Archived Letters
Saturday, December 31, 2022

Dear Promise Land Bound Bride,

What is going to take place this New Year?

The Bride has made Herself ready by staying with the Word. We have taken the Communion, applied the Token to our household, and sealed ourselves with the true, vindicated Word. We have not compromised, but have kept ourselves virgins to the true Voice of God.

What a glorious time we are living in. It’s a time that all the prophets longed to see; this very hour. We know by nature that the Church is getting ready to leave. The last closing hours are approaching and we’re fading quickly into Eternity. We must stay in line and keep our eye of God’s provided Way for our day: His Word, His prophet, who is the Word for our day.

How did He bring Christ here? By the Word of the prophets. Is that right? How will He bring His Bride here? By the Word of the prophets.

What can be done? What is to be done? He told us what we must do: consult the prophet, the Bible, where we cannot add to or take from It. If we do, God takes us from the Book of Life.

The hour is too late, we must be in His perfect Will to be His Bride. We never want to do God a service without being His Will, no matter how good it sounds. God made a promise how He was going to do it today. God said it right here in His Word, how He would do it.

How will He take His Bride? By the Word; not by a new cart, not by some theologian’s idea. But according to His Word He’ll identify Her. Don’t put one thing to It or take one thing from It now. Leave It the way It is. See?

For some people, it can be so confusing as there are so many anointed prophets saying what is the Will of the Lord for today. They say: “It’s wrong to play tapes in church, Brother Branham never said that. The ministry is more important now, and it’s God’s provided way for today. Stay with your pastor.”

So, it’s okay to hear the tapes, but not in church? We’re not to believe every Word on the tapes, just what the Holy Spirt tells us what is and isn’t the Word? Listening to the ministry will perfect the Bride? If I don’t stay with my pastor I cannot be the Bride? If I just play the tapes, I’m out of the perfect Will of God?

Every believer wants to do what is correct and be in God’s perfect Will. No one wants to do wrong or be in His permissive Will. There has to be a correct and right way.

Which ministers are we to listen to…all of them? Are we to check what they say to be the Word when we go home by listening to the tapes, or should we just take their word for it? What is the Absolute then, our pastor’s word, or what Brother Branham said on tape?

They are to preach the Word, amen. They are to keep the Word before the people, amen. But they are not to take the place of God’s prophet. They are not more important than God’s vindicated Voice. They can ONLY SAY WHAT IS ON THE TAPES. That is the Bride’s Absolute.

There is your five musts. It’s got to be that way. His time, His season, when He said it would be; and the man that He chose; and it must come to the prophet; and the prophet must be a vindicated prophet.

I’m not trying to condemn the ministry or say they don’t have a place, God forbid. I’m just saying, playing the Voice of God on the tapes to the people is the most important thing the ministry must do. Anything I say, or a minister says, or even a lay member says, must be word for word what God’s prophet said.

I hate that you are angry with me and you think I’m against your pastor, that’s not what is in my heart. I just want the Bride to unite together with the ONLY thing we can unite around, THIS MESSAGE.

In a time of such division, confusion, differences between the people, I believe this Message we’re going to hear Sunday is one of the most important Messages for our day.

Let us open our hearts and see what God is saying to the church, to the people on tapes, and people on the hookup across all the nations.

Before we can enter into the promise Land, there is something we must do. The Voice of God wants us to listen really close and not to fail to understand what He is saying.

He said just like when Moses was speaking to Israel, after he had been vindicated by God and the Pillar of Fire, and knew he was proven to be God’s servant to lead them out. But before they went into the land, He told them: “I call Heaven and earth to witness against you, don’t add one thing to what I have said, or take one Word from It.”

So say I, in the Name of Jesus Christ: Don’t you add one thing, don’t take, put your own ideas in It, you just say what is said on those tapes, you just do exactly what the Lord God has commanded to do; don’t add to It!

That is our LORD GOD commanding us that we can ONLY SAY WHAT IS SAID ON THE TAPES. We cannot add to, take away, place our ideas, our thoughts, or our interpretation to it. Just say what is said on the tapes.

If you believe these words spoken by God’s vindicated prophet to be truth, then how can PRESSING PLAY not be the most important thing the Bride can do?

How did He identify Him when He come? By a man with the spirit of Elijah upon him, come out of the wilderness. How will He identify His Bride? He promised in Malachi 4 the same thing, before He destroyed the earth, like it was in the days of Sodom.

Dear Promise Land Bride, you have the true REVELATION. You are in God’s perfect Will. You have recognized who you are. You are in God’s Program by Pressing Play. You are the Word. You are part of the Bridegroom. GLORY!!!

What a way to start the New Year. The Bride united together, following God’s command by, Pressing Play.

Come make yourself ready for the Rapture with us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: 65-0718M "Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God."

