Jeffersonville Time: ...

Dear Virgin Bride,

I have been praying and asking the Lord what He would have me write and say that could somehow be a blessing and an encouragement to you, His Bride. I have no words, and don’t know what to say. I feel so unworthy to even write the few words that I do, but it is the greatest honor of my life to do anything for Him.

I believe the timing of hearing these Seven Seals is so perfect. We can see God’s great plan being revealed and unfolding before us. Message after Message becomes greater Revelation after Revelation. We see Him revealing Himself to us and leading us. We know we are doing exactly what He told us to do, “staying with the Word.” There is no greater way to do that than Press Play.

I feel the calling He has placed on my heart is to keep this Message, His voice, these tapes before you always; to expound to you the importance of listening to the tapes. I know I cannot convey it properly, but I KNOW I am correct in telling you “Press Play,” as it is not my thoughts, my idea, nor my words, but the Words of God Himself speaking through His 7th angel messenger, telling us:

Sometimes when we just read, and, now, be real careful. And when you read, get the tapes, listen to them real close. Because, you’ll get it on the tape, because they’ve been playing them tapes back, and they’re really good and plain. So, you’ll get it clearer there.

As I have said so many times before, I’m not against the ministry or anything that God has placed in His church. That would be going against God’s Word. I believe they are anointed and called of God. But I do believe that listening and placing the very Voice of God before the people has to be the most important thing any God-called man could do.

It’s not enough to say, “I tell my congregation to play the tapes.” If you believe:

  • There is no greater anointing than hearing the Voice of God on tape.
  • All Revelation must come from that Voice.
  • The Rapturing in faith we need will come from what that Voice says.

How could any minister not want to listen to that Voice, with their church, and say AMEN TO EVERY WORD?

Everyone must have something they feel and believe is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing they can do to be the Bride of Christ. Something has to be God’s MOST IMPORTANT and His perfect Will. Is that your pastor’s ministry? Listening to other ministers? Not saying that is wrong, by no means, and that is perfectly fine according to the Word, but do you believe THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is listening to God’s vindicated Voice on tape?

If that is what you believe is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you could do, then why wouldn’t the ministry want to play and listen to that MOST IMPORTANT PERFECT MESSAGE with their congregations?

Ask yourself, or your pastor this question: Do you believe this quote is true, or is this an error and just Brother Branham misunderstanding, or trying to brag on himself?

See, exactly what would take place now! And, to the church, what is It? The incarnate Word made flesh amongst His people again! See? And they just don’t believe It.

If you believe this quote to be true, and to you it is the VOICE OF GOD, the incarnate Word made flesh, then how could anyone not see that there is NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT than hearing that Voice.

Wake up sleeping virgin, you either have this Revelation or you are as he said: “just don’t believe It.”

As the prophet told us, we are the new Book of Acts, that new Branch, His chosen Ones. Thus, many feel that the Holy Spirit is now leading us as individuals or is leading us by the ministry, not by His prophet.

There is much truth in this, BUT the prophet corrected this also, and revealed to us the truth.

Someone was speaking to me here not long ago. Said, “But Brother Branham…” [Brother Branham clears his throat—Ed.] Pardon me. Said, “Not after the Holy Ghost is come, no Angels guide the church, or guides individuals. No, sir.” Said, “It’s the Holy Ghost that guides us.”

That’s misunderstanding between Angel and the Holy Ghost. THAT IS ERROR, The Angels led the Church right on, and still leading the Church. Correctly.

His angel is leading and guiding His Church. We all have our place and calling, but the angel alone is to lead the Bride.

Listen to what God’s prophet said about all other ministries compared to what God had CALLED HIM TO DO,

Just like a man that’s a—a telephone operator, he isn’t exactly an electrician. He might do a little job at it. And like, if a man is a lineman, well, he certainly…A man is a posthole digger, and never did do any line work, he better keep off the line; but he might do a little patch up work or something.

But when the real Thing is to be revealed at the last day, of the last part of the Church, is when God has said that He would send to us, according to the Scriptures. And we’ve searched it through and through, that He predicted that the Spirit of Elijah would return in some person.

When someone tries to fuss and tell you, “it takes more than just listening to the tapes. Brother Branham never said play tapes in church. It will take the ministry to perfect the Bride;” or whatever anyone may say to you, to try and make you doubt, and that listening to God’s vindicated Voice on the tapes in your church is wrong...

Just like some guy start, try to fuss with you; if you know where to stand, know what he believes.

If they claim to believe, “This Message is the Word. William Marrion Branham is God’s Seventh angel messenger. This Message is their Absolute. This Message is the Son of Man revealing himself in flesh as He promised He would...”

It’s just like taking a rabbit and turning him loose in a pen, and you got every hole stopped up. Just stand at the gate; he’s got to come back. That’s all there is to it. You fenced him in. See? He’ll have to come right back to the gate again, ’cause that’s the only way he can get out. He’ll stick his head through here, and almost break his neck; and go over there, over there. Just stand and watch him, and he’ll come right back. See? That’s all.

Stay with that Tape Teaching. Just say what the tapes say. Don’t change one Word. Don’t add to, or take one Word away. It is God’s Voice to you. It is the Incarnate Word made flesh. It is the Words of infallibility. He is your pastor. His angel is leading you. It’s Thus Saith the Lord.

As long as you’re in that Word, you’re safe.

Come trim your lamps and fill it with Oil this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as God’s chosen angel thunders and breaks The Third Seal 63-0320, and reveals It to His Bride.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read in preparation for hearing the sermon, “The Third Seal.”


St. Matthew 25:3-4
St. John 1:1, 1:14, 14:12, 17:17
Acts 2 Chapter
I Timothy 3:16
Hebrews 4:12, 13:8
I John 5:7
Leviticus 8:12
Jeremiah 32 Chapter
Joel 2:28
Zechariah 4:12