September 05, 2021
Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God

Dear Voice Of God Church,

We are His Voice Of God Church, His sweetheart Word Bride, and we can hardly wait to hear what Father is going to speak and reveal to us this Sunday.

We have the living Voice Of God at our fingertips. With one touch of our finger we can hear God speaking through human lips, the Words of Eternal life. With one finger He speaks to us and reveals to us all the mysteries that were hidden since the foundation of the world.

With one finger He answers any question we have on our hearts. With one finger He tells us anything we need to know. With one finger we can hear God’s Voice speak to us and give us Rapturing in Faith. By one finger we can hear God speak and tell us, you’re healed.

When the enemy tells us we’re not God’s Bride, you’re just a failure, with one finger we press play and can hear Father speak to us and reassure us, “YOU ARE My chosen Bride. I predestinated you before the foundation of the world.”

When we’re low in spirit and the enemy is attacking us from every angle, with our one finger we can hear Him speak to us and simply say, “Good morning Friends,” and the peace of the Holy Spirit fills the room.

When we hear THE ENEMY SAY you’re just following a man and place too much on him, with just one finger we hear the Voice of God tell us:

He told me if I get the people to believe me. That seems strange for me to have to say this, “You believe in me?” Said, “Aren’t you supposed believe God?” You must believe that. You must believe God and believe Christ, and believe the Holy Ghost. Then after believing all of them, God wants you to believe me.

When the enemy tries to tell us, “It’s not Scripture and it’s wrong to come together at a certain time and just hear the tapes,” with just one finger we hear God’s Voice tell us:

And to this church, and to the tapes, people on tapes, and people on the hookup across other parts of the nation, I want you to listen to this real close, and don’t you fail.

When the enemy says Brother Branham said stay with the Word, not the tapes, with one finger we hear the Voice of God SCREAM OUT and say:

So say I, in the Name of Jesus Christ: Don’t you add one thing, don’t take, put your own ideas in It, you just say what is said on those tapes, you just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do; don’t add to It!

That Voice even tells us how to check It with the Word so we don’t make a mistake.

There is your five musts. It’s got to be that way.

  • His time.
  • His season.
  • The man that He chose.
  • It must come to the prophet.
  • The prophet must be a vindicated prophet.

Our Prophet is Jesus Christ.

The vindicated Word of the hour! The vindicated Word of the days of Moses was Jesus. The vindicated Word of the day of Isaiah, Elijah, John, all, was Jesus. And the vindicated Word today is Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever.

With one finger we can press play and hear Jesus Christ Himself speak and reveal to us:

  • This is the time,
  • This is the season,
  • This is the man I chose,
  • This is My prophet,
  • This prophet has been vindicated more than any other of My prophets.

Today, not only do we have the God of Heaven speaking to us, but He is in us, dwelling, and living His Life through us. It’s beyond our understanding.

Let us make ourselves ready. Time is at hand. We see Scripture being fulfilled daily. The Message reads like today’s news:

“Perplexity of the time, distress between nations, earthquakes in divers places, the sea roaring, man’s heart failing for fear.”

Even nature itself tells us today, as we see the nations breaking, the earth sinking in, the handwriting is on the wall.

We see the Bride and the state She is in. And we know, by nature, that the Church is getting ready to leave.

GLORY, we’re getting ready to leave. With just one finger you can make yourself ready. I invite you to come join us Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear: Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God 65-0718M.

Bro. Joseph Branham



Scriptures To Read:

Deuteronomy 4:1-4 / 4:25-26
1 Chronicles 13
1 Chronicles 15:15
Psalms 22
St. Mark 7:7
Joel 2:28
Amos 3:7
Malachi 3
St. Matthew 11:1-15
1 Corinthians 13:1