Dear Restored Ones,
I never get tired of hearing the Voice of God tell us who we are, where we come from, where we’re going, what we’re heir to, and how much He loves us.
A spiritual priesthood, a royal nation, offering spiritual sacrifices to God, the fruits of their lips, giving praise to His Name.” What a—what a people! He’s got them.
Our only comfort and peace comes by hearing the Voice of God speak to us, then to speak back to Father by offering spiritual sacrifices by the fruits of our lips, giving praise to His Name.
This whole world is groaning. Nature is groaning. We’re groaning and waiting for the coming of the Lord. This world holds nothing for us. We are ready to leave and go to our Wedding Supper and Future Home with Him and all the ones that are already There, just beyond the curtain of time, waiting for us.
Let us rise and shake ourselves! Pinch our conscience, wake ourselves up to what is taking place right now and what is going to happen in the moment of a twinkling of an eye.
Never in the history of the world has it been possible for the Bride of Christ to be united from around the world, all at the exact same time, to hear the Voice of God speaking and revealing His Word to His Bride.
Believers, ask yourself, what voice, what minister, what man, can unite and bring the Bride of Christ all together? If you are the Bride of Christ, you know there is simply no other Voice but the Voice of God on the tapes.
Yes, the Holy Spirit is in each of us, each office of the church, but God Himself told us He would judge the world by His Word. The Bride knows His Word comes to His prophet. His prophet is the ONLY divine interpreter of His Word. What He spoke cannot be added to or taken away from. It is the Word, on the tapes, that we will all be judged by, and no other word or interpretation of that Word.
It is not possible for any other voice to unite the Bride. Only the Voice of God on the tapes can unite His Bride. It is the only Word the Bride can all agree on. It is the only Voice that God Himself vindicated to be His Voice to His Bride. His Bride must be in One Mind and One Accord to be with Him.
Ministries can minister, teachers can teach, pastors can pastor, but the Voice of God on the tapes must be the most important Voice they must place before the people. It is the Bride’s Absolute.
If you have a Revelation of that, then this is what is going to take place.
The Word tells us Adam lost his inheritance, the earth. It passed from his hand to the one he sold out to, Satan. He sold his faith in God, to Satan’s reasonings. He forfeited every bit to the hands of Satan. He passed it from his hand to Satan.
God is the God of the universe, everywhere, but His son, Adam, had this earth under his own control. He could speak, he could name, he could say, he could stop nature, he could do anything he wanted to. He had complete, supreme control of the earth.
Adam lost it all, but glory to God, all he lost and forfeited has been redeemed by our Kinsman Redeemer, none other than Almighty God, who became Emmanuel, one of us. NOW, IT IS OURS.
We are His sons and daughters that will reign and be kings and priests with Him. We have eternal life with Him and all the ones we love. No more sickness, no more sorrow, no more death, just eternity all together.
When we think of that, how can we let the devil get us down? It’s OURS, that’s where we’re headed to very soon. He’s given us the greatest thing He could give to us. These few days of tests and trials on this earth are quickly drowned out by our GREAT VICTORY THAT IS JUST DAYS AHEAD OF US.
Our FAITH has never been greater. Our joy has never been higher. We know who we are and where we are going. We know we are in His perfect Will by staying with His Word. All we need to do is stay with the tapes and believe every Word; not understand it all, BUT BELIEVE EVERY WORD…and WE DO!
Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word. The Word comes to the prophet. God spoke It. God recorded It. God revealed It. We hear It. We believe IT.
You can only get this Revelation by hearing the Voice of God on the tapes.
All that what Christ will do at the end will be revealed to us this week, in the Seven Seals, if God will let us. See? All right. It will be revealed. And revealed, as the Seals break and are released to us, then we can see what this great plan of redemption is, and when and how it’s going to be done. It’s all hidden in this Book of mystery here. It’s sealed, got up with Seven Seals, and so the Lamb is the only One Who can break them.
This Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, a portion of the Bride from around the world will be listening to the Voice of God all at the same time. We will be storming heaven with our prayers and worshiping Him. I invite you to come join us as we hear: The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals 63-0317E.
Please don’t forget about the time change in Jeffersonville this weekend.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Dear Pond Lilies,
On February 28, 1963, It Thundered. Whew-whew, Seven Angels come from eternity and appeared to God’s Seventh Angel Messenger. He was caught up into the pyramid of the constellation. Then, a supernatural cloud appeared in the sky over Arizona. It was a sign, God was sending His seventh angel back to Jeffersonville to open up the Seven Seals.
February 28, 2025, seven planets align in the skies. The Bride is making Herself ready to gather and hear the Seven Seals.
You are invited, by the Lord Himself, to gather with the Bride from around the world, to hear the Voice of God reveal the Revelation of the Seven Seals.
The day that the prophets and sages longed and waiting for since the beginning of time, is taking place. The mighty angel who God said He would send to earth in the last days has come to open and reveal God’s hidden mysteries, so our Lord Jesus can return for His faithful Bride and take us to our Wedding Supper.
My first duty, as I come into the new church, I married a young man and woman standing in the office. May it be a type, that I’ll be a loyal minister to Christ, to get a Bride ready for the ceremony of that Day.
This day, this Word is being fulfilled. God is speaking through His angel, getting His Bride ready for the ceremony of that Day. We are following His instructions to the letter. The Bride has made Herself ready by STAYING WITH THE VOICE OF GOD ON THE TAPES.
What have we just heard by dreams and visions? The Food, HERE IT IS, this is the place. A Voice said to him, “Bring in Food. Store It in. That’s the only way to keep them here, is give them Food.”
Many believe he is just meaning, “just stay with the Word,” and that IS TRUE, he is saying that; but the Bride will also read between the lines as the Bridegroom is speaking to His Bride.
Even the visions that God gives here at the place, it’s so misunderstood. That’s the reason you hear me on the tapes, say, “Say what the tapes say. Say what the visions say.” Now, if you’re wide awake, you’ll see something. See? I hope I don’t have to hold it in my hand and show you.
Even the visions were misunderstood, even after he give the interpretations to them. That’s what he was telling us, if you don’t want to be confused, or misunderstand, Press Play and hear exactly what the Voice of God says.
I know the Word has compound meanings, but this is my interpretation: The dreams and the visions all said the same thing; stay with the tapes. If you got a question, go to the tapes. The tapes are God’s stored-up Food. Just say what’s on the tapes; don’t add nothing to It. The tapes are Thus Saith The Lord to the Bride. The Word come to the prophet, alone. The prophet is the ONLY divine interpreter of the Word. The prophet was to call and lead the Bride. I will be judged by what is said on the TAPES.
Everything points me to the TAPES.
Each week I get more excited; what is going to be revealed today as His Bride gathers to hear the Message? I know the Holy Spirit will be anointing each of us as He reveals His Word as never before. I feel, just at any moment, He will come and catch us away to our Wedding Supper.
We are, sons and daughters of God. We are, offsprings from God. We are, inheritance of the earth. We will control nature. We will speak into existence. We are Bride!
Let’s dedicate ourselves newly to the task, and consecrate ourselves to Christ.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Date: Sunday, March 2, 2025
Message: God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Then Revealing Himself In The Same 63-0317M
Time: 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.
Dear Sirs,
This is, the Sign. This is, the time. This is, The Message. This is, the Word. This is, God’s Voice. This is, the Son of Man. This is, God’s provided way. This is, the end of time.
No prophet, no apostle, never, in any time, ever lived in such a time as we live now. It’s written in the skies. It’s written over the face of the earth. It’s written in every newspaper. This is the end, if you can read the handwriting.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what God spoke, and recorded, so it wouldn’t be my word, my thoughts, my idea, but the very Voice of God instructing His Bride what is His ONLY perfect provided way for today.
