Dear Shekinah Glory Bride,
How our hearts and souls were lifted to new heights as we were gathered together from around the world, listening to the Voice of God speak through His messenger and assure us once again, who we are.
He veils Hisself today, in earthen vessels, with the Shekinah. The outside looks like a bunch of holy-rollers, old badger skins, but the inside hides the Shekinah Glory.
Glory to God! Inside of us hides the Shekinah Glory. We have gone behind the veil and we can see Christ in plain view.
Today, God is not acting in man, He is acting through man. He was acting in a Man then, Jesus. Now, He is acting through man that He has chosen for this purpose. God, in the form of man; He changed Himself from the form of God, to a form of man.
God Himself appeared in the form of a human being, to Abraham’s natural seed, before the destruction, and Jesus said it would be the same thing to this royal Seed before the promised Son returns.
God has once again appeared in the form of a human being, as He promised He would. It is God hidden behind a veil of flesh named William Marrion Branham. Unless you go behind that veil and see God, and not man, you have missed the whole program of God.
Some people say, “You people make Brother Branham a god”. Well, we think that kind of runs all right. We know they are just trying to criticize us. We know we didn’t do that. But we also know they didn’t understand it, because they are on the other side of the skin, they haven’t come behind the veil.
We can clearly say, “Well, that’s not too far away from the Word of God. Is it?” We just want to let them know that we aren’t lost. We know where we are standing. We know what kind of sails we have set, and what kind of wind is blowing us. We know what our threads are, and what our nut is. And we know how we’re standing.
When God was manifest in the world, He was hiding behind a veil, behind a skin of a Man called Jesus. He was veiled and hiding behind the skin of a man called Moses, and they were gods, not Gods; but they were God, the one God, just changing His mask, doing the same thing each time, bringing this Word.
We are threaded to the Word, the Message and the prophet of the hour, and it is pulling us through and taking us to our Heavenly Home. We’re oddballs to the world, but God sent us a Nut that’s pulling His Bride out of this chaos, into the Presence of God. We are a Word-threaded nut.
God, with skin on It! It might sound like a nut, to the world, but it’s drawing all men unto Him.
This Message is the Manna that comes from Heaven, the believers Food that is only for us, and It is drawing His Bride unto Him. The Shekinah Glory, over the Shewbread, kept It from spoiling.
God has provided a Way for today, this Message and His messenger; God veiled with skin on it. Now it is God hiding Himself in us, His Bride, that can only feed on the pure Voice of God that has been vindicated by the Pillar of Fire.
We are not against the five-fold ministry, God forbid, God has called them to minister. They are following and doing how the Holy Spirit is leading them. We are just doing as the Holy Spirit is leading us to do and He is leading and directing us to stay with the tapes only.
So, now, listen to every Word. Catch It. And—and if you’re taking It on tapes, or anything, then you stay right with that tape Teaching. Don’t say nothing but what that tape says. Just say just exactly what the tape says.
So we invite you to come listen to just what the tapes say Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and become an Oddball with us as we hear the Message: The Oddball 64-0614E.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
I Corinthians 1:18-25
II Corinthians 12:11
Associated Services
Dear Written Word,
Each week gets greater and greater. On Sunday, we had the opportunity to look, and decide, WHAT DID WE SEE? Did we see a minister, NO! Did we see our pastor, NO! When we looked beyond the veil of human flesh we saw Jesus Christ revealing Himself and making Himself manifested.
As we have been listening to them tapes as they come down, It has become plainer and plainer, if you have ears to hear and eyes to see. We now see God openly. The veil has been rent, and we see God standing openly before us, the Pillar of Fire manifesting Himself in plain view.
It has blinded some, but to us, It has revealed the Truth. God has glorified His messenger before us, just as He did to Moses.
You’re not behind that veil anymore, little Ones, God has come in full view of you.
What is it? Deity veiled in human flesh. God, in the form of a man, hiding Himself from their view. They can only see a man and say God’s prophet makes mistakes, he even said so himself, trying to teach the people that there are mistakes on the tapes. But to us, His Predestinated Bride, we see and hear God and no mistakes.
One saw a man, the other one saw God. See? And it was God veiled in a human being, making both of them right, but your faith in that what you don’t see.
For us, we’ll believe and follow God’s vindicated prophet’s mistakes, if there were any, before we’ll take and believe their Thus Saith The Lord.
Moses was not to strike the Rock the second time. That same spirit would have said in that day, “See, Moses makes mistakes.” But the water came anyway, and if you didn’t drink from Moses so-called mistake, you died. So is it today. So much for accusations.
Moses had the Word. Now remember, after the Word was made manifest, Moses was Moses again. See? But while that Word was in him to be give out, he was God; well, he wasn’t Moses no more.
Brother Branham had the Word. After the Word was made manifested, Brother Branham was Brother Branham again, but while that Word was in him to be given out to the people on tape, he was God; he wasn’t Brother Branham. Thus we learn, what is on the tapes are the Words of God, and there are no mistakes in the Words of God.
