Dear Adopted Ones,
What a wonderful Winter we are having as the Holy Spirit is illuminating His Word to the Bride as never before. Things we have perhaps heard, read and studied our whole life are now becoming unveiled and revealed as never before.
Man has waited for thousands of years for this very day. They all longed and prayed to hear and see the things we see and hear. Even the prophets of old yearned for this day. How they wanted to see the fulfillment and coming of the Lord.
Even Jesus’ disciples, Peter, James, and John, men that walked and talked with Him, longed to see and hear all that was hidden. They prayed It would be revealed and manifested in their day, in their time.
Throughout the Seven Church Ages, each messenger, Paul, Martin, and Luther, wanted to know all the mysteries that had been hidden. Their desire was to see the fulfillment of the Word take place in their lifetime. They wanted to see the coming of the Lord.
God had a plan. God had a time. God had a people He was waiting on…US. Throughout the ages, all had failed. But He knew, by His foreknowledge, there would be a people: His glorious, perfect Word Bride. THEY WOULD NOT FAIL HIM. They would not compromise ON ONE WORD. They would be His pure virgin Word Bride.
Now is the time. Now is the season. We are the chosen ones He has waited for since Adam fell and forfeited his right. WE ARE HIS BRIDE.
God showed John a preview of all that was to take place, but he didn’t know all the meanings. When he was called up, he saw in the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne a book written within, sealed with seven seals, but there was no one worthy to open the book.
John screamed and cried bitterly as all was lost, there was no hope. But praise the Lord, one of the elders said unto him, “Weep not, for behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, He has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof”.
That was the time. That was the season. That was the man God had chosen to write all he saw. But still, It was unknown all Its meaning.
God was waiting and waiting for His chosen vessel, His seventh angel messenger, to come to earth, so He could use his voice to be His Voice, to His Bride. He wanted to speak lip to ear so there would be NO MISUNDERSTANDING. He Himself, wanted to speak and reveal all His mysteries to His beloved, predestinated, perfect, sweetheart Bride...US!!
How He has longed to tell us all these wonderful things. As a man tells his wife he loves her over and over, and she never gets tired of hearing it, He loves telling us over and over He loves us, chose us, waited for us, and now is coming for us.
He knew how we’d love hearing Him say It over and over, so He had His Voice recorded, thus His Bride could ‘Press Play’ all day, every day, and hear His Word fill their hearts.
His lovely Bride has made Herself ready by feeding on His Word. We won’t listen to nothing else, just His Voice. We can only consume His Pure Word that has been provided.
We’re under great expectation. We feel It within our souls. He’s coming. We hear the wedding music playing. The Bride is fixing to walk down the aisle. Everyone stand, the Bride is coming to be with her Bridegroom. All has been made ready. The moment has arrived.
He loves us like no other. We love Him as no other. We are going to be One with Him, and all the ones we love, throughout eternity.
You are invited to come make yourself ready for the wedding with us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear the Voice of God reveal Revelation, Chapter Five Part I 61-0611.
Bro. Joseph Branham