might reflect Himself through it.
Our messenger today has Scriptural identification of himself among us. It is the Holy Ghost, Itself, doing Its Own interpreting. No need to go from this one to that one to find the truth or the interpretation; the Holy Spirit has given His Church Ephesians 4, all in one man, His vindicated prophet.
Apostle: Apostle means “one sent,” or, “a missionary.” I am a missionary.
Prophet: Do you believe me to be God’s prophet?
Evangelist: “Do the work of an evangelist. Make full proof of your ministry. The time will come when they’ll not endure sound doctrine.”
Pastor: You’ve called me, “your pastor”; and you say well, for so I am.
Teacher: I want to speak on the Word, or teach this Sunday school lesson, on the Word of a Token.
Equals = I know you, our brothers, you kind of look to me to be your absolute to what…as long as I follow God, as Paul said in the Scripture, “You follow me, as I follow Christ.”
This Message is our Absolute, thus we follow him as he follows Christ.
I don’t disregard that there are many God called Ephesians 4 men that are ordained and called of God to fulfill these offices; by His GRACE, I am one of them. But we are minors, God’s 7th angel prophet is the MAJOR.
For the ones around the world that call the “Branham Tabernacle” their “home church”: our pastor, our live ministry, our Absolute, our Ephesians 4 is all on Tape. We believe It is the original ministry that He had when He was here on earth.
What a peace, what a rest, we never have to worry or have our guard up or filter on when we are hearing the Word. It is the proven, vindicated Word of God, fresh manna each time we hear it and all we have to do is sit back and enjoy as our hearts burn within us as He talks to us along the way.
And all that My Father hath given Me, they will come. My sheep, My doves, hear My Voice. A stranger they will not follow.” And what is the Voice of God? Is the Word of God. What’s any man’s voice but his word? It’s the Word of God; they’ll hear the Word of God.
Then there is still MORE for His Church. Not only do we recognize this day and its messenger, the Word for today, but the greatest joy that was ever given to man has finally come to pass. WE ARE part of His Spirit, part of His Body; flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone; Word of His Word, Life of His Life, WE ARE the Bride of Christ!
Glory!! Praise the Name of the Lord!! Hallelujah!! His Bride has recognized Herself and is making Herself ready by His Word.
That’s what the Church is doing today, for Jesus is the Word and He is the Bridegroom, and the Bride is a part of the Groom. Therefore the Word that is to be fulfilled this day is the same part of the Word that was fulfilled in His day, and it’s the same Word, same experience, same Life.
Come and experience the same Word, the same experience, the same Life this Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and hear: The Seed Shall Not Be Heir With The Shuck 65-0429B.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures To Read:
Matthew 1:18-20 / 24:24
Luke 17:30
St. John 5:24
Galatians 4:27-31
Genesis 2:15
Isaiah 9:6
Malachi 4
Associated Services
Dear Perfect Will Bride,
O dear God, we don’t want Your permissive will, Father. Let us walk in Your perfect will. Let us just—just not take a Word here and there, and make It to fit a dogma or a creed, or something. Let us take the Word as It is, believing the full Gospel, all that Jesus taught for us to do.
That is our greatest and deepest desire, to be in God’s perfect will. Never do we want to displease Him, but to please Him in all we say and do. We want to be His Adopted and manifested sons and daughters.
Where do we find out how to be in His perfect will and please Him? We must go to His Word, for we know His Word is the truth and life. His Word is always the same, His program is always the same, for He cannot change.
The Word tells us, the way He did things the first time, He will always do them the same. He must forever remain the same. His purpose has always been the same. His actions have always been the same. The way He does things, the way He heals the people, the way He leads His people, He will always remain the same.
The Bible tells us in His unchanging Word that the Word of the Lord comes to His prophets only. He never reveals it to the clergy or a theologian, just to His prophets. He also said He did nothing until first He shows it to His prophets.
Man has always wanted a man-made system, a group of men to lead them. But that was never God’s way, He always sent a Divine-called leader, an ordained prophet with the Word to lead His people. That prophet was vindicated and was chosen to be their leader of the hour.
