Dear Bride,
I trust each of you had a wonderful Christmas with your friends and family. How thankful I am today to know that our Lord Jesus is not stuck in a manger as the world sees Him today, but He’s alive and in the midst of His Bride, revealing Himself through His Voice like never before, PRAISE THE LORD.
As I’ve already announced, I would like to have Communion once again in our homes/churches on New Year’s Eve, December 31st. For those wishing to participate, we will listen to the Message, 62-1231 The Contest, and then go right into the Communion service, which Brother Branham introduces at the closing of the Message.
For the local believers, we will start the tape at 7:00 P.M. However, for those in other time zones, please start the Message at a time convenient for you. After Brother Branham brings his New Year’s Eve Message, we will pause the tape at the end of paragraph 59, and have approximately 10 minutes of piano music as we take the Lord’s Supper. We will then resume the tape as Brother Branham closes the service. On this tape, he omits the feet washing portion of service, which we will omit also.
Instructions on how to obtain wine, and how to bake the Communion bread can be found in the links below. You can play or download the audio from the website, or you can simply play the service from the Voice Radio on the Lifeline app (which will be played in English at 7:00 P.M. Jeffersonville time.)
As we approach another year of service unto our Lord, let us express our love to Him by first hearing His Voice, and then let us partake of His Supper. What a glorious and sacred time it will be as we rededicate our lives to His Service.
God bless you,
Brother Joseph
Associated Services
Dear White-Robed Saints,
When we hear the Voice of God speak to us, something happens deep in our soul. Our whole being is transformed and the world around us seems to fade away.
How can one express what is taking place in our hearts, our minds, and our soul, as the Voice of God unveils His Word with each Message we hear?
Like our prophet, we feel we’re caught up into the third heavens and our spirit seems to leave this mortal body. There are no words to express what we feel as God reveals His Word to us as never before.
John was put on the isle of Patmos and asked to write what he saw and place it in a book called Revelation, so it would go down through the ages. Those mysteries have been hidden until they were revealed to us through His chosen 7th angel messenger.
Then John heard that same Voice above him and was caught up into the third heavens. That Voice showed him the church ages, the coming of the Jews, the pouring out of the plagues, the Rapture, the Coming again, the Millennium, and the Eternal Home of His saved. He took him up and rehearsed the whole thing to John as He said He would do.
But who did John see when he saw the rehearsal? No one really knew till today.
The first thing he saw in the coming was Moses. He represented the dead saints that would be resurrected; all six ages that slept.
But not only Moses was standing there, but Elijah was there too.
Who was that Elijah that was standing?
But Elijah was there; the messenger of the last day, with his group, of the transfigured, the Raptured.
GLORY…HALLELUJAH…who did John see standing there?
None other than God’s 7th angel messenger, William Marrion Branham, with HIS TRANSFIGURED, RAPTURED GROUP…EACH ONE OF US!!
Elijah represented the translated bunch. Remember, Moses was first, and then Elijah. Elijah was to be the messenger of the last day, that with him and his group would come the resurrection…would come the…well, it would come the Rapture, I mean. Moses brought in the resurrection and Elijah brought in the Raptured group. And, there, both of them was represented right there.
Talk about unveiling, revealing, and Revelation.
Here It is! We got It right with us now, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. You’re…It’s preaching to you, It’s teaching to you, It’s trying to get you to see what’s right and wrong. It’s the Holy Spirit Himself speaking through human lips, operating among human beings, trying to show mercy and grace.
We are the White-Robed Saints that His angel saw that come from all over the earth to eat the Bread of Life. We are engaged and married to Him and have felt His betrothal kiss in our heart. We pledged ourselves to Him, and to His Voice only. We have not, and will not defile ourselves with any other voice.
The Bride is getting ready to go up like John did; into the Presence of God. We will be caught up at the Rapture of the Church. How that just winds our soul around!
What is He going to reveal to us next?
The judgments; the sardine stone, and what it represents; what part it played. Jasper, and all the different stones. He’ll take these all down through Ezekiel, back into Genesis, back over to Revelation, come down in the middle of the Bible, tie it together; all these different stones and colors.
It's the same Holy Spirit, the same God, showing the same signs, same wonders, doing the same thing just as He promised. It is the Bride of Jesus Christ making Herself ready by hearing His Voice.
