Dear Bride,
There is a man here that can turn on the Light.
Christ is the Light, and the Light is the Life. Life comes only by the Word of God made manifest, and the Word manifested is the Light of the hour.
Noah was the Light in his day. He was the Word of God made manifested. Moses was the Light of his hour. Who was it? God manifesting His promised Word through Moses, and Moses was the Light. Elijah was the Light for his day. He came with THUS SAITH THE LORD. “Not even dew will fall from Heaven till “I” call for it.”
Who was John The Baptist? What was he? The Manifestation of the Word. The same God that spoke in Genesis said there would be “a voice of one crying in the wilderness,” and it came forth. He was the Light of the hour.
Now the West has come back and met the East. Moses had to pick up sand, and said, “Let there be fleas upon the earth.” But in this last day He doesn’t take anything, just the Word, and says “Let it be,” and it is. What he says, that’s the way it will be. It is The Third Pull, God living in flesh, vindicating His Word to His Bride by His prophet speaking The Word, which is the Light of the hour. It is now God living in His whole Bride, speaking The Word. For He said, “I will restore saith the Lord”, and we are that restored Spoken Word Bride.
He told us, there are no two or three Lights, no four or five different organizations, there is no group of men, there is only one vindicated Light that will perfect His Bride. That is His Voice spoken through His prophet. It is The Light Of The Hour.
His prayer has been answered,
I pray the Heavenly Father to let this Message soak deep into the hearts of the people who are present, and those who will hear It by tape. And may the Light come forth upon the Word, the Seed, and bring forth every predestinated Seed that’s been planted out here in these different glares and organizations.
That Light has shined upon us by hearing the tapes, and It is bringing forth His predestinated Seed.
How we would have loved to be there that day when Nathanael walked up to Jesus, and He said to him,
“Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile” Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.”
Or when Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman and told her the very secret of her heart, that she had five husbands. Or when the woman with the blood issue was instantly healed when she touched the hem of His garment?
But we live in a greater day than that day, for He has done more in one Message in our day than He did in the entire journey when He was here on earth.
The world believes that we are taking away from Jesus and placing too much on a man. But on the contrary, it is just more of Jesus. In Jesus’ day they said to Him, “We have Moses.” He said unto them, “If you would’ve known Moses, you would know Me.” In our day they say, “We know Jesus.” But if you would know Jesus, then you would know Me today, for I AM Hebrews 13:8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. If you don’t recognize Jesus for our day, you have missed God’s program for our day.
Now look tonight at the Scripture, what It promised. How many of you…I can just give all kinds of Scriptures, but how many will just believe Hebrews 13:8, that, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday…”? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] And how many believes John 14:12, “The works that I do shall you also”? [“Amen.”] See? How many believes that He promised that the very things that He did, in the way of “discerning of thoughts in the heart,” would return again in the last day just before His Coming?
When you look, what do you see? A man, or do you see the Lord Jesus Christ vindicating Himself, living in, and speaking through His messenger? It’s not the words of a man named William Marrion Branham, they would fail, but it is the Words of Eternal Life speaking through human lips as it was promised and foretold in His Word.
Now look. Don’t look to see a minister. Don’t look to see a pastor. Look to see Jesus. Don’t see the man; see Jesus. When you look, see Him. If I could help you, I would do it, but I can’t. I can’t help you; I’m just your brother. But, He is your Lord, look to Him and believe.
If you look and believe it is God, not a man, speaking directly to you, then Sunday will be a Red-Letter Day for you. For The Word of God will be made manifest before you.
It circumcises, takes away doubt, takes away sickness, and brings perfect deliverance…
The Holy Ghost will fall upon this people, and give to them the power of faith to believe that the Presence of the omnipotent Christ is here now.
Can God’s Word Fail? NEVER!!! Then I challenge you to believe when God speaks through His 7th angel messenger and says:
I condemn every sickness. I condemn all diseases. I condemn all unbelief. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may the Holy Ghost honor what I’ve said, and sweep through this building and deliver every person in Divine Presence.