God chose and placed many other ordained leaders filled with the Holy Spirit; and they have their places, but He warned them leaders, “stay away from that Pillar of Fire.” What does that Pillar of Fire do…IT LEADS THE PEOPLE BY DAY AND BY NIGHT.
Then the Word tells us, “As it was in the days of Sodom, so will it be in the days when the Son of man is being revealed.” According to His Word in Malachi 4, and many Scriptures, He’s to return back into His Church in a physical form; in the people, in human beings, in the way of being a prophet.
How will we know this prophet? He will prove who he is by the Word. He will know the very secrets of the heart. He will reveal all the Word to the people. He will be vindicated by the Pillar of Fire to lead the Bride. God will even have His picture taken with His prophet.
Some will be like John on the island of Patmos and try to worship him, but he will say, “See that you do it not, for I am thy fellow servant, and of the prophets, worship God.” The Bride will know not to worship him, the man, but to worship the God IN THAT MAN.
He will know that he is the one God has chosen to speak the Words of infallibility. He will know that he was that 7th angel messenger chosen by God. The world will see and hear the Voice of God speak through Him and will see the first fully restored Adam.
He will lead the Bride by a Pillar of Fire. He will be getting his information from the Logos and giving it to the Bride on their road to a promised Land. The Bride will have the Revelation and know this is God’s provided messenger. This is God’s provided way. This is God’s PERFECT WILL.
Come join us Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and hear: Does God Change His Mind? 65-0427.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scripture to read:
Numbers 22:31
Associated Services
Dear Babes Such As Will Learn,
What a Heavenly atmosphere we were setting in on Sunday as the Bride of Christ gathered together in the Presence of the Holy Spirit. We could feel It quickening our mortal bodies.
There is no greater anointing, no greater atmosphere, than when you Press Play and hear the Voice of God speak to you. God has fixed our ears to hear and believe every Word, for it is none other than El, Elah, Elohim, the self-existing One, the all-sufficient One, the strong One, speaking to each of us and revealing to us that we are His manifested sons and daughters.
How powerful it was as the predestinated Seed of God, from around the world, placed their Holy hands on one another. Our homes and churches were filled with the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Our Faith had been built-up, for we knew who was speaking to us. He then told us that quickening power was IN US. We believed with all our hearts and souls, because He said so.
Then He told us to say, “Lord God, I believe with all my heart.” We repeated every Word from the depths of our hearts. He said, “Sickness cannot stand in such a group as this.” Our spirit rejoiced as we heard these Words, for we knew what was taking place.
He said, “Everybody that wants the Holy Ghost, raise up your hands, WHEREVER YOU ARE that want It...I do believe that God will fill each one of you, RIGHT NOW, with the Holy Ghost.” Right at that moment, we were filled, and refilled, with His Holy Spirit, the Voice of God had just said so
Then to those that needed healing in their body, He said, “I command you, in the Name of Jesus Christ, to stand to your feet and accept your healing.” At that very moment, every believer, from around the world, that had FAITH and believed, was HEALED.
Where did this take place? In one small group of people gathered together? No, it was from AROUND THE WORLD as the Bride sat together in Heavenly places listening to the Voice of God for our day.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for any man, or group of men, to unite the Bride like that. Only the Holy Spirit can do that by speaking through His provided messenger for the day. This Message is THUS SAITH THE LORD. No wondering, no guessing, God has proved this is His provided way for today.
What a rest and peace we have. We never have to worry or question what is being said to us. We never have to go back to the Word to check it, for we are listening to God’s proven Word for our day. We just sit back, open up our hearts, our minds and souls, and say AMEN, AMEN, AMEN.
No, we’re not worthy. No, we don’t understand everything. But we BELIEVE every Word. He said that was the true sign that you have the Holy Spirit, and only His Bride will believe and stay with every Word. WE ARE THAT BRIDE….Hallelujah!.
It goes way over the top of the great, so-called deep thinkers, and reveals it to babes such as will learn.
I’m so thankful that I am a baby such as will learn.
