August 11, 2019
The Uniting Time And Sign

Brothers & Sisters,

I’m so thankful to the Lord for these last group of Messages that He has given us, and how they’ve truly encouraged us and let us know more than ever before who we are. It was even further confirmation to me as I started preparing this letter this morning, and then heard what Brother Branham said on Quote of the Day:

It's on tapes. It'll go worldwide on the tapes, where people in their houses. Them tapes will fall right into the hands of the predestinated of God. He can direct the Word. He'll direct everything just exactly to its course. That's the reason He sent me back to do this. "Store up the Food here."

Praise the Name of the Lord for another confirmation that we are in His perfect Will. Brother Branham truly saw our day, and how WE would hear the stored up Food in our homes.

The Lord has laid a Message upon my heart for tomorrow, and just the title says it all: The Uniting Time and Sign 63-0818. I am very sorry that I will not be able to be with you at the YFYC for service, but I will be united with you around The Word.

Please continue to remember me in your prayers, as I do each of you.

God bless you,

Bro. Joseph

Scriptures to read in preparation for 63-0818 "The Uniting Time And Sign"

Psalm 86:1-11

St. Matthew 16:1-3