We can have whatever we have need of if we’ll believe this is God speaking directly to His Bride as He promised. Then ask what you want, and you shall receive it as we unite together and 63-1229E Look Away To Jesus on Sunday at 10:00 A.M. Jeffersonville time.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Father,
Thank You God for sending forth light to bring food upon the earth, for our physical body. Thank You God for sending Spiritual Light: Your Word, This Message, spoken through Your chosen messenger for our day, that You might feed us Your Spiritual stored up Food for our soul. “For man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
Thank You God for This Message. For we believe It is The Light for our day…You revealing and making Yourself manifested to us in human flesh as You promised You would do, to call out Your Bride.
Now BY FAITH we believe we ARE YOUR BRIDE, so we sing:
We’ll walk in the Light, it’s a beautiful Light,
Come where the dewdrops of mercy are bright;
Shine all around us by day and by night,
O Jesus, the Light of the world.
Tonight, Father, as we come before You in prayer and worship in our home churches that You have provided for us to worship in, may we commit anything that we have to You, whether it’s our mind, whether we can whistle, sing, testify, or whatever You can do with us. We commit ourselves to You Father, Amen.
Your Bride
Greetings to His Bride around the world that is in a revival, uniting around The Message of the hour.
What Shall We Do, in our day, With This Jesus Called Christ?
All the things that He prophesied to be fulfilled in these last days have been brought to life and vindicated by the Word, but only His Elected will see It and believe It. For it has been revealed to Them.
It has been thoroughly identified and vindicated by the tapes being played around the world. We see the same One that lived on earth in the Body of Jesus Christ, came and lived once again in our day in the one He chose to call out and lead His Bride. Now we are recognizing that It has COME UPON US, the ones He has chosen and predestinated before the foundation of the world, and we are making ourselves ready by hearing His Word call us out.
How important is it to hear these tapes in our homes, in our cars, and in our churches? These tapes, the very Voice Of God to the world, is the Voice that will introduce us, His Bride, to The Bridegroom and say “Behold The Lamb of God.”
But this prophet will come, and as the forerunner to the first coming cried, “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world,” even so will he no doubt cry out, “Behold the Lamb of God, coming in glory.” He will do this, for even as John was the messenger of truth to the elect, so is this one the last messenger to the elect and Word-born bride.
We are that Word-born Bride. It is uniting time and we are being called by that Voice that He ordained to lead His Bride. The Dynamics has come and is refilling us with His Holy Spirit, and it will take us off the earth, into Glory, in the Rapture.
The time has come, the Wheat is ready for the full August sun. It would have killed it back then; it wasn’t ready, but today the Wheat is stronger, it is more advanced. It’s ready to take the FULL SUN, THE FULL REVELATION, to recognize who We are.
Now is the time. Now is the season. There is nothing can give you Life but the Spoken Word of God. It’s the only where that Life can come, is through His Spoken Word.
What is The Spoken Word for our day? The Word made manifested.
This Message, His Voice, will bring the Headstone. Not me, not a group of men. For each man has different ideas, different interpretations of the Word. Not by your church, but by God speaking directly to each of us as individuals by The Voice HE called to lead His Bride.
How is God going to judge the world? By His Word.
Who does the Word come too?
Who is the ONLY…ONLY divine interpreter of God’s Word?
Who did He call and choose to be His mouthpiece for this day?
Who was vindicated by the Pillar of Fire?
Who said it was a ONE-MAN MESSAGE?
Who said just say what is on them tapes?
Who said It’s The incarnate Word made flesh amongst His people again and they just don’t believe It?
God will judge the world by His Word, which is The Message of the hour that has been revealed in this day and spoken through His prophet, and recorded on tape for His Bride to hear.
Let His Bride gather once again on Sunday at 10:00 A.M. Jeffersonville, IN time as we unite around that Word and feast upon The Spoken Word of God, as He speaks through His prophet and lets His Bride know:
There Is A Man Here That Can Turn On The Light 63-1229M
God bless each of you as He gives you more revelation of Himself, and WHO YOU ARE.
Brother Joseph
Associated Services
Greetings to His Chosen Ones,
As His Word tells us:
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of a man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. But God hath REVEALED them unto us by His Spirit.
Today His Bride is seeing this Scripture being REVEALED and fulfilled in our day. What a glorious time the Bride is having, hearing His Hidden Manna, His Spoken Word, and becoming One with Him.
A husband and wife is no longer two, but one. And Christ and His Body is One. And the same Spirit was in Christ is in His Bride, in His Body, that unites Them together with all the Word. And God living in there, Himself, manifesting it.
The Bride is uniting together by His Word, and He is now living in Her and manifesting Himself in Her.