Come and listen as He tells and reveals to us by the Scriptures, by visions, by interpretation of dreams, to stay with the Message, stay with the tapes. ONLY say what’s on the tapes.
There is no better way, nor a surer way, than to hear the Voice of God from God Himself. God commanded His Bride by speaking through His prophet and telling us, PRESS PLAY, period.
Speak It, preach It, testify of It, and tell the world about It, but He tells us there’s only one perfect provided way to perfect the Bride: listen to the Voice of God on the tapes. If something is puzzling to you, play the tape. It must be FIRST, and the most important Voice you must hear. It is His perfect Word He placed on tape.
Now compare even that with the others, the dreams. This was a vision. The Food, here It is. This is the place.
Listen, by dreams and visions, the Food for the Bride is where? Where is the place? The Message for the Bride is on the tapes.
And this feels like home, to me. This is the place. And if you notice, the dreams spoke the same thing, see, where the Food.
To make sure we got It, he tells us once again, the tapes are the Food for the Bride.
“Time is no more.” If it is, let’s prepare ourselves, friends, to meet our God.
Yes, Lord, that is our heart’s desire, to be prepared to meet You, to be Your Bride. What should we do Lord? What is Your provided way? What is Your plan? What is Your perfect way? You sent us a prophet that You could speak through to tell us. Please instruct us.
There’s been plenty of Food laid in now. Let’s make use of It. Let’s make use of It now.
How blind can one be? He tells us what to do: there is plenty of stored-up food on the tapes; make use of them NOW. This is God’s instruction to His Bride.
If you claim you believe this Message, believe William Marrion Branham is God’s prophet messenger sent to call out the Bride; his life fulfills all the Scriptures said about him; believe It is the Voice of God for this day, then HE; God, speaking through His prophet, tells the Bride in plain English what to do.
Though we’re made fun of, persecuted, and looked down on because we only listen to the tapes, we are doing exactly what He told us to do. Thank You Lord for the Revelation.
I want to invite the world to join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: "Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?" We will be hearing all about:
Thunders, Seven Seals, Pyramid Rock, Spiritual Food, Eternity, Constellation of Angels, My Headquarters, Vision, Dreams, Prophecy, Hidden Mysteries, Scripture after Scripture.
There is nothing greater in this life than to hear and obey the Voice of God.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Malachi 4th Chapter
St Matthew 13:3-50
Romans 9:33 / 11:25 / 16:25
1 Corinthians 14:8 / 15th Chapter
Galatians 2:20
Ephesians 3:1-11 / 6:19/ 5:28-32
Colossians 4:3
1 Thessalonians 4:14-17
1 Timothy 3:16
Hebrews 13:8
2 Peter 2:6
Revelation 1:20 / 3:14 / 5:1 / 6:1 / 10:1-7 / 17th Chapter
Associated Services
Dear Watching & Waiting Ones,
There is an excitement amongst the Bride like never before. We’re under great anticipation; our jubilee year is fixing to take place. The Bride has waited so long for this day to arrive. The end of the Gentile dispensation has come and the beginning of eternity with our Lord will soon begin.
We’re understanding the time we’re living in by the hearing of the Word. Time has run out. The time for the Rapture is at hand. We have arrived. The Holy Spirit has come and revealed to His Bride all the great, deep, secret things.
We’re in desperation, seeking God; making ourselves ready. We’ve throwed off all the things of this world. The cares of this life mean nothing to us. Our Faith has reached greater heights than ever before. The Holy Spirit is giving His elected Lady rapturing Faith, so He can come and take Her away.
These sixty-nine weeks hit perfect; the going away of the Jews hit perfect; the church age hit perfect. We’re at the end time, the end time, the Laodicean church age, the end of it. The star messengers all has preached their message. It’s gone out. We’re just coasting.
What a paradox time we are living in. It is the hardest of times as the enemy is attacking everyone like never before. He is throwing all he has at us. He is in desperation, for he knows his time has come to an end.
