Archived Letters
Saturday, September 21, 2024

Dear Attribute of God,

We are the very attribute of our Heavenly Father; for we were in Him at the beginning. We don’t remember it now, but we were there with Him, and He knew us. He loved us so much that He made us flesh, so He could contact us, speak with us, love us, even shake our hands.

But Satan came along and perverted God’s original Word, His Kingdom, and His plan for us. He twisted men and women and succeeded in perverting and taking over this world we live in. He has made the earth his kingdom, his garden of Eden.

It is the most deceitful and treacherous hour there has ever been. The devil has set every cunning trap that he can; for he is the great deceiver. The Christian has to be more on his toes today than he ever was in any age.

But at the same time, it is the most glorious of all the ages, because we are facing the great Millennium. Our Garden of Eden is soon coming, where we’ll have perfect love and perfect understanding of the love of God. We will be alive and safe with Him in our Eden throughout Eternity.

Jesus told us in Matthew 24 how careful we must be in this day. He warned us that it would be the most deceitful day that ever lived, “so close that it would deceive the very Elected of God if it were possible”; for the cunningness of the devil will make the people believe that they are a Christian, when they’re not.

But this age would also yield His pure Word Bride that would not, and could not, be deceived; for they would stay with His original Word.

Like Joshua and Caleb, our promised Land is coming in sight even as theirs did. Our prophet said Joshua means, “Jehovah-Saviour”. He represented the end-time leader that will come to the church, even as Paul came as the original leader.

Caleb represented those that stayed true with Joshua. Like the children of Israel, God started them out as a virgin with His Word; but they wanted something different. Our prophet said, “so does this last-day church.” So, God did not let Israel go into the promised land until it was His own appointed time.

People put pressure on Joshua, their God given leader, and said, “The land is ours, let’s go and take it. Joshua, you are all through, you must have lost your commission. You don’t have the power you used to have. You used to hear from God and know the will of God, and act quickly. Something is wrong with you.”

Joshua was God’s sent prophet, and he knew the promises of God. Our prophet told us:

“God placed the full leadership in Joshua’s hands because he had stayed with the Word. God could trust Joshua, but not the others. So it will repeat in this end day. The same problem, the same pressures”.

Just as God did with Joshua, He placed the FULL LEADERSHIP in the hands of His angel prophet, William Marrion Branham; for He knew He could trust him, but not the others. There had to be One Voice, One Leader, One final Word, then, and NOW.

I love how the prophet told us there will be thousands times thousands that will hear the tapes. He said that the tapes ARE A MINISTRY. There will be some of us to slip into homes and churches with a tape (his ministry) to catch God’s predestinated Seed.

When we returned back and said, Lord, we have obeyed Your orders, and there were people we found when we played the tapes that believed. Now we have preached that, around the world, will You honor it?

He will say: “That is what I sent you to do.”

God will honor it. Your house will never shake down. When God gives the signal to destroy the whole thing, all of your family, all of your possession, will be safe in your house. You can stand there. You didn’t have to look out the window, just Press Play while the battle is going on.

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.

I invite you to come join us as we eat God’s great, live, end-time ministry, this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear all about: Satan's Eden 65-0829.

May we live till the Coming of the Lord, if it be possible. May we do everything that’s in our power, with love and understanding, understanding that God is searching the world, today, finding every lost sheep. And may we talk to them with seasoned prayer of love and the Word of God, that we might find that last one, so we can go Home, and get out of this old Eden of Satan here, Lord.

Bro. Joseph Branham


Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

2 Timothy 3:1-9
Revelation 3:14
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
Isaiah 14:12-14
Matthew 24:24



Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dear Mrs. Jesus Christ,

Spirit of the living God, breathe on us. Let us take Your Filter and live under It, Lord. Breathe the fresh air of the Holy Ghost into our lungs and into our souls each day. We can only live by Your Word; every Word that proceeds out of Your mouth for this age that we’re living in.

We have tasted of Your Heavenly things and have Your Word in our hearts. We have seen Your Word manifested before us, and our whole soul is wrapped into It. This world, and all the things of the world are dead to us.

We are Your germ seed Word that was in You from the beginning, standing here, drawing Your seed Life. Your seed is in our hearts by Your foreknowledge. You predestinated us to draw through nothing else, but Your Word, Your Voice, on the tapes.

The eye age has arrived; there is nothing left but Your Coming for Your Bride. Our filter is Your Word, Malachi 4, Thus Saith The Lord.

