Jeffersonville Time: ...

Dear Guided Lambs,

The final battle is at hand. We’re going where we have never been before. We’re going through a wilderness, and we’re on our road somewhere, and we can’t get along without a Guide. Don’t worry little flock, God has provided a Guide to lead us.

This Guide will reveal things to us, and will tell things that He’s heard; He can repeat our words right back and say what we said. We must follow this Guide, for He is the only One that knows the way.

When Jesus was on earth, He told His disciples He had many more things to say and reveal to us, so He would send the Spirit of truth unto us, and He will Guide us into all these truths. He said His Bride would recognize Him as He would reveal and vindicate Himself just like He did when He come in flesh the first time.

He will know every thought that’s in our heart. He will know who we are and what we have done. He will know all about us. He’s God’s Guide, the Holy Spirit living and revealing Himself in human flesh.

Just as Jesus Himself said, “It’s not Me that doeth the works; it’s My Father that dwelleth in Me. Verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself; but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise. The Father worketh, and I worketh hitherto.”

So will His angel not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak. He shall receive all these things from the Father, and then he shall show them unto us. He will reveal all the mysteries that were hidden in the Word.

Father told us that He would have SOMEONE that would represent Him here on earth, a Guide, and that His Bride will clearly recognize Him and follow.

He will only glorify God. He will clearly say, It isn’t him, the seventh angel, It is the manifestation of the Son of man. It is the mystery of God being unfolded. It’s not a man, It’s God. He is not the Son of man; he is the messenger from the Son of man. The Son of man is Christ, He is the One that we are feeding on.

Many will say they are the ones anointed to lead the Bride, but God doesn’t want you to rely on your understanding or your thoughts, or any man-made thoughts. God sends a Guide, and God wants you to remember that that’s His appointed Guide.

Our Guide isn’t going to take one over this way, and one over that way and say: you must hear this preacher, then you must hear that preacher; they don’t even agree with each other. How could that perfect you?

There is only ONE PERFECT WORD that is going to bring us and keep us together, His PERFECT VINDICATED VOICE WORD ON TAPE.

They say today the Holy Spirit is leading each of us as individuals, which is true. Then why have a preacher if the Holy Spirit is leading you? Listen to yourself: I’d rather have a preacher lead me and teach me and not God’s vindicated prophet? I’d rather have his interpretation of the Word than to hear it direct from the Voice of God Himself as he can explain it so much better?

I’m not trying to condemn the ministry, or say they are false, or that you shouldn’t listen to the ministry. Please forgive me if I’m not saying it correctly. I’m just saying they can’t be your ultimate, the final word, your Guide. Men can never agree. Each man has a different idea, different leading. How can that perfect the Bride? If you listen to all of them, and know they all can’t agree what they say is the perfect Word of God, how can that perfect the Bride? How can that be your Guide?

If we’ll just let the Holy Ghost keep us together with His Word, we’ll be one heart, one mind, one accord, by one Spirit; the Holy Spirit, the Guide of God that will guide us to all Truth. But you have to follow your Guide.

Don’t never dispute your Guide’s Word. Follow Him. If you don’t, you come up lost. And, remember, when you leave Him, you’re on your own, so we want to keep close to the Guide.

The Holy Spirit is leading us to follow His Guide, which is the Holy Spirit speaking through His seventh angel messenger. It’s not a man’s Word, It’s the Voice of God to His Bride and It is the ONLY THING THAT CAN PERFECT THE BRIDE.

Come join Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we begin our Easter week listening to our Guide. He is going to guide us where we have never been before.

62-1014E A Guide

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read before service:

St. Mark 16:15-18
St. John 1:1 / 16:7-15
Acts 2:38
Ephesians 4:11-13 / 4:30
Hebrews 4:12
2 Peter 1:21
Exodus 13:21