May 21, 2023
The Thyatirean Church Age

Dear Stars In His Crown,

Rejoice Bride. We are becoming One with Him. Daily, He is giving us more Revelation of Himself and Ourselves. We are becoming more conscious of that Quickening Power that is living and dwelling within us.

We can’t even begin to explain how we feel. We are consumed with His Spirit. It is our every thought. Nothing else matters to us. We see His Word becoming Word in us. It feeds our soul. We live daily to worship Him, praise Him, and thank Him that we can hear His Voice speak to us.

As we read our Church Age Book, we can’t hardly put it down; our hearts are exploding. Each day brings more Revelation. We want to jump up and shout, run around in the room and scream: “Glory, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.” “Did you read this?” “I have it highlighted over my highlight, but I have never, NEVER, read It like that before.” He is revealing the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation to us, and I see OURSELVES IN HIS WORD.

We see that True Bride who stayed with the Word throughout the ages and was not deceived by Satan’s great deception. He wanted to be worshipped like God. But all the while there was that TRUE BRIDE, staying faithful to His Word. That little select group that stayed with His messenger. Just like us, they could not, and would not, compromise. They knew there was ONLY ONE WAY to be for sure: stay with His provided Way, His Word, His angel.

How deceiving Satan has been throughout time. He has worked his way through the different Church Ages until he has achieved his goals. He has now become so close to the PERFECT ONE that he could deceive the very elected if it were possible….but praise be to God, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE, WE ARE NOT DECEIVED. Why? WE STAYED WITH THE VOICE OF GOD, HIS WORD MADE FLESH.

There is no way around It. The Voice of God is His provided Way for today. We have kept doing His works faithfully until the end. We have been given power over nations, and are strong, capable, unbending rulers who can cope so powerfully with any situation. Even our most desperate enemy is broken. Our demonstration of rule, by His Power, is like unto the very Son’s.

Oh, how we wished we could express in words how we feel. One day we will my friends. We will spend Eternity with our Lord, His angel, and with each other.

Like the ol’ colored lady in Memphis, we knowed it was Him when we heard Him. Why? Oh, we’re ONE OF THEM.

Would you like for the Holy Spirit to talk to you and tell you who you are? Come experience the presence of the Lord with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: The Thyatirean Church Age 60-1208. It will change your life.

Bro. Joseph Branham