Dear Hairspring, Mainspring, Farmer & Housewife,
Whatever it is that God has for you to do, you’ve got a stewardship to that. You’ve got to answer to God for it. No matter how insignificant the enemy might tell you that you are, you’re so important to God that His great timepiece can’t run without you.
He called you, chose you, predestinated you, and gave you a Revelation of His great end time Message. He has 100% confidence in you. You are the very Bride of Jesus Christ, His Sweetheart, and He loves you so much.
He has constantly warned the people out across the nations, “Repent, or perish”, “Get back to the Word”, “Get ready, there is something going to happen.” That time has finally arrived. God is coming for His Bride, just like He promised us He would. He has called His Wheel out of the wheel.
Many have fallen away from God’s great end-time Message today, saying, “what he said was going to take place, hasn’t happened. All things are the same.” It was generations that passed before many prophecies of God’s prophets came to pass. But it happened nevertheless, just exactly as they said, Word by Word.
His Bible tells us: “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man”. Before God sent judgment to destroy the world in that great antediluvian age, God sent a prophet into the world. What did that prophet do?
He made the people ready for the time. Noah made the people ready, and it was a call of mercy before judgment.
Noah made the people ready before the judgment came he warned them about. It was God’s provided Way for that day.
God’s prophet told us that God never changes His program. What He did then, He does the same today. We’ll just STAY WITH GOD’S PROVIDED PROGRAM FOR TODAY AND PRESS PLAY.
Like then, people say we place too much on God’s prophet; It’s the Holy Spirit, not William Branham. We say, AMEN, we don’t listen to the man, we just listen to what HE SAID.
The Holy Spirit is the Prophet of this hour; He vindicating His Word, proving It. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Moses’ hour. The Holy Spirit was the Prophet of Micaiah’s hour. The Holy Spirit, which wrote the Word, comes and confirms the Word.
But Brother Branham just told you last week;
Now, see, I’ve always asked you to be careful what you’re listening to. See? There’s so much of it that it’s just the human side.
I don’t say the Lord told me that. “I” believe, see. And I believe it shouldn’t be done.
For me and my house, I’ll take what God’s seventh angel messenger BELIEVES, THINKS OR EVEN FEELS over any other minister, bishop or man.
Who did God ever send to judge what His prophet believes, feels or even thinks is or isn’t inspired?…Let me tell you who I think.
Look at Korah, in the days when God sent Moses with the message, and Korah and Dathan thought, come up to Moses, and said, “Now, just a minute, you take too much on yourself! You think you’re the only pebble on the beach; the duck in the puddle, you’re the only one. I’ll let you know there’s other people are holy, too!”
Warning, judgment is at hand. Get back to the ORIGINAL WORD. Get back to the vindicated Voice of God for our day. Back to God’s prophet. This Message, His Voice. It has to be FIRST and the most important thing to you.
There is no doubt others have a voice, and a calling, to preach and teach this Message. But the Tapes, that Voice, has to be the most important Voice you can hear in your homes, your cars, and most important, in your church, if you want to be God’s Bride.
Come hear that Voice with us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as God’s prophet warns the world that the Coming of the Lord is at hand. This might be the last time.
Bro. Joseph Branham
God Doesn't Call Man To Judgment Without First Warning Him 63-0724.
Scriptures to read before service:
Isaiah 38:1-5
Amos Chapter 1
Dear Gospel Children,
We are the most blessed people that ever walked on the face of the earth. Can we even begin to imagine God’s chosen seventh angel messenger say these words to us:
I love you. Oh, I love you like you was my own children, and you are my children in the Gospel. I have begotten you to Christ, through the Gospel.
God cares so much for us that He sent us His vindicated prophet with the sign of a Pillar of Fire to let us know that it wasn’t just this man walking along with us, but it was God right above him. He is the One that is leading the way.
Because He cares for us, before the great judgment comes, He has prepared a way that we would be free from all the judgments that are coming. That way of escape is only for us, the Elected. We are the ones who have accepted this germ of Life. We are the ones who were predestinated to see It. We are the ones that have a Revelation of this great tape ministry.
He died for this ministry. He died in order that the Holy Spirit could be here in this day to show these things. He cared for you. He cared to bring It here. He cared to make the statement. He cared because He loved you. He cared enough to do it, to send the Holy Spirit to this, make this ministry today.
If you are predestinated to Eternal Life, you will listen to It and you’ll rejoice in It. It’s your Comfort. It’s the Thing you’ve longed for all your life. It’s that Pearl of great price. We forsake everything for this Message, this Voice. It is our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to us.