Let us plant Your Word in our hearts, and purpose that we’ll not turn to the right hand or to the left hand, but live true to It all the days of our lives. Father, send down upon us the Holy Spirit of Life, and quicken Your Word to us, that we might manifest You.

The desire of our hearts is to be true sons and daughters for You. We are sitting in the presence of Your Voice, ripening, making ourselves ready for our soon Wedding Supper with You.

Nations are breaking. The world is falling apart. Earthquakes are shaking California as You told us it would. We know very soon a fifteen-hundred-mile chunk of it; three or four hundred miles wide, will sink, maybe forty miles down into that great fault out yonder. Waves will shoot plumb out to the state of Kentucky, and when it does, it’ll shake the world so hard that everything on top of it will shake down.

Your last warning is going forth. The world is in total chaos, but all the while Your Bride is resting in You and Your Word, sitting together in heavenly places as You talk to us, and comfort us along the way.

How thankful we are, Father, that we can simply “Press Play” and hear Your Voice speak to us, encourage us and tell us:

Don’t fear little Flock. All that I am, you are heirs to. All My power is yours. My omnipotence is yours as I stand in your midst. I have not come to bring fear and failure, but love and courage and ability. All power is given unto Me and it is yours to use. You speak the Word and I will perform it. That is My covenant and it can never fail.”

Oh Father, we have NOTHING to fear. You give us Your love, courage and ability. Your Word is in us to use when we need It. We speak It, and You will perform It. It is Your covenant, and It can NEVER FAIL.

Mortal words can not express how we feel, Father, but we know You see into our hearts and souls; for we are a part of You.

How thankful we are that You have provided a way for the world to hear Your Voice in this end-time. Each week, You invite the world to come join in to hear Your angel messenger as You feed us Sheep Food that has been stored up to sustain us till You return for us.

We Love You Father.

Bro. Joseph Branham


Message: 65-0822E A Thinking Man's Filter

Time: 12:00 p.m., Jeffersonville Time

Scriptures: Numbers 19:9 / Ephesians 5:22-26



Saturday, September 7, 2024

Dear Branham Tabernacle,

How blessed are our eyes; for they see. How blessed are our ears; for they hear. Prophets and righteous men desired to both see and hear the things which we have seen and heard, but they did not. We have BOTH SEEN AND HEARD THE VOICE OF GOD.

God Himself chose to write His Bible by His prophets. God Himself also chose to reveal all His secrets in this end time to His Bride through His prophet. It is His attributes, His expressed Word, making It all a part of Him.

When our age arrived, He had His prophet arrive at the same time. He inspired him and spoke through him. It was His predestinated and provided way of doing it. Like the Bible, It is the Word of God, and not the word of man.

We must have an Absolute, an ultimate; the final Word. Some men say the Bible is their Absolute, not what is said on the tapes; as if they say something different. It is so wonderful how God has hid the true Revelation of His Word from so many, but has revealed It and made It so clear to His Bride. Others simply can’t help it, they are blinded and don’t have the complete Revelation of God’s revealed Word.

God spoke in His Word (Bible) through His prophet and told us, “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets”. Thus, God’s prophets wrote the Bible. It wasn’t them, but God speaking through them.

He said in our day He would send His Spirit of truth to us to guide us into all truths. He will not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew us things to come.

The Message on the tapes is God’s truths revealed. It doesn’t need any interpretation. It is God interpreting His Word Himself as He speaks It on the tapes.

There is no continuity in what other men speak, only what God speaks. What is said on the tapes is the only Voice that will NEVER CHANGE. Men change, ideas change, interpretations change; God’s Word never changes. It is the Bride’s Absolute.

The prophet gives us an example of an umpire being an absolute at a ballgame. His word is final. You cannot question it. What he says, that’s it, period. Now the umpire has a rule book he must go by. It tells him where the zones are for a ball or a strike, when you're safe and when you’re out; what the rules are for a ballgame.

He reads and studies that book so when he speaks, and makes his ruling, that is the law, that is the final word. You must stay with what he says, no question, no argument, whatever he says, that is the way it has to be and cannot be changed. Glory.

Brother Branham didn’t say you shouldn’t preach, or teach; on the contrary, he said to preach, and to listen to your pastors, but the Voice of God on the tapes has to be your Absolute.