We welcome you to join us as we enter into heavenly places at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear Elijah, God’s messenger to this last age, reveal mysteries that have been hidden throughout the ages.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Message: 60-1231 Revelation, Chapter Four Part I
• Please remember our New Year’s Message, Tuesday night: The Contest 62-1231. There is no better way to start the New Year.
Associated Services
Dear Mrs. JÉSUS,
Oh Lamb of God, Thou art God’s great wrapped Gift to the world. You have given us the greatest Gift that was ever given, Yourself. Before You created the first star, before You created the earth, the moon, the solar system, You knew us and chose us to be Your Bride.
When You saw us then, You loved us. We were flesh of Your flesh, bone of Your bone; we were a part of You. How You loved us and wanted to fellowship with us. You wanted to share Your Eternal Life with us. We knew then, we would be Your Mrs. JÉSUS.
You saw we would fail, so You had to provide a way to restore us back. We were lost and without hope. There was only one way, You had to become a “New Creation”. God and man had to become One. You had to become us, so we could become You. Thus, You put your great plan into motion thousands of years ago in the garden of Eden.
You have so longed to be with us, Your perfect Word Bride, but You knew first You had to restore us back to all that had been lost in the beginning. You waited and waited and waited till this day to complete Your plan.
The day has arrived. That little group You saw in the beginning is here. Your sweetheart that loves You and Your Word more than anything.
It was time for You to come and reveal Yourself in human flesh as You did with Abraham, and as You did when You became a new Creation. How You have longed for this day so You could reveal to us all Your great mysteries that have been hid from the foundation of the world.
You’re so proud of Your Bride. How You love to show Her off and tell Satan, “No matter what you try to do to them, they will not move; they will not compromise on My Word, My Voice. They are My PERFECT WORD BRIDE.” They are so beautiful to Me. Just look at them! Through all their tests and trials, they stay true to My Word. I will give them an everlasting gift. All I am, I give to them. WE WILL BE ONE.
All we can say is: “JÉSUS, WE LOVE YOU. Let us welcome You into our home. Let us anoint You and wash Your feet with our tears and kiss them. Let us tell You how we love You.”
All that we are, we give to You JÉSUS. That is our gift to You JÉSUS. We love You. We adore You. We worship You.
I invite each of you to join us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and welcome JÉSUS into your home, into your church, into your car, wherever you may be, and receive the greatest Gift that was ever given to man; God Himself speaking and fellowshipping with you.
Bro. Joseph Branham
60-1225 God's Wrapped Gift
Associated Services
Dear Bride,
The Lord has laid it upon my heart to have a Special Message and Communion Service on New Year’s Eve again this year. What greater thing could we do, friends, than to hear God’s Voice speak to us, partake in the Lord’s Supper, and re-consecrate our lives to His service at the ushering in of a New Year. What a sacred time it will be to shut out the world, and unite with the Bride for this Special gathering in the Word, as we say from our hearts, “Lord, forgive us of all the mistakes we’ve made throughout the year; now we are approaching You, asking if You will take our hand and guide us this upcoming year. May we serve You more than we ever have, and if it be in Your Divine Will, may it be the year of the great Rapture that is to take place. Lord, we just want to go Home to live with You through Eternity.” I can’t wait to gather around His Throne for this special rededication service, praise the Lord.
For the believers in the Jeffersonville area, I would like to start the tape at 7:00 pm at our local time zone. The complete Message and Communion service will be on the Voice Radio at that time, as we have done in the past. We will have the Communion wine packs available on Wednesday, December 18th, from 1:00 – 5:00 pm, for you to pick up at the YFYC building.
For those of you who live outside of the Jeffersonville area, please have this special service at a time that is convenient for you. We will have a downloadable link with the Message and Communion service soon.
As we approach the Christmas Holiday, I want to wish you and your family a WONDERFUL and SAFE Holiday Season, and a Merry CHRISTmas, filled with the joy of the resurrected Lord Jesus...the WORD.
May God bless you,
Brother Joseph
Dear Home Church Bride, let us all gather together and hear the Message 60-1218 The Uncertain Sound, this Sunday at 12:00 pm, Jeffersonville time.
Brother Joseph Branham