He has proven through the centuries who He was in each age. He proved It through His prophets. He proved It when He came in flesh, took our sins and was nailed upon a cross, then rose again and sent back the Holy Spirit.
Now He has proven It in our day by returning and revealing Himself in human flesh once again as He promised He would in His Word. He had proven Himself to be The Son of man, the ministry of Jesus Christ Himself, veiled in human flesh.
And now, His final chapter, the very reason for this great plan, to come for us, His fully restored, proven Bride, that stayed with The Word.
Would you have liked to have been on the mountain that day when Jesus spoke to the 5000? Would you have loved to see Him prove to the world who He was by providing the loaves and the fishes? Would you have loved to be sitting under that anointing, just hearing His Voice comfort your heart with His Words of Eternal Life?
You can, if you believe This Message with all your heart.
Come sit under that anointing on the mountain with us this Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and hear God prove to the world who He is in our day. Luke 17:30 speaking to you and telling you B-R-A-N-H-A-M is My proven and chosen Voice to you. Come hear him: Proving His Word 65-0426.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read:
St. Matthew 11:4-19 / 28:20
St. Mark 11:22-26
St. Luke 8: 40-56 / 17:30
St. John 14:12
Hebrews 4:12-15 / 13:8
Malachi 4
Associated Services
Dear Quickened Ones,
How we love to gather together each week to feast upon the Spiritual Manna He has provided for His Bride. It gives us the strength we need for our journey. It is the very Life of the Messiah, manifested, making His Church ready for the Rapture.
The Pillar of Fire has called us out, and is leading us to the promised Land, under the anointing of His mighty prophet, William Marrion Branham.
Brother Branham is not the Pillar of Fire. He is the anointed leader, under that Pillar of Fire. The Pillar of Fire only vindicates his Message with signs and wonders. It is His great Holy Spirit manifested amongst us and it is a thousand times more than all the other prophets before.
Can’t you see the Son of man, the Son of man in the form of prophetic Message, returning back again in His Church, in prophecy, revealing Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever? It’s never been done through the age, till this time.
Our Spiritual minds have caught It. We see It and believe every Word. This Message, these Tapes, are God’s provided Way to catch that mind out there where that seed is sowed. We have heard that Voice and the Light has struck us and we have taken Life.
It is seating us in Heavenly places, RIGHT NOW. Not we will be, we are now. We’re already resurrected, the dynamics and the mechanics is gone to work. It has quickened us into the Presence of God, where His Spirit is. It’s not what you’re going to be, you already are! It’s just the devil trying to rob us from It.
Q: Have you come to Life?
A: Yes
Q: Has Christ become real to you?
A: Yes
Q: Has the power of God been manifested?
A: Yes
Q: Are you in that Church, God’s provided Church?
A: Yes
Q: How are you in It, how do you know you’ve been quickened in It?
A: Our whole thoughts; Our whole being, is in Christ. Christ is in the midst of us, proving Himself alive, proving that He is here.
We are flesh of His flesh, and bone of His bone, body of His body, Name of His Name, Bride of Him. We are in Him. We are His flesh and His bones.
We can’t die, we’re quickened. The quickening power that raised us from a life of sin, and changed our being, has potentially raised us up in Christ Jesus, which, the resurrection will bring us forth in the full maturity.
We are borned and regenerated, baptized with the Holy Ghost, into Jesus Christ. We have been quickened to every Word. We punctuate every Word with “amen”.
As we gather together in Jesus Christ; in one mind, and one accord, whatever we have need of, if we will have FAITH and believe, He will give it to us.
Let us realize that He will be in each of our homes, our churches, or wherever we are gathered , for we are His sons and daughters, His Bride Church.
I know He’s here. I’m positive He’s here. I know that now there is quickening power enough in the Church to heal every person that’s sitting here.
Do you believe This Message? Do you believe It is God’s Way for today? Do you believe It is the Son of Man revealing Himself in human flesh? Do you believe every Word?
