Dear Bride,
The Bride hasn’t wondered about this Message or Its messenger since 1933, when the Pillar of Fire appeared down on the Ohio River that day. We have known that William Marrion Branham is God’s mighty 7th angel messenger He sent to earth to call out His Bride.
Since that day, God has been gathering His Bride together for His Coming. We are under such great anticipation; for we know it will be just any day now.
He has been building our Faith like never before, telling us, reassuring us, we are His faithful Bride. We know by staying with His Stored-Up Food, whatever we have need of is THERE, ON THE TAPES.
How do we know that for certainty? The Word says God will do NOTHING till He reveals It to His servants the prophets. Thus we know if God is going to reveal anything, or do anything, give us rapturing in Faith, He is going to Thunder It out through our prophet, and His prophet alone.
The days of wondering are over. The Bride has taken a stand. There is nothing more important than to hear God speak to His Bride on the Tapes. It is the only Words vindicated by God Himself to be Thus Saith The Lord.
The hour is late and we can feel the heaviness of our enemy’s foul breath all around us. The battles are in array and Satan is attacking on all fronts, but praise be to God we’ve got Spiritual Food, and we are sitting at the Master’s Table day and night, feasting on that Hidden Manna. He keeps revealing more and more to us daily as He tells us, “All is well My sweetheart. I’m with you. I told you I’d never leave you or forsake you. Keep pressing. Cast them devils out. I give you My atomic bomb, My Word, use It. I thought It. Then It was Written, and now, in your day, I have spoken It so you can hear ME tell YOU, Thus Saith The Lord, You are My Bride. You are the Word made flesh.”
God has spoken through human lips and has given us His Word; we have nothing to fear. It’s not our Word, our thoughts, our imagination, It’s God’s Word He has given to US. Our FAITH is in His Word and His Word can NEVER FAIL!
Now, as we hear these Seals opening, the Holy Spirit is once again speaking to us and we can see our names written there in the Lamb’s Book of Life. We can hardly contain ourselves...YES, it’s my name written there. He’s talking about ME.
Come join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and hear The Second Seal 63-0319, as the Voice Of God tells you your names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
St. Matthew 4:8 / 11:25-26 / 24:6
St. Mark 16:16
St. John 14:12
2 Thessalonians 2:3
Hebrews 4:12
Revelation 2:6 / 6:3-4 / 17th Chapter / 19:11-16
Joel 2:25
Amos 3:6-7