But at the exact same time, we have never been happier in our lives.
• We have never been closer to the Lord.
• The Holy Spirit fills every fiber of our body.
• Our love for His Word has never been greater.
• Our Revelation of His Word fills our soul.
• We are defeating every enemy with the Word.
AND, we have never been surer of who we are:
What’s coming next? The Stone is coming. We’re watching, waiting and praying every minute of every day. Nothing else matters but to prepare ourselves for His coming.
It’s not, “We hope so”, WE KNOW. There are no more doubts. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye it will be over, and we’ll be on the other side with all our loved ones and HIM at our Wedding Supper.
Come get ready for that Wedding Supper with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as God speaks through His mighty angel, the one He sent to lead His Bride, as he tells, and reveals, all of God’s secrets.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Message: 61-0806 - The Seventieth Week Of Daniel
Associated Services
Dear Rejoicing Bride,
We have set our faces towards Heaven in prayer and supplications to find the day and the very hour we’re living in.
Like never before, we’re sitting together in heavenly places, from around the world, hearing God speak and reveal His Word to us through His mighty angel messenger. The earthly angel messenger who Father sent to His Bride in this last day to reveal His Word.
Gabriel is the angel to God’s chosen people, the Jews. But to His Gentile Bride, Melchizedek Himself came and spoke through human flesh in an earthly angel named William Marrion Branham, so He could speak and reveal ALL His Word to His beloved sweetheart Bride.
He had It recorded, stored up, and preserved, so the Bride would have His spiritual Food, hidden Manna, at their fingertips every minute of every day till the end of time.
Our inter-being is filled with such an anointing as we hear the Voice of God reveal His Word to us. How He unfolds His Word so we can clearly see and understand Its meaning. It is revealing the very hour we are living in, tells us who we are and what is going to take place very soon; our soon coming Rapture.
He is even revealing to His Bride what will be taking place here on earth while we are with Him at the Wedding Supper. How He will open the blinded eyes of His chosen people; the ones He blinded for His Gentile Bride’s sake.
My friends, I know how we are so tired of this world and long for His coming to take us away, but let us also rejoice and be thankful in what is taking place right now before our very eyes.
Let us lift up our hands, our hearts, our voices, and rejoice. Not only are we looking forward to what He is going to do for us very soon, but let us rejoice about what He is revealing and doing for us right NOW.
He is telling us we are His predestinated Bride uniting together with Him and His Word. He is assuring us over and over, we are in His perfect Will by staying with His Voice, His Word, His angel. He has given us FAITH in knowing and recognizing who we are:
We have nothing to fear; Nothing to worry about; Nothing to be sad about. How do I know that? GOD SAID SO! SO LET US REJOICE, BE HAPPY, BE THANKFUL; THE LIVING WORD LIVES AND DWELLS WITHIN US. WE ARE HIS SUPER ROYAL SEED.
I truly believe the Lord must also be excited in knowing that the time has arrived and we have made ourselves ready by keeping true and faithful to His Word.
Like the little boy that looked in the mirror for his first time, we are looking into His Word, seeing who we ARE. Lord…IT’S ME. I am Your living Word Bride. I am the one YOU chose. I’m in You, You’re in me, we are One.
How can we not celebrate and be the happiest people that ever lived on the face of the earth? All the saints and prophets before us wanted to live in this day and see these promises take place. But by God’s GRACE, He placed US here.
We can’t wait:
Brrrrr! My! Whew! In other words, when the enemy has been put away, the end of sin has come, the bringing in of everlasting righteousness has come, Satan is sealed up in the bottomless pit, and the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters covers the sea. Amen! Glory to God! It’s coming, brother, it’s coming!
What an anointing will be taking place Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we gather together from around the world to hear God’s angel, the Voice of God to the Bride, bring us the Message: The Sixfold Purpose Of Gabriel's Visit To Daniel 61-0730E.
Bro. Joseph Branham