If you need healing of the body, healing of the spirit, or ANYTHING you may have need of, then I challenge you to believe the anointed, vindicated, Voice Of God for our day:
Grant just now that that quickening power will quicken their faith, Lord, to what they are doing. There is a believer got a hands on a believer, a body to a body, a power to a power. And it’s the power of God, by a son of God or a daughter of God, by the Son of God. O God, may Satan turn this people loose! May they be healed this afternoon, by the resurrecting, quickening power of the Presence identified, Jesus Christ. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it be so!
Come and join with us under: God’s Provided Place Of Worship 65-0425, and receive your healing, be anointed by the Holy Spirit, have your soul rejoice as you sit in Heavenly places and hear the Son of Man speak this Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
Deuteronomy 16: 1-6
Malachi 4:5
St. Matthew 1:23
St Mark 16:17
St. Luke 17:30
St. John 4:23 / 10:1-7
Romans 8:1-11
1 Corinthians 12:13
Ephesians 1:21
1 Thessalonians 4:16
Hebrews 13:8
Revelations 22:19
Associated Services
Dear Manifested Sons and Daughters,
One hardly knows where to begin. To think, we have been sitting together in a Heavenly atmosphere, from around the world, drinking from That Living Water, becoming His manifested sons and daughters. This Message is giving us a complete understanding, positionally placing us, and telling us who WE ARE in Christ Jesus.
What is This Message doing?
“For I espouse you, engage you to Christ, as a chaste virgin.”
Glory, God sent His 7th angel messenger to espouse us to Him as a chaste virgin. We will be judged by every word HE SPOKE. That means you must PRESS PLAY.
He wrote His first Bible in the sky. Then He wrote His second Bible in stone. His third Bible was written on paper for the great, smart, intellectual world to come. But today, the great revelation day, we have His complete and perfect Masterpiece, the very Voice of God calling out His Bride, by The Tapes:
“And YOU’LL present us to the Lord Jesus when He comes, as trophies of YOUR ministry.”
And we all scream out with one accord,
“We know that! We’re resting with assurance.” Said, “YOU will present us to Him, and then we’ll all go back to earth again, to live forever.”
Who did the Bride of Christ scream out and say would present us to God? God’s prophet by HIS MINISTRY. How can you not want to play these tapes in your church?
Only This Message, these tapes, can bring the Church in such harmony with God, until the manifestation of the Bridegroom is manifested in us. How do I know to say to you “stay with the Tapes,” I went back to the blueprint to see what the prophet said.
I hope the spiritual mind can catch it. I’m sure you do. But I wonder, out there. Anyhow, you can’t visit every nation. You can send tapes to it. God will have some way to catch that mind out there where that seed is sowed. Right. And as soon as the Light strikes it, it’s gone, takes Life. Like the little woman at the well, she said, “There It is.” She caught It.
To us it’s honey in the rock, it’s joy unspeakable, it’s the blessed assurance, it’s the anchor of the soul, it’s our hope and stay, it’s the Rock of Ages, it’s everything.
Our spiritual mind is all unmuddied up. We know exactly who He is. We know exactly what He is. We know exactly who we are. We know exactly where we’re going. We know in Whom we have believed and persuaded He’s able to keep that which we have committed to Him against the day.
Then if God has revealed to us we are His ambassadors, all the power that’s in Heaven, all that God is, all of His Angels and all of His power stands behind OUR WORDS. God has to honor the Word, for He said, “Whatever you bind on earth, that will I bind in Heaven. Whatever you loose on earth, that will I loose in Heaven. And I give unto thee the keys to the Kingdom.”
It’s time to go Home. The exodus is at hand. God is showing us who is who. The Bride of Jesus Christ, will be exodus-ed out, into the Land that’s promised.
In His first exodus, He brought them out of a natural land, to a natural land. The second exodus, He brought them out from a spiritual condition, into a spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost. Now He is bringing us from the spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost, back into the Eternal, by the same Pillar of Fire, by the same anointed system, the same God doing the same things!
Let the winds howl. Let the storms shake, we are safe evermore. We are resting right there on every Word.
Come join us Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and rest on every Word God spoke for our day. Make yourself ready for His soon coming and hear: The Third Exodus 63-0630M.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before the Message:
Exodus 3:1-12
Genesis Chapter 37
Genesis Chapter 43