Dear One Unit,
We are under great anticipation and expectations. We can feel it, something is going to take place. We want to be united together to hear Your Voice; to get anything and everything You say. We want It. We want to be part of It. We believe every Word.
What’s happening? God is making history. God is fulfilling prophecy. It always causes an attraction. It brings all the critics, the vultures of the Message we heard about last Sunday, but it also brings His Eagles together. For where the Carcass is, the Eagles will be gathered.
It is the answer of the prophet’s prophecy, behold I’ll send you Elijah the prophet. God is vindicating His prophet. It is God fulfilling prophecy. God is making history, fulfilling His Word. It’s the Third Pull being fulfilled.
I know it seems like all I do is disagree with all the church leaders, and seem to condemn everything that they do, but I believe we are that certain group of people that’s predestinated to Press Play and hear that Message, that Voice, and follow It.
We ignore the crowds. We ignore the criticism of the unbeliever. We have no argument with them. We’ve got one thing to do, that’s believe and to get every bit of It we can; soak It in like Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus.
We’re not interested in anything else. We don’t need anything else. We believe that everything we need to hear is on the tapes. God’s Word needs no interpretation.
The promise is fulfilled. What time is it, sir, and what’s this attraction? God fulfilling His Word! He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.
What’s the attraction? God, once again, fulfilling His Word, gathering His people together in churches, filling stations, homes, gathered around little microphones from around the nation, all the way to the West Coast, up into the mountains of Arizona, down into the plains of Texas, way into the East Coast; all across the country and around the world.
We are many hours apart in time, but Lord, we’re together as one unit, believers, waiting for the Coming of the Messiah. I’m trying to follow and do just what Your prophet did to unite Your Bride when he was here. What he did is my example.
We don’t have room to seat everyone here at the Branham Tabernacle, so we just have to send them the Word through the medium of the telephone, as he did then. We gather here, in Jeffersonville, in our home churches, waiting for the Coming of the Lord.
You’ve just told us there will be many in these last days that will try to do You a service without being Your perfect will. There will be many that will be anointed with the true Holy Spirit, but will be false teachers. Lord, the only way we know to BE SURE is to stay with the Word, stay with the tape teaching, stay with Your vindicated Voice.
We believe we are Your predestinated Seed who can do nothing else but follow It; It means more than life to us. Take our lives, but you don’t take That.
What’s going to take place this Sunday? God will be fulfilling His Word. Out across the nation, through the medium of a telephone, hundreds of people will have their hands laid on one another across the nation, from one coast to the other, from the North to the South, East to the West.
Even from foreign countries around the world, we’ll all have our hands laid on one another. You told us, “we don’t need a prayer card, we don’t have to come through a line, we only need FAITH.”
We’ll raise our hands and say, “I am a believer.” What is going to take place?
Satan, you’re defeated. You are a liar. And, as a servant of God, and as servants, we command that in the Name of Jesus Christ, that you obey the Word of God, and go out of the people, ‘cause it’s written, “In My Name they shall cast out devils.”
Dear God. You are the God of Heaven that defeated, that day with an attraction on Mount Calvary, all sickness and diseases and all the works of the devil. You are God. And the people are healed by Your stripes. They are free. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
God WILL fulfill His Word!
I’d like to invite you to come listen with us, a portion of His Bride, as we hear the Message: 65-0725E What Is The Attraction On The Mountain? We will be gathering Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.
Some might feel we are a denomination by coming together, hearing the same Message at the same time, but I believe if Brother Branham were here, he would be doing exactly what we will be doing, gathering the Bride together, from around the world, listening at the same time to HEAR YE HIM.
Bro. Joseph Branham
St. Matthew 21:1-4
Zechariah 9:9 / 14:4-9
Isaiah 29:6
Revelation 16:9
Malachi 3:1 / 4th Chapter
St. John 14:12 / 15:1-8
St. Luke 17:22-30
Associated Services
Dear Hidden Manna Eaters,
God sent His seventh angel messenger to lead His Bride; not another man, not a group of men, but ONE MAN, for the Message and His messenger are the same. God’s Word needs no interpretation. He spoke It to His Bride through human lips and we believe It just how He said It.
We must be so careful today what voice is leading us, and what it is telling us. Our very eternal destination depends on that very decision; so we must decide what voice is the most important voice we must hear. What Voice has been vindicated by God? What Voice has Thus Saith the Lord? It can’t be my voice, my words, my doctrine, but It must be the Word, so we must go to the Word to see what It tells us.
Does It tell us that He will rise up the fivefold ministry to lead us in the end? We can clearly see in the Word they have their place; very important places, but does the Word say ANYWHERE they will be the ones to have the most important voices we MUST hear to be the Bride?