We not only believe It, but live It. When all the rest of them walk away from It, we stay with It! We believe It! No matter what anybody else does or says, we believe It and then we act upon It. If you don’t, then you don’t believe It.
So say I, in the Name of Jesus Christ: Don’t you add one thing, don’t take, put your own ideas in It, you just say what is said on those tapes, you just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do; don’t add to It!
Press play and believe EVERY WORD as God has commanded us to do. It is God speaking lip to ear to His Bride.
God veiled again and vindicated Moses, by the veil, by veiling Himself with the same Fire, same Pillar of Fire came down. From—from then…From them, so they could only hear God’s Word. You get it? Just the Word, they heard His Voice. For, Moses was, to them, the living Word.
God does not, and He cannot, change His program. He is Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. Thus, for us, His vindicated prophet, William Marrion Branham is our Voice of God, and the Living Word for our day.
Now it isn’t just a written Word to us, it’s a reality. We are in Him. Now we’re enjoying. Now we behold Him. Now we see Him, the Word, manifesting Himself. It’s hid, out there, because (why?) It’s veiled in human flesh. See?
No matter what, they don’t see It. Why? It wasn’t sent to them.
Because you do see It, are you ready to hear Him tell you once again WHO YOU ARE? When He looks down from the ramparts of Glory and sees you, who does He see?
- I see the Word made manifest. What He said He would do in these last days, I see it growing. I see the children eating that Shekinah Bread coming from the ripening of that Word, which believes It. Amen!
- Then we become part of Him, as you are the veil that veils Him. You are part of Him, as long as Christ is in you, as Christ was of God. Because God was in Him, made Him God. And as Christ is in you, the hope of Glory, you become part of Christ.
- “You,” It said, “you are written epistles,” or, “you are the Word, that has been written, made manifest,” nothing can be added to It. You can’t say, “I’m a written epistle,” and living some other kind of a something but what This has already wrote, because nothing can be added or taken away.
Praise the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. HE SEES US. WE SEE HIM. We are His Word made manifested today.
Come join us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as God stands before us; the Pillar of Fire veiled in human flesh, and speaks to us the Word that we are to live on in this day. It is the Shekinah Glory ripening us. The Shewbread for the believer.
The Unveiling Of God 64-0614M
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
Matthew 24:24
St. Luke 17: 28-29
St. John 14:14
1 Corinthians 12:13
2 Corinthians 3:6 – 2 Corinthians 4:3
Philippians 2:1-8
1 Timothy 3:16
Hebrews 13:8
Revelations 10:7 & 19:13
Exodus chapters 19 & 20
Joel 2:28
Malachi 4:5
Associated Services
Dear Manifested Lights,
Let us all gather together and hear the Message 63-1229E Look Away To Jesus this Sunday at 12:00 pm, Jeffersonville time.
Brother Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read in preparation for hearing the sermon:
Numbers 21:5-19
Isaiah 45:22
Zechariah 12:10
St. John 14:12
Associated Services
Dear Reflection Of Jesus Christ,
Like the little boy that looked into the mirror and didn’t realize he was looking at himself, we are now looking into God’s Mirror, His Word, and are realizing, FATHER, THAT’S ME, I am the reflection of Your Word. I am Your Word made manifest. I am a believer, I am Your Bride!
Each Message we hear elevates our Faith to new heights. He told us we must fit into one of three categories: Believers, make believers or unbelievers. As we looked in His mirror we shouted, “I see, without a shadow of a doubt, we are Believers. For only a Believer will believe every jot and every tittle; FATHER, THAT’S ME.”
There is nothing that can satisfy us and give us Life but the spoken Word of God on tape. It is the only way Life can come, through His spoken Word, the Voice of God for our day.
Get ready, there’s more to come this Sunday, July 17, 2022. There is a Man here that is going to turn on the Light, and when He does, we’re all going to have sore throats from shouting and screaming Amen, Hallelujah, Praise The Name Of The Lord, Glory To God, because God Himself will be speaking directly to us and reveal more of His Word.
Like the same sun, shine today, will be ripening the grain for the harvest in July. See what I mean? But the light today won’t do any good back there in July. It’s stronger. The wheat is more advanced; it’s ready to take It. Amen. Certainly is.
The harvest is ripe! We are more advanced and more ready to take It. Jesus has a table spread, where the saints of God are fed on ripened Food of the day. The Gospel Light vindicating and proving that He is here today with us. The saints are eating the spiritual Food that has been stored up, getting ready for the Rapture.
When our Pastor, the Holy Spirit speaking through His vindicated prophet, flips that switch and turns on the light of Revelation, He will tell us just who He is in our day. He will scream out and warn us, I hope you’re not asleep.
Noah was the Light in his day. Moses was the Light of his hour, now I’ve sent you a mighty prophet in your day and I am manifesting My promised Word through him. He is the Word of God made manifest in your day. He is the Light of today.
