September 29, 2019
The Masterpiece
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Scriptures to read in preparation for hearing the sermon
“The Masterpiece”
As it taken Him four thousand years to make this Masterpiece; now He’s been, for nearly two thousand years making another Masterpiece, a Bride for Christ, another Masterpiece. In so doing it, He does it by His never-changing method, the same way He made the Masterpiece; His Word. That’s the way He makes His Masterpieces, because He can only be a perfect Masterpiece when It’s the perfect Word.
Rev. William Marrion Branham
Isaiah 53rd Chapter
St. Matthew 24:24
St. Mark 9:7
St. John: 12:20-50
Revelation 3:20 / 10:7 / 17th Chapter
Download printable PDF of "The Masterpiece" Scripture references
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