What did he say we must do to make for sure?
How the Church ought to be checking it again, and again, and again, and again! We’re waiting for His Coming. We’re waking, we’re waiting for the takeoff. We better check it with the Word, not what somebody said. Be sure you know, yourself, as a personal experience with Christ. Check it again, and again, and again.
Let us check up again tonight as we gather around His Throne, waiting and preparing ourselves for OUR TAKEOFF.
Bro. Joseph Branham
What is taking place today in the Bride? We are seeing, and being a part of Scripture fulfilled.
I know you realize that this tape is being made, will play in every nation under the heavens, about, around the world); and some of you peoples who is here, present; and some of you out where the tapes will be played in the other nations (by an interpreter giving it to the tribes of Africa, back in the Hottentots, and—and all around.
The Bride is uniting around The Spoken Word that was recorded on tape and is now being played and listened to all around the world at the same time. It is the ONLY THING that can unite the Bride. God’s prophet told us himself.
The Bride will be united by the Word of God made manifest in the flesh, the Holy Spirit sealing them into God, and sealing unbelief out, on the outside.
What is taking place today in the Bride? We are seeing Scripture being fulfilled before our eyes.
And Jesus said, “He will do just exactly the things that I say. He will reveal to you things that is to come,” show you ahead of time, before it gets here. See? “He will take the things that are Mine and will show them to you, and then He will show you things that is to come.” John 15. We see that He shows the things. And He takes the things that are God’s and will show them to you. And He will reveal to you the things that Jesus said. Other words, He will make plain the thing.
What has Father been telling us through His prophet over and over again?
God cannot break His program. He cannot do something one day, and change it over, do something, saying it’s wrong that day.
God doesn’t deal with groups of men. God deals with an individual, because men has different ideas. He’s built up different, in nature. God has to take that man, and mess him around, and pull him around, out of his own self, till He gets him in His nature. See? And then God deals with that person. Look all down through the ages, Noah and Moses, the prophets, never two of them at the same time. One, constantly, all the way down through the age.
God hasn’t changed His program in our day either. He sent us one man, His prophet, to reveal His Word and to call out and lead His Bride. Therefore, it isn’t the words of a man, It’s the Word of God spoken through that man, which is our Absolute. It is, and has always been, God’s program.
When a minister says, “This Message isn’t your Absolute, the Holy Spirit in me will interpret and tell you what is Word and what isn’t. The days of a one-man Message is over.” They have missed God’s program.
Each one has their own absolute. Oh, my! It’s just like it was in the days of judges, “Every man done what was right in his own sight.” In the days of judges, every man had his own—his own absolute. He did just what he wanted to do. And that’s the way it is now. “Every man done right in his own sight.” Now, you know the reason they did that in Judges? This might shock just a little bit. But the reason they did it in Judges, because they had no prophet in them days, for the Word of the Lord to come to. So every man could do what he wanted to, in his own sight.
And that’s exactly what’s happened today. We don’t have the prophet in these days of denominations, but God promised us one. See? See? And He did. In the last days, He would rise up and send Elijah back on the scene again, “And he would turn the hearts of the children back to the Faith of the fathers,” back to the original pentecost.
He has sent us His Elijah to call out His Bride and interpret His Word to us. We are making ourselves ready for that final climax that will bring forth a Faith that will rapture the Church into Glory. And where does He tell us we will find this Faith?
She is laying in the Messages.
What is taking place in His Bride? We are uniting and getting a refilling of His Holy Spirit by listening to The Message, which is The Voice Of God spoken through His vindicated messenger. It is God’s program for today.
This uniting time, to see churches uniting, nations uniting. It’s a uniting time of God and His Bride, too. And I say this with reverence and respect. I believe that the Bride of Christ is called. I believe She is sealed in the Kingdom of God. I believe the mechanics is there. They’re waiting for the Dynamics that’ll take Her off the earth, into Glory, in the Rapture.
The Dynamics of this Church will be a refilling of the Holy Spirit that we have worked in a small measure while the Headstone is coming down to unite with the Body.
Let us unite together around God’s program for our day at 10:00 A.M., Jeffersonville, IN time and be a part of Scripture being fulfilled, as we listen to the Voice Of God bring us the Message: 63-1124M What Shall I Do With Jesus Called Christ?
Bro. Joseph Branham