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Deuteronomy 4:1-4 / 4:25-26
1 Chronicles 13
1 Chronicles 15:15
Psalms 22
St. Mark 7:7
Joel 2:28
Amos 3:7
Malachi 3
St. Matthew 11:1-15
1 Corinthians 13:1


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Dear Local Flock,

I would like to have Communion once again in our homes on New Year’s Eve, December 31st. Instructions on how to obtain wine, and how to bake the Communion bread can be found in the links below. A downloadable link of the service will be sent out shortly on our website as well, or, you can simply play the service from the Lifeline app.

For the locals in the Jeffersonville area, you can pick up Communion wine on Friday, December 30th, between 1:00 – 4:00 pm, underneath the VGR canopy.

We will listen to 62-1231 The Contest, starting at 5:00 pm EST on Saturday, December 31st. After Brother Branham brings the New Year’s Eve Message, we will pause the tape and have approximately 10 minutes of Worship Songs as we prepare for the Lord’s Supper. We will then resume the tape at the place where Brother Branham starts the Communion service. On this tape, he omits the feet washing portion of service, which we will omit also.

As we turn to another year in His Service, let us rededicate our lives unto Him afresh through first hearing the Word, and then partaking of His Supper. What a precious opportunity we have once again to make our homes a Sanctuary to welcome the King of Kings to come in and join us.

God bless you,

Brother Joseph



Saturday, December 24, 2022

Dear Rebekah Bride,

Father has sent His faithful servant, Eliezer, to hunt out His Rebekah Bride. We have recognized him, His seventh angel messenger, William Marrion Branham, whom He has commissioned to: Call, Gather, Lead and finally Introduce us, to Him.

He has given us a great outpouring of His Quickening Power and has brought us into recognition of our position, our place, and our responsibilities, being a called people, separated from the world, dedicated to God. He is guiding us and directing us in the things we do and say, bringing honor and glory to His Name.

There is nothing, nowhere, that can separate us from That, NOTHING. We are Eternally secured in the Kingdom of God. Father has stamped His Seal upon us to the end of our destination.

The devil punches at us day and night. He says everything to us, and accuses us, and tries to make us think that we’re not that Bride. He throws everything in our way to try to distract us, like sickness and sorrow, but we don’t listen to him. That Quickening Power is NOW in us and we are sealed and centered on that Word. We’re jumping off our camel, running to Him on our way to our great Wedding Supper.

We’re not ashamed in what we believe; on the contrary, we want the world to know, WE ARE TAPE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE EVERY WORD SPOKEN BY HIS FAITHFUL ELIEZER PROPHET whom He sent to call out and lead HIS REBEKAH BRIDE. We don’t add to or take away ONE Word. This Message is our Absolute.

How can a man who is filled with the Holy Ghost, full of the Power of God, and the love of God in his heart, talk to a man just a few minutes and not mention something about the Message he just heard on Tape?

When meeting people who claim to be believers in this end time Message, you can speak with them just a few minutes and can tell right where they stand on playing tapes. They are either Tape People or they are not.

It’s unimaginable that they consider it a shame, or even wrong, if you say you play tapes in your church or home. They feel it is anti-Word and not God’s provided Way. You’re looked down upon because you say you are a “Tape Person”.

Ministers who play tapes in their churches are criticized, and even called lazy. And if you listen to the same tape at the same time, well, you’re not even a minister, you’re a denomination, or a man worshipper.

I guess all those people before us that were on the telephone hook-up in their churches and homes, listening to Brother Branham all at the same time, they must have been a denomination too. They must have been out of the Program of God. They were not ashamed AND NEITHER ARE WE.

Just within a few minutes when you talk to people, they will let you know right away where they stand: Yes, we Press Play. Yes, we listen to the tapes on Sunday in our Church or homes. Yes, same tape, same time.

Why others say, “We go to church Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. We have such a wonderful pastor; he makes it so clear and so plain for us to understand. He explains the Message so I can understand It. You must have a ministry to be Bride. Brother Branham never said play tapes in church.”

What are you saying then is the most important thing? What the preachers say, what Brother Joseph says, or what the very Voice of God says on Tape? What is your Absolute? What’s on Tape, or what someone else says?

The ministry is wonderful, and in the Word. We need them. But what is THE MOST IMPORTANT, preaching or Tapes?

If the Tapes are not the most important thing in your personal life, in your church life, then something’s wrong. You’re off God’s Perfect Will Program. GET BACK IN LINE.

When a man ever meets God; not in some emotional work up, some enthusiasm, or some religious doctrine, some catechism or creed, or a dogma that he has accepted for a—a comfort for hisself, but when he really comes to the place like Moses did, on the backside of the desert, walk up face to face with Almighty God, and you see the Voice speaking to you, exactly with the Word and the promise of the hour, there is something It does to you! See, you’re not ashamed of It, It does something to you.

