April 25, 2021
Broken Cisterns

Dear Faithful Bride,

How our hearts were blessed and our faith raised to new heights, as we sat together in Heavenly places to hear Father speak through His mighty messenger and tell us:

And I expect, and do believe, that I’ll always live with you. I believe that this is the shortest space that we have, while we stand together like this. We will be together in Eternity. See? I do that. I—I—I believe that.

We believe that and are resting on that with all our hearts.

We have The Pillar of Fire, a prophet, and hidden Manna to lead us to the Promise Land. We are being sustained by Living Waters that have no wiggle-tails, no filter rags, just pure artesian Water Of Life. There is ONLY ONE PLACE you can get this Water, PRESS PLAY.

Let us come together Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time and hear: Broken Cisterns 64-0726E, and drink, and drink, and drink from that Well, as He fills our cup until it is running over.

Bro. Joseph


Sermon Translations






