May 12, 2024
Questions And Answers #3

Dear Chaste Virgin Bride,

How I love to encourage you each week to Press Play and to hear the Voice of God for our day. For I know It is God’s perfect Program for our day.

It’s not what Joseph Branham says or believes. It’s what God’s vindicated Voice has told us:

I am God’s Voice to you.

If you have any revelation of this Message at all, that one small quote should be more than enough for you to tell everyone you meet; every believer, tell your churches, that Voice is the most important Voice you MUST HEAR.

To think, the very Words we hear when we Press Play is the Voice of God speaking directly to us. Father had it recorded and stored up so we could Press Play every second of every day; so we could hear Him encourage us, bless us, anoint us, and cast all our fears and doubts away, all by just Pressing Play.

Whatever we have need of right then, Press Play, and there it is. He’s there to remind us WE ARE THE WORD. He is with us, around us, IN US. Satan is a bluff. He has been defeated. Nothing can take that Word from us. God gave It to us by His foreknowledge, knowing we are His Bride. We were with Him from the beginning.

What voice could we hear that would be greater than the only Voice that has been vindicated by the Pillar for Fire to be the Voice of God?

There is no other Voice.

What did that Voice tell us last week?

I always claim you, and that as my brother and sister. You’re my children; I—I’m your father in the Gospel, not father as it would be a priest, I’m—I’m your father in the Gospel as Paul said there. I have begotten you to Christ, and now, I—I espouse you to Christ; that’s engage you to Christ as a chaste virgin. Don’t let me down! Don’t let me down! You stay a chaste virgin.

We must stay a chaste virgin to the Word, that Voice. For us, there is only ONE WAY to be sure we are doing that: PRESS PLAY.

If you believe me to be what you say, God’s servant, a prophet, listen to what I’m telling you. See? You might not be able to understand it, and if you can’t, then you just do what I tell you to do.

Yes, there are other anointed Holy Spirit men, and by God’s grace and mercy, I pray I’m one of those men. I believe I have been called by Him to keep His Word before you and point you to this Message, God’s Word, that Voice.

As Peter said, I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance that there is ONLY ONE VOICE that God called to reveal His Word to. One Voice that God vindicated. One Voice that God said, “Hear Ye Him.” One Voice that God said, “I am God’s Voice to you.”

Remember this with all your heart: Stay with that Word! Don’t you leave that Word! Anything contrary to It, leave it alone, no matter what it is. Then you know It’s right

I certainly understand why I get so misunderstood and that some feel I am against all ministers; that I believe no one should preach. “If you listen to a minister other than Brother Branham, you are not the Bride.” As I’ve said so many times, I’ve never said that or believed that.

The prophet explained it perfectly last week exactly how I feel and what I believe.

There were at least three other Message churches in the Jeffersonville area at the time Brother Branham was here. In last Sunday's service, he said that the local pastors were not there for the evening service. They had their own evening services. Thus, they did not feel to come hear Brother Branham for the evening service, but to have services in their churches. That was their decision and what they felt led to do, and Brother Branham agreed.

Today there are still several churches in the Jeffersonville area. They too must do as they feel led of the Lord to do. If they don’t feel to play tapes, praise the Lord, they are doing what they feel led to do, and that is what they should do. They are still our brothers and sisters and love this Message. But we must do what we feel led to do: Press Play. We want to hear the prophet.

Just as Brother Branham did on August 30, 1964, I invite you to come join us at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we once again hear the prophet bring us the Message: 64-0830M Questions And Answers #3.

Bro. Joseph Branham