My Dear Queen of Heaven,
I have so much in store for you this Sunday. First, you will hear a clap of Thunder. It will be My Voice, the Voice of God speaking to you, My Bride. I will be revealing My Word to you like never before. You will see Me, the bloody Lamb that had been slain from the foundation of the world, take and open the Book, tear off the Seals, and send It down to the earth, to My seventh angel messenger, William Marrion Branham, to reveal to YOU the mysteries that have been hidden from the foundation of the world!
There will be screaming, shouting, and hallelujahs from all around the world as I speak to you. The Lion will be roaring; the anointed, the power, the glory, the manifestation will be beyond words. You, My Queen, will be sitting together in heavenly places as I speak to you and give you Rapturing in Faith.
Remember, you must have that Faith that was once delivered to the saints. I told you, you must listen to My angel that I sent to you.
He is to “restore the Faith of the children back to the father.” The original Bible Faith is to be restored by the seventh angel.
My Word tells you, in the days of the Voice of the seventh angel, his sounding forth, blasting forth the Gospel trumpet; he is to finish all the mysteries of God. There cannot be one thing added to and nothing taken away from what I said on the tapes; just say what I spoke through My angel messenger. That’s why I had it recorded, so you could simply PRESS PLAY and hear exactly what I said, and how I said it. It will give you Rapturing in Faith.
My dear Queen, in My Eyes, you are perfectly, absolutely, sinless before Me. Don’t worry, you will NOT go through the tribulation; for you have accepted My Blood, My Word, My angel, My Voice, thus you are totally sinless before me.
I have such great things in store for you. You see My Word unfolding before your eyes each day. I’ve been putting signs in the sky to tell you something is fixing to take place. I’m coming, get ready. Place My Word, My Voice, first in your life.
Lay everything aside, there is nothing more important than My Word. I know the enemy is trying to beat you down, but I promised you I’d lift you up. I am with you, even IN YOU. You and I are becoming One as I reveal My Word to you.
You know in your heart, you ARE My Queen Bride. You know I predestinated you. You know I love you. You know I’m with you every second of every day. You know I will NEVER LEAVE YOU.
We will be having such a wonderful time as I reveal more to you each Sunday, each day, as you hear Me speak through My angel to you. Others might not understand or see what you see, but It is anchored in your heart that this is My provided Way.
What a refuge I have provided for you. You can simply Press Play anytime, day or night, to hear Me speak to you. I will bring comfort to your soul as I reveal My Word and tell you who you are. Each Message is for you, and for you only. We can fellowship and worship together whenever you want.
Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, a portion of the Bride will be gathered from around the world to hear these great mysteries be revealed. I invite you to come join us as we hear, 63-0318 - "The First Seal".
Bro. Joseph
Scriptures to read in preparation for the hearing of the Message:
St. Matthew 10:1 / 11:1-14 / 24:6 / 28:19
St. John 12:23-28
Acts 2:38
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
Hebrews 4:12
Revelation 6:1-2 / 10:1-7 / 12:7-9 / 13:16 / 19:11-16
Malachi 3rd and 4th Chapters
Daniel 8:23-25 / 11:21 / 9:25-27