There has to be a tie post; in other words, an ultimate. Everyone must have that ultimate. It is the last word. God has provided only one place to get that, the Voice of God on the tapes. It is the divine interpretation of God’s Word. It is the FINAL WORD, THE AMEN, THE THUS SAITH THE LORD.

Jesus Himself said we call them “gods,” who spoke His Word; and they were gods. He said when the prophets were anointed with the Spirit of God, they brought exactly the Word of God. It was God’s Word speaking through them.

That’s why our prophet was so bold. He was moved by the Holy Ghost to speak the infallible Word of God. God had selected him for our age. He selected the Message he would speak, even the nature of our prophet and what would go over in our age.

The Words he spoke, the way he acted, blind others, but open our eyes. He even dressed him in the type of dress that he wore. His nature, his ambition, everything just the way he had to be. He was perfectly selected for us, God’s Bride.

That is why, when WE COME TOGETHER, It is the Voice we want to place FIRST to hear. We believe we are hearing the Pure Word spoken from God’s chosen and selected messenger.

We know others can’t see or understand that, but he said he was speaking to his congregation only. He was not responsible for what God gave others to shepherd; he was only responsible for what kind of Food he feeds us.

That’s why we say we are the Branham Tabernacle, because he said the Message was only to his people in the Tabernacle, the little flock that wanted to get and listen to the tapes. He was speaking to what God had given to him to lead.

He said, “if people wants to hybreed food and stuff out there, get the revelation from God and do what God tells you to do. I’ll do the same thing. But these Messages, on the tapes, are to this church only.”

How truly simple He has made It for His Bride to see and hear the Voice of God and to follow His instructions.

If you’d like to join us to hear that Voice, we will be listening all at the same time this Sunday at 12:00 P.M, Jeffersonville time, to: 65-0822M - "Christ Is Revealed In His Own Word".

If you can’t join us, I encourage you to listen to this Message whenever you can.

Bro. Joseph Branham


Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Exodus 4:10-12
Isaiah 53:1-5
Jeremiah 1:4-9
Malachi 4:5
St. Luke 17:30
St. John 1:1 / 1:14 / 7:1-3 / 14:12 / 15:24 / 16:13
Galatians 1:8
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Hebrews 1:1-3 / 4:12 / 13:8
2 Peter 1:20-21
Revelation 1:1-3 / 10:1-7 / 22:18-19



Saturday, August 31, 2024

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Stay close to Christ. Let me warn you now, as a minister of the Gospel, of this. Don’t take any foolishness. Don’t imagine anything. Stay right there until this inside of the inside is anchored to the Word, that you’re right in Christ, ’cause that’s the only thing that’s going to…Cause, we’re in the most deceiving age that we ever lived in. “It would deceive the very Elected if it was possible,” because they have anointing, they can do anything like the rest of them.

Father, You warned us that we’re living in the most deceiving age of all time. The two spirits in the world would be so close, it would deceive the very elect, if it were possible. But praise be to the Lord, it would not be possible to deceive us, Your Bride; we will stay with Your Word.

We are Your New Creation, and cannot be deceived. We will stay with Your Voice. We will punctuate and hang on to every Word, regardless of what anyone says. There is no other way except Your provided Way; Thus Saith The Lord on the tapes.

When Your prophet was here on earth, he knew how important it was for the Bride to hear every Word that was spoken, so he united Your Bride by a telephone hook-up. He brought us together around Your vindicated Spoken Word Voice.

He knew there was no greater anointing than Your Voice.

Out over the waves of this telephone, may the great Holy Spirit go into every congregation. May the same Holy Light that we look at right here in the church, may It fall upon each and every one,

Everything Your Bride needs for Your Coming was spoken, stored and revealed to Your Bride by Your angel; that is Your Word. You told us if we have any questions, go to the tapes. You told us William Marrion Branham was Your Voice to us. How could there be a question in Your Bride’s mind how important it is to place Your Voice as the most important Voice She can hear? There isn’t Lord, to Your Bride.

Your prophet told us of a dream where he said, “I’ll ride this trail once more.” We don’t know what that means, but truly Lord, Your Voice is riding the airwave trail once more today, speaking, and calling out Your Bride from around the world.

You are invited to come join us, the Branham Tabernacle, Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear across the airwaves the Voice of God bring us the Message: 65-0815 - "And Knoweth It Not".

