Dear Bride of Christ, let us come together Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear 65-0718E Spiritual Food In Due Season.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Bride of Christ, let us come together Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear 65-0718M - Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Not Ashamed Bride,
There has never been a time or a people like today. We are in Him, heirs to all He has purchased for us. He is sharing His holiness with us, until in Him, we have become the very righteousness of God.
He foreknew us by Divine decree, that we would be His Bride. He chose us, we never chose Him. We didn’t come on our own, it was His choosing. Now He has placed in our heart and soul the full Revelation of His Word.
Day after day, He is revealing His Word to us, pouring out His Spirit upon us, manifesting His very life in us. Never has His Bride been more anchored in their hearts knowing they are in His perfect will, and in His program, by staying with His Word, hearing His Voice.
The Love of God and this Message fills our hearts till it is just bubbling over. There is nothing else we want to hear, talk about, fellowship about, or simply share a quote we just heard and praise the Lord.
We are like Moses on the backside of the desert. We’ve walked up face to face with Almighty God, and we see the Voice speaking to us; exactly with the Word and the promise of the hour. It has done something to us. We’re not ashamed of It. We love to proclaim It to the world. We believe the Lord Jesus is the Message of the hour and we ARE HIS BRIDE.
He has fortified us with His Word. There is no shadow of doubt, this is God’s provided way. God never changes His mind about His Word. He chose His seventh angel to call out His Bride, and then to keep Her in line with His Word.
There is nothing in this life but Him and His Word. We can’t get enough of It. It’s more than life to us. The Gospel and the Power of Almighty God has spread around the world like never before. The Word is now in the hands and ears of the Bride. The separation time is now taking place, when God is calling a Bride, and the devil is calling a church.
We love You and Your Word, Lord. We can’t get enough. We are sitting in the presence of Your Word daily, ripening, getting ready for Your soon Coming. Father, it has to be so close. We can feel it, Lord. We’re waiting with great anticipation.
Father, let us be more sincere and renew our vows again. We know our Faith in Your Word is burning in our heart. You have taken away all doubts. There is nothing there but Your Word. We are sure, and we are not ashamed to tell the world, we are Your Tape Bride.
I want to invite the world to come listen with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear the Message: Ashamed 65-0711.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
St. Mark 8:34-38
Associated Services
Dear Perfect Will Bride,
The day is late and the Coming of the Lord is at hand. The door is closing and time is running out, if it hasn’t already. It’s too late to wander around; to be like a reed shaken by the wind; to have itching ears. It’s time to make a clear cut decision. What must I do to be His Bride?
Does God change His Mind about His Word? NEVER. Then we must strive daily, with all our heart and soul to be in His PERFECT WILL. We must submit ourselves to His will and His Word. Never question It, just believe It and accept It. Don’t try to find a way around It. Just take It the way It is.
The prophet tells us in this Message that his whole purpose is to show us that God has to keep His Word in order to stay God, but so many want to go around It, and get some other way. When they do, they find themselves going on, and God blessing them, but they’re working in His permissive will and not in His perfect, Divine will.
The prophet takes us back to the Word and gives us examples to look at, to study, and reminds us, God DOES NOT change His Mind or His way, He is God and changes NOT.
Now, we notice that both of these were spiritual men, both were prophets, both were called. And Moses, right in the line of duty, with a fresh Pillar of Fire before him every day, the Spirit of God upon him, in the line of duty. Here comes another servant of God, called of God, ordained of God, a prophet to whom the Word of God comes to. Here is the danger line. There is nobody could dispute that man being of God—of God, because the Bible said the Spirit of God spoke to him, and he was a prophet.
Lord, how close is that? How can I know, when BOTH were prophets? Both are Spirit-filled men called of God, ordained of God; prophets of God to whom the Word of God comes to. Both saying the Holy Spirit is leading them.
Let us read and study a few quotes very carefully about what God’s seventh angel messenger says. We want what he says; not what the church says, what Doctor Jones says, or what somebody else says. We want what THUS SAITH THE LORD says by His prophet.
Moses, being a ordained prophet with the Word of the Lord, vindicated that he was chosen to be their leader of the hour, and that Abraham had promised all these things,...
No one could take Moses’ place. No matter how many Korah’s raised up, and how many Dathan’s; it was Moses, God had called, regardless.
Moses was the one who God had chosen to lead the people. Other men rose up and said they were anointed, Holy Spirit filled men too. God had called them to lead too. But Moses was God’s original Perfect Will leader to lead them.
But, and if the people won’t walk in His perfect will, He does have a permissive will He’ll let you walk in. Notice, He permits it, all right, but He will make it work out for His glory, in His perfect will. Now if you’d like...
No one wants to be in God’s permissive will. The true Bride wants to be in His perfect will, all the time, no matter the cost.
There is so many disagreements, thoughts, confusion, opinions, on the importance of playing the tapes.
We all know this is the very issue that has Message believers separated today. We know the Bride MUST, AND WILL BE, united together; that is the Word.
There are Spirit-filled, God-called men in the Church today. They are anointed men of God called to preach this Message. But there is simply not one of them we can all agree on.
How can they be the ones to unite the Bride? Can we unite around their ministry? Truly they are called to lead their flock, but lead them back to God’s ORIGINAL PLAN. HIS LEADER. HIS PROPHET. Not their ministry.
If they are not teaching you that the Voice on the tapes is the one you MUST follow, and must believe is the most important Voice you must hear, they are simply in His permissive will.
If they do tell you It is the most important Voice, and they truly believe that, then how can they not press play every time you are together?
If you want to be for sure, FOR SURE, that you’re in His perfect will, there is only one SURE WAY. It is to hear God’s vindicated Voice on the tapes.
The first thing you know, a tape drops into their house. That’s got it, then. If he’s a sheep, he comes right with it. If he’s a goat, he kicks the tape out.
I have to be FOR SURE. I cannot, and will not, take the slightest chance with my Eternal destination. I KNOW the Voice on the tapes is the Voice of God to the Bride. I KNOW It don’t make mistakes. I KNOW It was vindicated by the Pillar of Fire. I KNOW It is the One God chose to lead His Bride. I KNOW that Voice is the only Voice that can and will unite the Bride. I KNOW it will be that Voice I will hear say “Behold, the Lamb of God”.
I MUST PRESS PLAY and hear that Voice. You are invited to come join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: 65-0418E Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word?
Bro. Joseph Branham
We will begin the Message on paragraph 61.
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
Exodus 19th chapter
Numbers 22:31
St. Matthew 28:19
Luke 17:30
Revelation 17th chapter
Associated Services
Dear Bride of Christ, let us come together Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear 65-0221E - "Who Is This Melchisedec?"
Bro. Joseph Branham