Nobody has to baby us around, WE’RE BELIEVERS, there’s nothing that can take It away from us. We don’t care what anybody else says, we believe every Word.
He cares so much for us; if we need healing, we just believe His Word from the depths of our heart. Then it doesn’t matter what any consultant, what any comforter, what any doctor, what any hospital, what any diagnosis would say, we just believe His Word. We just know It! There’s no need of saying anything else about It; we know It.
He cared so much for us that He had His prophet store up Food for His Bride. He even instructed every pastor, minister, and group of people around the world to follow his instructions and play these tapes in their CONGREGATION or groups.
If you people will just do that this morning, that’s going to be prayed for, and you people that hear this tape, all over the world, and after this tape is played, and the minister or the person that’s playing it in a congregation, groups out in the jungles or wherever you are, that’s playing it, will first make your confession clear, and then come with nothing in your heart at all, but faith, and be prayed for, there is, the Medicine will take place.
I thought our critics say the prophet NEVER SAID play tapes in church? Not only did he say in their churches, but in the jungles or WHEREVER you are...PLAY THE TAPES.
If you’ll obey and do exactly what God spoke by His vindicated seventh angel messenger, then you too can have the greatest FAITH you could ever have.
I, I...first, and to approach this, the audience must be anointed with faith. You—you, if you do not have faith, then there’s—there’s no need of even coming to be prayed for, because it’s going to take your faith and my faith together; my faith to believe Him, your faith to believe Him.
We are not presuming, or guessing, or hoping so. The tapes are God’s provided Way for today. It’s not a man named William Marrion Branham’s words, It is the revealed Words of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s absolutely, “Amen!” It’s our ultimate. It is the Truth and nothing but the Truth.
And when you find God’s Ultimate, His Word, a promise upon a certain thing, you must know first that it is God’s Word, that the thing that you’re seeing being done is God. There—there’s no—there’s no “maybe so, it could be, it looks like it might be.” “It is God!” Then when you get to that spot, then that’s the Pearl of great price, you must get away from anything that anybody else tells you contrary to It. You must not look to what man has achieved.
We are going to have a GREAT BIG LOVE FEAST this Sunday. We are going to do exactly what God’s vindicated seventh angel messenger told us to do: Press Play and obey.
WHATEVER we have need of, we shall receive it. We’re going to receive It because we are going to place our faith with HIS FAITH to believe Him. Then we’re all going to say:
From this time on, there’s something in my heart tells me that my troubles are over. I’m—I’m well, I’m going to be well”? Do you believe it? Raise up your hands, “I believe That!” God bless you.
Because God cares, I invite you to come join us; or encourage your pastor, your leader, to follow the prophet’s instructions, and hear God’s seventh angel speak God’s Word and receive whatever you have need of, this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time as we hear: 63-0721 He Cares. Do You Care?
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before service:
St. John 5:24 / 15:26
1 Peter 5:1-7
Hebrews 4:1-4
Associated Services
Dear Prisoners,
The life that you live now will reflect the life you would have lived if you lived in the days of Noah, or Moses, because you are possessed with the same spirit. The same spirit that’s in you now was in people then.
If you lived in the days of Noah, whose side would you have taken then? Would you have gotten in the boat with Noah believing he was the one God chose to build the ark and lead the people, or would you have said, “I can build an ark too. I’m just as good of a captain and boat builder”?
How about if you lived in the days of Moses? Would you have stayed with Moses and believed he was the one God chose to lead the people, or would you have gone with Dathan and Korah when they said “We’re holy too, we’ve got something to say. God chose us too.”?
Each one of us has to choose, this day, between death and life. I don’t care what side you say you’re on. What you do, every day, proves what you are. We Press Play EVERY DAY.
Are you in the Word every day? Are you praying, seeking the Lord’s perfect Will in everything you do? Are you pressing play and hearing God’s vindicated Voice every day? Do you believe it is absolutely essential to Press Play? Do you believe that Voice on the tapes is the Voice of God for today?
For us, the answer is YES. We are telling the world that we are Prisoners to God’s Word, His Message, God’s vindicated Voice for our day. Yes, we believe with all our heart in Pressing Play. Yes, we believe the 7th church age messenger is called to lead the Bride. Yes, that Voice on the tapes is the most important Voice to hear.
The Love of God, His Voice, this Message, is so tremendous, such a Revelation to us, that we cannot get away from It. We have become a Prisoner to It.