In our day, that traditional veil has been rent apart. Here stands the Pillar of Fire, manifesting the Word for this day. Deity veiled in human flesh. The Shekinah Glory for our today. God standing and speaking before us, veiled in human flesh.

Moses had the Word. Now remember, after the Word was made manifest, Moses was Moses again. See? But while that Word was in him to be give out, he was God; well, he wasn’t Moses no more. He had the Word of the Lord for that age.

What a CHRISTmas we Rebekahs will be having this Sunday. All day long, at different times throughout the day. We will be hearing our Eliezer call out His Bride and we will be telling Him we are not Ashamed.

May the Lord give you a wonderful CHRISTmas, filled with “HIS PRESENCE.”

Bro. Joseph Branham




Message: 65-0711 Ashamed

Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

St. Mark 8:34-38


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Dear Messiah-ettes,

We are God’s anointed Ones; anointed with His same Spirit, by the same works, by the same Power, by the same signs. It has gone from eagle to eagle, from Word to Word, till the fullness of Jesus Christ is made manifest in each of our bodies, for physical, spiritual, or any need we have need of. That quickening Power is living and dwelling within us. We are God’s Messiah-ettes.

Each week the Revelation of this Message; who we are, where we come from, and where we are going, gets greater and greater. We wonder with great anticipation, how could It get any more glorious? How much plainer could It be? But with every new tape we hear, God speaks to us lip to ear and reveals more of His Word to us, and assures us, WHO WE ARE.

The greatest desire of any believer’s heart is to be in God’s PERFECT WILL. Never do we want to be in His permissive Will. Our hearts are broken and we are crushed if we feel we have done anything that would displease Him. We know God has a Perfect Will, and we just want to be in HIS PERFECT WILL PROGRAM.

In my life, I have made a strong stand by saying I believe the most important thing every member of the Bride can do, both laity and the ministry alike, is to PRESS PLAY. I believe It is the ONLY vindicated Voice Of God for our Day in which you must hear and obey every Word.

I have said I believe the ministry needs to place Brother Branham back in their pulpits and play the tapes in their churches, as It is the single most important Voice the people must hear.

I have received much criticism in my life for making this stand for what I believe to be His Program and Perfect Will. It has been misunderstood and said that I do not believe in the five-fold ministry of Ephesians 4.

I have expressed many, many times that is false. I have never said, nor have I ever believed that. There are many that have twisted my words and tell people things I have never said or believed, but that is to be expected.

There has to be a Bible Word truth. If you claim you believe this Message, then we must take what the prophet said, as It is the very interpretation of God’s Word. For he is the ONLY interpreter of that Word.

If I were to ask each of you, “Who wants to be in God’s perfect Will?” Each one of you would say, “YES, that is my heart’s desire.” Thus we must look to what the prophet said is God’s Perfect Will.

NOTE: If the Message on tape isn’t your Absolute, and you don’t believe every Word, STOP READING THIS LETTER. To me, you are not a believer, thus it’s not for you. I can only stay with what God said on tape.

We want what He said; not what the church said, what Doctor Jones said, what somebody else said. We want what THUS SAITH THE LORD said, what the Word said.

We must submit ourselves to His Will and His Word. We must not question It. We just have to believe It. Don’t try to find a way around It. Just take It the way It is.

So many want to go around and go some other way. If you do, God will be blessing you, but you’re working in His permissive Will, and not in His perfect, Divine Will. God will permit you to do something, and even bless you in doing it, but it still isn’t His perfect Will.

God sent His seventh angel messenger to the earth to call out His Bride. We believe It was the Son of Man revealing Himself in human flesh. It is the very Voice of God that has been recorded and stored up for His Bride.

God Himself told his prophet, "if you get the people to believe YOU, nothing will stand in your way." He was the one chosen by God to lead His Bride. No one can take his place. No matter how many Korahs raise up, or how many Dathans, it was William Marrion Branham who God called to lead His Bride. This is God’s Program and His PERFECT WILL.

If the people won’t walk in His perfect Will, He does have a permissive Will He’ll let you walk in.

Now, God is a good...He sends His Word. If you won’t believe His Word, then He puts in the Church five different offices: First, apostle, prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists. They are for the perfecting of the Church.

Thus, the ministry was only raised up because the people throughout the ages would not accept God’s PERFECT WILL PROGRAM; His Word spoken by His prophet. We are simply just to believe the Word that God’s prophet spoke. We need no one else or nothing else.

Then the work of the ministry is to bring the people BACK to His Perfect Will Program, which is: STAY WITH THE TAPES, FOR IT IS GOD’S PERFECT WILL. Then keep that PERFECT WILL PROGRAM before them all the time by: PRESS PLAY.