The prophet told us there will be so many men rise up in the last days that will try to do God a service without it being His will. He will bless their ministry, but it is not His perfect way to lead His Bride. He said His perfect Will is, and always has been, to hear and believe His vindicated prophet’s Voice. For It, and It alone, has Thus Saith the Lord. That is why He sent His angel; why He chose him; why He had It recorded. It’s Spiritual Food In Due Season, Hidden Manna, to His Bride.
“For seven out of seven ages, I have seen nothing but men esteeming their own word above Mine. So at the end of this age I am spuing you out of My mouth. It is all over. I am going to speak all right. Yes, I am here in the midst of the Church. The Amen of God, faithful and true will reveal Himself and it will BE BY MY PROPHET.” Oh yes, that is so.
Seven out of seven ages men esteem their word above Mine. You have to ask yourself, is this not happening among us right now? “Don’t play the tapes in church, but you must hear your pastor, just play the tapes in your home”. They don’t place His Voice on tape as the most important Voice, but their voice.
They are pointing the people to themselves, and the importance of THEIR ministry, THEIR calling to bring the Word, to lead the Bride; but the Bride cannot stand for it. They will not accept it. They will not do it. They will not compromise on It; it’s the Voice of God and nothing else. That is what the Word says.
The question on people’s minds today is: Who did God choose to lead His Bride, the tapes or the fivefold ministry? Will the ministry perfect the Bride? Will the ministry guide the Bride? According to God’s Word, that has never been His way.
There are so many men today that say they have followed and believed this Message for years and years, but are now placing THEIR ministry as the most important voice you must hear.
Which ministry will you follow then? Which ministry will you place your eternal destination on? They all say they are called of God to preach the Message. I don’t deny or question that, but some of the most influential ministers in the fivefold ministry ranks say, “It’s not the Voice of God, it’s just the voice of William Branham”. Others say, “the days of the one-man Message are over”, or “this Message isn’t the Absolute”. Is that who is leading you?
Men who have preached at hundreds of their conventions; great leaders of the fivefold ministry, NOW deny the Message and SAY, “this Message is false”.
Most of all the ministry today says, “you should not listen to the Voice of God’s angel in church, only in your homes.” “Brother Branham never said play tapes in church.”
That is beyond belief. I can’t believe a brother or sister that says they believe this Message, that Brother Branham is God’s seventh angel messenger, the Son of Man speaking, would fall for such a deceiving statement as that. It should make you sick at your stomach. If you’re Bride, IT WILL.
God never changes His mind about His Word. He has always chosen one man to lead His people. Others have their place, but they are to lead the people to that one HE chose to lead the people. Wake up people. Listen to what these ministers are telling you. The quotes they are using to place their ministry before the prophet’s. How can any man’s ministry be more important to hear than God’s vindicated Voice that He has proven and vindicated to be Thus Saith The Lord?
He has told us and told us, there can be truly anointed men, with the true Holy Spirit on them, that are false. There is only ONE WAY to be sure, STAY WITH THE ORIGINAL WORD, for this Message and messenger are the same. There is only one Voice God chose to Be Thus Saith The Lord…ONE.
The true ministry will tell you that there is NOTHING more important than hearing the Word of God from the Voice of God on tape. They can preach, teach, or whatever they are called to do, BUT THEY MUST PLACE GOD’S VOICE FIRST; BUT THEY ARE NOT DOING IT, BUT PLACING THEIR MINISTRY FIRST. Their very actions prove what they believe.
They avoid answering the question about placing God’s Voice in their pulpits by saying, Brother Joseph doesn’t believe in ministers. He don’t believe in going to church. They worship a man. They’re following that Joseph doctrine. He is making a denomination by playing and listening to the same tapes. Just distracting the people from the main question. Their action proves what they believe by what they teach their people, THEIR MINISTRY FIRST.
They say, having the people hear the same tape at the same time is a denomination. Is it not exactly what Brother Branham did when he was here; hook-up the people to hear the Message all at the same time?
Ask yourself, if Brother Branham was here today in flesh, would he not have all the Bride HOOK-UP to hear him all at the same time? Would he not try to bring the Bride together around HIS MINISTRY like he did before God took him Home?
Let me interject something here. The critics will say, see, there he goes, too much on the man; they are following a man, William Marrion Branham!! Let's just see what the Word says about that too:
In the days of the seventh messenger, in the days of the Laodicean Age, its messenger will reveal the mysteries of God as revealed to Paul. He will speak out, and those who receive that prophet in his own name will receive the beneficent effect of that prophet’s ministry.