When I was here on earth in flesh last time, I took the original five barley loaves and begin to break the loaves. From the original, I made bread and it fed five thousand.
Then I got a fish, and from that fish, I made another fish and another fish, and fed five thousand.
But in your day, I had nothing. I just spoke and said, “Say it’ll be there,” and it was there, without anything. I never had a squirrel; there was none there. I just said, “Let there be,” and there was. My Word is infallible, and It has to be fulfilled.
Like the children of Israel, when they were on their journey, they were eating new manna every day. They were walking in the Light of a Pillar of Fire. That Pillar of Fire was Jesus Christ.
Today He is with us once again, the same Pillar of Fire, doing the same things that He did when He was here on earth fulfilling His Word.
We invite you to join us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as our pastor, the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of Fire, turns on His Light of Revelation, as we hear: 63-1229M "There Is A Man Here That Can Turn On The Light".
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
Genesis 1:3, Chapter 2
Psalm 22
Joel 2:28
Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, 28:10, 42:1-7
St. Matthew 4:12-17, Chapters 24 and 28
St. Mark Chapter 16
Revelation Chapter 3
Associated Services
Dear Believer,
Just think of it, the God, Who made all things and set it in order, came down and was made flesh among us, to redeem us. And then He would so honor us with His august Presence, that He would stand here on this sinful earth in the last days, and prove His Word to be so, because He’s obligated to that Word.
The Holy Ghost has quickened that Word to us. It has become alive. By faith we see it. We know it’s so because the Word said so, and the Spirit quickens that Word to us. Now we are being united by the Word of God made manifest in the flesh, just as the prophet said It would.
The believer believes It, Not what somebody else says; what the Word says! Now, remember, that is the believer. The believer doesn’t question. The believer doesn’t say, “How can it be? If I can get It explained!” That’s the unbeliever. Uh-huh. It’s the believer, that, no matter what It is, “If It’s the Word, It’s the Word! That’s true.” That’s the believer.
You’ve got to believe every tittle and every jot, and everything that’s said in There. It’s got to be true. If you say, “I don’t believe that. Some is God, some is man, some of it is just hunting stories.” Well, then you’re an unbeliever. The believer don’t question. The believer believes It, regardless of what It sounds like or what anybody else has got to say about It, how impossible It seems to be, WE BELIEVE IT!
Every person that’s here, present, every person that listens to this tape; and even though some day I have to leave this world, these tapes will still live. That’s right. See? And you’re in one of these classes. You’ve got to be in one of them.
We are living in the last days and you must look at your life and see what class of people you are in. Do you say, “I believe God sent a prophet that has been vindicated by the Pillar of Fire?" He told us to believe every Word. To say EXACTLY what is on the tapes and don’t change one Word. We will be judged by what HE SAID, not by what someone said he said, or what someone says he meant, but by what the tapes say.
Or, are you going to go with Korah and Dathan, and them that say, “He’s not the only holy man. Other people have been called to do these things he did. You place too much on God’s prophet. The Holy Spirit is leading us now. This is a different age”.
You’re in one of these classes. In your present state right now, the present state of mind, that, you here in this visible audience, and you that will be in the invisible audience of this tape, your present state of mind after listening to this tape, proves to you what class you’re in. It’s tells you exactly where you are, whether you are a believer in the Word and will stay with It whether you’d walked out, or shut that tape off.
Praise the Name of the Lord, we are genuine BELIEVERS, not someone persuaded by some other person; not by some other thing, but the Holy Spirit has revealed to us the Word Itself. We see the Word made plain, vindicated and made manifested.
We are put to the test with trials, the dusty roads, the hot sun of persecution, but the loyalty of our hearts beats that material of the Word. We are now ready to go into the mold. We are God’s children, made up correctly on His Word. We are living examples, and the Word of God is living through us. The trials come to shake us, to put us to the very bottom, to see where we’ll stand. But we cannot be moved, we stand on every Word.
Listen as He tells you who you are.
Just remember that every part of you was here, when God spoke the world into existence. He put your body here right then. And there is nothing can take it away except God.
Nothing can take It away from you. Nobody can take your place no matter how little you are. You say, “I’m just a housewife.” Nobody can take your place! God, in His great economy, has so set the Body of Christ in order, till there is no one that can take your place.
Glory… Hallelujah… Listening to God’s stored-up Food just gets greater and GREATER. The more we hear God speak through His chosen messenger telling us who we are, the greater our Faith becomes. The sheer joy of knowing:
- We are “ONE OF THEM”
- We are “THE BRIDE”
I would like to INVITE you to PRESS PLAY with me, the Branham Tabernacle, and a portion of the Bride from around the world at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we will be gathering from the East, West, North and South to hear: Three Kinds Of Believers 63-1124E. This is what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do. For us, this is the program of God.
- Press Play: Whatever tape God lays on your heart.
- Press Play: Listen to whatever time you choose.
- PRESS PLAY: Is my message to you.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
St. John 6:60-71