We have sold out to everything else. No matter what anyone else says, we’re harnessed to It. There is something about It that we just can’t get away from It. It is the joy of our lives. We cannot live without It.
We’re so happy, so thankful, so proud to be a Prisoner for the Lord and His Message; for they are the same. It is more than life to us. Each day it becomes clearer and more real that we are His Bride. We are in His perfect Will. We can speak the Word, for we are the Word made flesh.
We are not connected with anything but Christ and His Message for the hour; even our father, our mother, our brother, our sister, our husband, our wife, anybody. We’re only connected with Christ, and Him only. We are connected and yoked to this Message, this Voice, for it is God’s provided Way for this day, AND THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.
We are no longer prisoners to our own selfish being, to our own ambition. We have completely surrendered ourselves and are yoked to Him. No matter what the rest of the world thinks, what the rest the world does, we’re yoked with fetters of love to Him and His Voice.
We are so thankful to be Prisoners. Tell me, Father, what to do every second of every minute of every day. Let Your Voice instruct us in everything we do, we say, and how we act. We want to know nothing but You.
Come be harnessed with us to God’s Word and His Voice this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear how to become: A Prisoner 63-0717.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before the Message:
Philemon 1:1
PS: Brother Branham, we LOVE the way you pronounce Philemon, it is PERFECT to the Bride.
Associated Services
Dear Tabernacles Of God,
I am His Church. You are His Church. We are the Tabernacle that God dwells in. We are the Church of the living God; the living God living in our being. Our actions are God’s actions. Glory!!
We’re all gathering together, in little places from around the world; all coming together around the Voice of God, His Word for today.
It’s so wonderful. No ties to nothing, only to Jesus Christ and His Word. That’s It, period. We’re setting together in Heavenly places being perfected by the very Voice of God.
We’re going all the way. We’re all going to the Promised Land. Every one of us! Whether you’re a housewife, a little maid, an old woman, old man or a young man, whatever you are, we’re all going. There isn’t going to be one of us left. Every one of us is going, and “we ain’t going to stop for nothing.”
We believe that we should be all together. One great united group of the Body of Jesus Christ, waiting for that glorious Coming. We should not be separated, but man has got off the beaten path of the teaching of the Gospel.
There ought to be some way to definitely show which is right and wrong. And the only way you’ll ever do it, is not put any interpretation to the Word, just read It the way It is and believe It that way. Each man is putting forth his own interpretation, and it makes It say something different. There is only ONE VOICE OF GOD TO THE BRIDE. PRESS PLAY!
I say it on this tape, and for this audience, I say this under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost: Who is on the Lord’s side, let him come under this Word!
The Word for our day has a Voice. Our prophet is that Voice. That Voice is the living Word for our day. We were predestinated to hear that Voice and to see this hour, and there is nothing going to stop us from hearing that Voice.
Our faith sees It and chooses to hear It regardless of what anyone says. We don’t drop our sights down to look a different way. We keep our crosshairs dead center on the Word and our ears tuned to that Voice.
With a consecration to You Lord, from our hearts to Your Ears, this is our sincere prayer.
That our lives shall change, from this day on, that we’ll be more positive in our thinking. We will try to live in such sweetness and humility, that, believing that what we ask God, God will give it to each other. And we will not speak evil against each other, or no man. We shall pray for our enemies and love them, do good to them that do bad to us. God is the Judge of who is right and wrong.
I invite you to come and anoint your Faith by hearing the Voice of God with us Sunday, at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: Why Cry? Speak! 63-0714M.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Home Church Bride, let us all gather together and hear the Message, The Indictment 63-0707m, this Sunday at 5:00 pm, Jeffersonville time.
Let us then prepare ourselves for the sacred opportunity to partake of the Lord’s Supper in our homes right after the Message while we hear 63-0707e Communion. Then we’ll have the Communion and feet washing services following. Like The Indictment, the Communion tape will be played on the Voice Radio (in English only), followed by piano music, a quote to introduce feet washing, and Gospel Hymns, as we normally do for Home Communion services.
Listed below are links for ways to obtain/prepare the Communion wine and bread.
I am so thankful that the Lord has provided a way for us to invite the King of kings into each of our homes for a very special day with Him. I am certainly looking forward to meeting you all at His Table.
God bless you,
Brother Joseph Branham
Instructions for Baking Bread / Making Wine
Instructions to obtain Communion Wine / Feet Washing Bins