Dear Pond Lilly,
How our hearts jumped with joy Sunday when we heard our Lord speak and tell us what is taking place now. We are uniting with the Word and becoming ONE with Him. Very soon we will be united with the saints that have gone on before us to be ONE with them. Then we will all be together united with Christ as ONE for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
What joy filled our souls when He told us to think that in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, the world won’t even know what’s going on; but all of the sudden, we will see before our eyes our loved ones that’s gone on, and we will be united with them again.
What expectation fills our hearts to think, in an instant, we will see standing before us our dads, our mothers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, children, even our prophet. WE WILL SEE THEM, IN FLESH!!
We’ll know right then, this is IT; the time has come, we’ve made it, IT’S OVER. Talk about stimulation by Revelation!! Just thinking and talking about it now, I can hear you shouting, GLORY, HALLELUJAH, PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD.
What a time we are having, feasting upon these love letters that have been left for us. Love letters we can pull out anytime we want to and read them over and over again and again. Not only that, but even GREATER, we can HEAR our Lord Himself speak through human lips and tell us, “I stored up these love letters just for you, My sweetheart. I knew the time would come you would need to hear Me tell you how much I love you and that you are Mine.”
“I wanted to tell you every day when the enemy attacks you, when you go through all your test and trials, YOU’RE MINE. I already paid the price. I have already overcome whatever...did you hear Me sweetheart? WHATEVER you have need of, I have already overcome for you, because I love you”.
“I knew you before there was even a world. You were part of Me THEN. You don’t remember that now, but I do. Don’t forget what I told you, you’re Flesh of My Flesh, Spirit of My Spirit, Bone of My Bone”.
“The time has now come that I’ve been telling you about. There will be no more sorrows, no more tests and trials; them days are over. Now it is just all of us together throughout Eternity”.
“Take courage. Keep pressing. The breaking of that day is at hand. All the tension you’re going through daily is just to bring you closer to Me”.
“When anything comes upon you, and you get to feeling so broken down, tired and weary, and seem like you just can’t keep going, you must never forget, I’m right there with you. My Word lives in You. You are My Word.”
“I told you, speak the Word. Whatsoever things that you desire, when you pray, believe that you will receive It and ye shall have It. It shall be given to you. I have already overcome it for you”.
What these Words mean to us. They sustain us daily. It lifts our Spirits and places us in Heavenly places with Him. We’re just living for God and His Word. We have one objective, that’s Jesus Christ. Outside of That, there’s nothing else that counts.
We’ve caught the Vision. The veil has been rolled back and we see Him, His Word made flesh, speaking to us through human lips. We’re in love with this Word, this Message, that Voice.
Come join us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and have the greatest experience of your life. Hear how to overcome every battle Satan throws your way. Fill your heart with joy and happiness knowing you are the Bride of Jesus Christ.
Bro. Joseph Branham
63-0825M How Can I Overcome?
Scriptures to read before service:
Revelations 3:21-22