Bro. Joseph Branham


Scriptures to read:

Revelations 3:14-19
Colossians 1:9-20



Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dear Eagles,

Where the Carcass is, the eagles are gathering. It’s evening time, and prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes. Our hearts are burning within us as we’ve invited Him into our churches, our homes, and our mud huts out in the bush. He is going to speak to us and reveal His Word. We’re hungering and thirsting for more of God.

He has chosen the way His Word would come to us; by His prophet, which He predestinated and foreordained. He chose William Marrion Branham to be the man of the hour to catch His chosen people of the hour, US, His Bride.

There’s not another man that can take his place. We love how he expresses himself; hain’t, tote, carry, fetch, it’s God speaking to our ears. God, speaking through human lips, doing exactly what He said He would do. That settles it!

God moved his hands and eyes in visions. He couldn’t say nothing but what he was looking at. God had full control of his tongue, finger, even every organ of his body was in full sway with God. He was the very mouthpiece for God.

God foreknew in this age the church would get mixed up. Therefore, He had His prophet ready for our age, to call out and lead His elected Bride by His vindicated Word.

In His great plan, He also knew He would take His prophet Home before His Coming, so He had His Voice recorded and stored up, so His elected Bride would always have Thus Saith The Lord at their fingertips. Then they would never have a question. No interpretation needed, just pure virgin Word they could hear all the time.

He knew there would be many voices and lots of confusion in the last days.

The last three weeks he has spoken to us and placed the hour that we’re living. He told us about the false prophets that would arise and deceive the elected, if it were possible.

How the god of this age has blinded the hearts of the people. How God Himself has said through His prophecies that these things would take place in this Laodicea Age. He told us there is nothing left undone.

He has identified Himself before us by the things prophesied of Him to do in this day. His very actions have proven to us He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It is the Voice of God, speaking to, and living in, His Bride.

Do you believe this Message is Hebrews 13:8? Is It the living Word? Is It the Son of Man revealing Himself in flesh? Then prophecy will take place this Sunday if you believe and obey.

Something will be taking place worldwide that has never been possible before in the history of the world. God will be speaking through human lips, talking to His Bride around the entire world all at the same time. He will have us place our hands on one another and pray for one another as he prays for all of us.

You out there on the telephone wires, if you have believed with all your heart, as the ministers are laying hands upon you, and your loved ones laying hands upon you, if you believe with all your heart that it’s finished, it’s finished.

Whatever we have need of, God will give it to us if we’ll just believe...AND WE BELIEVE. WE ARE HIS FAITHFUL BRIDE. It will take place. The Pillar of Fire will be wherever we are gathered and give each of us whatever we have need of, it’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.

May the same Holy Light that we look at right here in the church, may It fall upon each and every one, and may they be healed at this time. We rebuke the enemy, the devil, in the Presence of Christ; we say to the enemy, that he is defeated by the—the vicarious suffering, the death of the Lord Jesus and the triumph resurrection on the third day; and His proven evidence that He is here among us tonight, alive, after nineteen hundred years. Let the Spirit of the living God fill every heart with faith and power, and healing virtue from the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Who is identified now by this great Light circling the church, in His Presence. In the Name of Jesus Christ, grant it for the glory of God.

You are His Bride. Nothing can take it from you, NOTHING. Satan is defeated. You may feel you just have a spoonful of Him, that’s all you need, IT’S REAL. IT’S HIM. YOU’RE HIS. HIS WORD CANNOT FAIL.

Believe It, accept It, hold on to It, It can’t fail. You don’t have power but you've got His authority. Say, “I take it Lord, it’s mine, You give it to me and I will not let Satan take it away.”

What a time we will have. There is no other place I’d want to be. The Holy Spirit will be all around us. More Revelation given to us. Broken hearts mended. Everyone healed. How can we not say, “Did not our hearts burn within us, and does not it burn now, to know that we are now in the Presence of the resurrected Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory and praise for evermore.”

Bro. Joseph Branham.


We invite the world to join us at:

Time: 12:00 P.M. Jeffersonville time
Message: 65-0801E Events Made Clear By Prophecy


Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Genesis: 22:17-18
Psalms: 16:10 / Chapter 22 / 35:11 / 41:9
Zechariah 11:12 / 13:7
Isaiah: 9:6 / 40: 3-5 / 50:6 / 53:7-12
Malachi: 3:1 / 4th chapter
St. John 15:26
St. Luke: 17:30 / 24:12-35
Romans: 8:5-13
Hebrews: 1:1 / 13:8
Revelation: 1:1-3 / Chapter 10