This is going to anger the devil like no other, and he will lash out toward me even more, but people, you better check this with the Word. Not because I said it, no, then I would be like any other man, but open up your hearts and minds and check it with the Word. Not what any other man says or interprets to you, but what God’s prophet said.
After this letter they will give you quote after quote after quote, and I say AMEN to every quote, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MAIN THING? Are they using the quotes to tell you to hear the prophet is what you must do, or THEIR MINISTRY? If they say the Message, the prophet, then tell them to place that Voice FIRST in your church.
On the basis of human behavior alone, anyone knows that where there are many people there is even divided opinion on lesser points of a major doctrine which they all hold together.
There it is. This one quote tells you it can’t, and it will NOT BE, a group of men. It’s not the ministry that will unite the people because on human behavior alone, they are divided on lesser points of major doctrines, they can’t all agree, thus you have to go back to the ORIGINAL WORD.
Who then will have the power of infallibility which is to be restored in this last age, for this last age is going to go back to manifesting the Pure Word Bride?
WHO will lead us? ONE VOICE with the power of infallibility will have to lead the Bride.
That means we will have the Word once again as it was perfectly given, and perfectly understood in the days of Paul.
Glory...It’s perfectly given and perfectly understood. It needs no interpretation, as It was perfectly given, and we, the Bride, perfectly understand and believe every Word.
There it is. He is sending a vindicated prophet.
He is sending a prophet after almost two thousand years.
He is sending someone who is so far from organization, education, and the world of religion that as John the Baptist and Elijah of old,
He will hear only from God
He will have “thus saith the Lord” and speak for God.
He will be God’s mouthpiece
He will bring back the elect of the last day and they will hear a vindicated prophet give the exact truth as it was with Paul.
He will restore the truth as they had it.
And those elect with him in that day will be the ones who truly manifest the Lord and be His Body and be His voice and perform His works. Hallelujah! Do you see it?
We see It. We believe It. We are resting on IT.
You are invited to come join us as we hear God’s mouthpiece, the Voice that will unite the Bride of Jesus Christ, His vindicated prophet, as he gives us the exact truth, at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.
Bro. Joseph Branham
65-0725M — The Anointed Ones At The End Time
Associated Services
Dear Bride of Christ, let us come together Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear 65-0718E Spiritual Food In Due Season.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Bride of Christ, let us come together Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, to hear 65-0718M - Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God
Bro. Joseph Branham
Associated Services
Dear Not Ashamed Bride,
There has never been a time or a people like today. We are in Him, heirs to all He has purchased for us. He is sharing His holiness with us, until in Him, we have become the very righteousness of God.
He foreknew us by Divine decree, that we would be His Bride. He chose us, we never chose Him. We didn’t come on our own, it was His choosing. Now He has placed in our heart and soul the full Revelation of His Word.
Day after day, He is revealing His Word to us, pouring out His Spirit upon us, manifesting His very life in us. Never has His Bride been more anchored in their hearts knowing they are in His perfect will, and in His program, by staying with His Word, hearing His Voice.
The Love of God and this Message fills our hearts till it is just bubbling over. There is nothing else we want to hear, talk about, fellowship about, or simply share a quote we just heard and praise the Lord.
We are like Moses on the backside of the desert. We’ve walked up face to face with Almighty God, and we see the Voice speaking to us; exactly with the Word and the promise of the hour. It has done something to us. We’re not ashamed of It. We love to proclaim It to the world. We believe the Lord Jesus is the Message of the hour and we ARE HIS BRIDE.
He has fortified us with His Word. There is no shadow of doubt, this is God’s provided way. God never changes His mind about His Word. He chose His seventh angel to call out His Bride, and then to keep Her in line with His Word.
There is nothing in this life but Him and His Word. We can’t get enough of It. It’s more than life to us. The Gospel and the Power of Almighty God has spread around the world like never before. The Word is now in the hands and ears of the Bride. The separation time is now taking place, when God is calling a Bride, and the devil is calling a church.
We love You and Your Word, Lord. We can’t get enough. We are sitting in the presence of Your Word daily, ripening, getting ready for Your soon Coming. Father, it has to be so close. We can feel it, Lord. We’re waiting with great anticipation.
Father, let us be more sincere and renew our vows again. We know our Faith in Your Word is burning in our heart. You have taken away all doubts. There is nothing there but Your Word. We are sure, and we are not ashamed to tell the world, we are Your Tape Bride.
I want to invite the world to come listen with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear the Message: Ashamed 65-0711.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
St. Mark 8:34-38