Dear Mrs. Jesus Christ,
What will this Sunday hold for the Bride of Jesus Christ? What all will the Holy Spirit reveal to us? Perfect Realization. We will now fully understand by Revelation, antitype contrasted with type and substance with shadow. Jesus is the true Bread of Life. He is the whole of It. He is One God. He is Hebrews 13:8. He is the I AM.
Christ, by appearing in the flesh and shedding His own Blood, has put away our sins once and for all by the offering of Himself; therefore He has now made us PERFECT. His very life is in us. His Blood has cleansed us. His Spirit fills us. His stripes have ALREADY healed us.
His Word is in our heart and mouth. It’s Christ in our lives and nothing else, as everything in our lives fade away into insignificance, besides Him and His Word.
Our heart will be filled with joy as He tells us that by His Divine decree, He knew exactly who would be His Bride. How He chose us. He called us. He died for us. He paid the price for us and we belong to Him, and Him alone. He speaks, and we obey, for it is our delight. We are His sole property and He has no other one but US. He is our King of kings and we are His kingdom. We are His eternal possession.
He will strengthen us and illuminate us by His Voice Word. He will clearly explain and reveal that He is the Door of the sheep. He is both Alpha and Omega. He is Father, He is the Son, and He is the Holy Spirit. He is One, and we are One with Him and in Him.
He will teach us patience, as He did Abraham, by explaining how we must patiently wait and endure if we wish to obtain any promise.
He will clearly show us the very day that we’re living in. How the ecumenical move will become so strong politically, and place pressure up on the government for all to join her through adherence to principles enacted into law, so that no people will be recognized as churches unless direct or indirect domination of their council.
He will reveal how many will go along, thinking they are serving God in the framework of the organization. But He tells us, “Have no fear, for the Bride will not be deceived, we will stay with His Word, His Voice.”
How encouraging it will be to hear Him tells us: “Hold fast, persevere. Never give up, but put on the whole armor of God, every weapon, every gift I have given you is at our disposal. Don’t never be discouraged sweetheart, just keep looking ahead with joy because you are going to be crowned by Me, your King of kings and Lord of Lords, your Husband.”
You are My true church; the very temple of God by My Holy Ghost that is living within you. You will become pillars in the new temple; the very foundation that will hold up the superstructure. I will place you as overcomers with the apostles and the prophets, for I have given you a Revelation of My Word, of Myself.
He will clearly reveal to us that our names were written in His Lamb’s Book Of Life before the foundation of the world. We will therefore be before His throne day and night to serve Him in His temple. We are the special care of the Lord; we are His Bride.
We will have a new name by taking on His name. It will be the name that is given unto us when He takes us to Himself. We will be His Mrs. Jesus Christ.
The new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, a Bride adorned for her Husband. There will be no more death, sorrow, nor crying. Neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away. All of God’s wonderful promises will be fulfilled. The change will be completed. The Lamb and His Bride will forever be settled in all the perfections of God.
Dear Mrs. Jesus Christ, DREAM ABOUT IT. It will be more wonderful than you could ever imagine.
I invite everyone to come join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as our Husband, Jesus Christ, speaks through His mighty seventh angel messenger and tells us all these things.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Message: The Philadelphian Church Age 60-1210