You’ve got to come back and start where you began, or where you left off, and take every Word of God.

So what must you do to be in His PERFECT WILL: Press Play.
What must the pastors do to be in His PERFECT WILL: Press Play.

What did the prophet of God do when he went in the meetings? Just pray for the sick, and things like that? He would say things in a roundabout way that the sheep would hear it, because we know what He’s talking about. Otherwise, it was just the bait on the hook. He showed them signs like discernment, and knew the secrets of their hearts, just to stir the people. But then he said what the most important thing was:

The first thing you know, a tape drops into their house. That’s got it, then. If he’s a sheep, he comes right with it. If he’s a goat, he kicks the tape out.

Are you a sheep or are you a goat? God’s little group is centered on that Word. We are in His Perfect Will by Pressing Play as that was, and is, His original program.

Stay right with His Word, ’cause that’s what’s going to come out in the end, the Word, Word by Word. “Whosoever shall take one Word away from It, or add one word to It!” It’s got to stay, that Word.

I’m so thankful to the Lord to know, by spiritual Revelation, that I am in His Perfect Will according to His Word. I’m not adding my interpretation to It, or my understanding to It, but hearing with my own ears what is THUS SAITH THE LORD and His Perfect Will.

I invite you to come and go prospecting with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word? 65-0418E. There are so many nuggets in this Message, you’re going to be RICH in His Holy Spirit when we are done.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Exodus 19th chapter
Numbers 22:31
St. Matthew 28:19
Luke 17:30
Revelation 17th chapter


Saturday, December 10, 2022

Dear Temple Of The Dynamics,

Man has always longed in his heart to be like Abraham when he was sitting at his home around 11:00. He looked up and saw three men coming towards him with dust all over their clothes. He run quickly up to them, and said, “My Lord.” Standing there before him, in human flesh speaking, was The Great Melchisedec.

This Sunday, that longing in our hearts will take place for each of us. We will all be gathered together from around the world, listening to that same great Melchisedec speak to US. A Person who had no father, no mother, no beginning of days or ending of life, God, en morphe, speaking to us through human lips, just how He did that day to Abraham.

There is no other way to hear that Voice unless you PRESS PLAY. There has never been a time in history that the Bride has been united from around the world to hear Melchisedec’s Voice speak at the exact same time. God is uniting His Bride with that Voice.

We’ve had, for years, the Word of God. Now we got the God of the Word, see, and right here living His Word out. So it’s true, one of the last great signs that’s promised to the Church before the Coming of the Lord.

This Sunday, the Bride is going to have an Easter Message in December; and what a Message we are going to hear.

Mechanics. Dynamics. Quickening power. Resurrected Christ. Manifested Sons of God. The same spirit that dwelt in Christ dwells in us. The same Life, same powers, same beneficiaries, that He had, we have. Abstract deed. The first Seed that came to maturity is waved before the people. We are now flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone; Life of His Life, Power of His Power! We are Him!

The resurrected Jesus Christ; Melchisedec Himself, will scream out and tell US, “I had My Voice recorded and placed on magnetic tape so I could draw you unto Me, and I could speak to you just like I did Abraham. I want you to hear directly from Me.

You are my predestinated, foreordained Church! Your bodies are the temple of the Dynamics, because from the beginning you were part of the Mechanics.”

That’s that Divine revelation of the Word made flesh. If It was flesh in that day by the Son, the Groom, It’s the flesh today by the Bride. See?

That Quickening Power is living in us. We don’t have to fear NOTHING. That same Spirit that was in Him, is now in us and It’s quickening our mortal body. We don’t hope so, WE KNOW SO. We’ve already made it, He made it for us.

Then, to cap off the afternoon, Melchisedec will speak once again and say;

These people, who are fellow citizens of the Kingdom, a possessor of quickening Power, quicken It to them, Lord, just now. And may the Spirit go from eagle to eagle, from Word to Word, till the fulness of Jesus Christ be made manifest in each of the bodies, for physical, spiritual, or any need they have need of, as we lay our hands upon one another. In Jesus Christ’s Name.

From eagle to eagle, Word to Word, the fullness of Jesus Christ will be made manifest in each of our bodies. GLORY!!

This can only take place by PRESSING PLAY, so come join us and partake in a gastronomical jubilee on Stored Up Food, as we hear That Voice, Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, bring us the Message, It Is The Rising Of The Sun 65-0418M.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Leviticus 23:9-11
Matthew 27:51 / 28:18
Mark 16:1-2
St. Luke 17:30 / 24:49
St. John 5:24 / 14:12
Acts 10:44-48 / 19:2
Romans 8:11
First Thessalonians 4:16
Hebrews 13:8
Revelation 1:17-18