October 20, 2024
The Ephesian Church Age

Dear True Bride,

What a wonderful time we are having as His Life is flowing and pulsating in and through us, giving us life. Without Him, there would be no life. His Word is our very breath.

In this gross day of darkness, we are His last-age group that has risen up; His true Bride of the last day that will only listen to the Spirit, the Voice of God for our day.

How we love to hear Him tell us, “To Me, you are liken to pure beaten gold. Your righteousness is My righteousness. Your attributes are My glorious attributes. You are My lovely True Bride.”

As our battles seem to get harder and harder each week, we simply Press Play to hear Him speak to us so sweetly and tell us, “Don’t worry, you are worthy of My Gospel. You are a thing of beauty and joy. I love to watch you as you overcome the enemy by your trials and testing of this life.”

I see your labor of love; it is the high calling of your life to serve Me. I knew before the foundation of the world that you would recognize My mighty angel whom I would send to be My Voice to you; how you would not be deceived when the grievous wolves come around trying to claim equal revelation. You would not deviate from My Word, not for a moment, NOT BY ONE IOTA. You would stay with My Word, My Voice.

You would perceive as I reveal My Word to you how the True Vine and the false vine that started in the Garden of Eden would grow together throughout the ages.

What started in the early church would continue throughout every age. How in the first church age, Satan’s false vine would begin to creep into, and conquer the laity by his nicolaitane spirit. But how I love that only you, My elected Bride, will not be deceived.

This week, I will crystalize My Word in you by revealing the great mystery of the serpent’s seed. I will reveal to you in every detail what took place in the garden of Eden; how Satan got mixed into the human race.

It will be such a thrilling thought when you recognize that I, the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, which could not be approached until now because of the fall of Adam, is now given to you, My overcomers.

This will be your reward. I will give you the privilege of the paradise of God; a constant fellowship with Me. You will never be separated from Me. Whither I go, you, My Bride will go. What is Mine, I will share with you, My beloved.

How our hearts race within us as we read these words. We know the fulfillment of His promises are quickly approaching, and can hardly wait. May we hasten to obey His Word and thereby prove our worthiness to share His glory.

I’d like to beckon you to come join us as we continue our great study of the Seven Church Ages, where God is revealing His Word to us by His provided way, His seventh angel messenger.

Bro. Joseph Branham


Sunday 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time.

60-1205 The Ephesian Church Age