Dear Rejoicing Bride,
We have set our faces towards Heaven in prayer and supplications to find the day and the very hour we’re living in.
Like never before, we’re sitting together in heavenly places, from around the world, hearing God speak and reveal His Word to us through His mighty angel messenger. The earthly angel messenger who Father sent to His Bride in this last day to reveal His Word.
Gabriel is the angel to God’s chosen people, the Jews. But to His Gentile Bride, Melchizedek Himself came and spoke through human flesh in an earthly angel named William Marrion Branham, so He could speak and reveal ALL His Word to His beloved sweetheart Bride.
He had It recorded, stored up, and preserved, so the Bride would have His spiritual Food, hidden Manna, at their fingertips every minute of every day till the end of time.
Our inter-being is filled with such an anointing as we hear the Voice of God reveal His Word to us. How He unfolds His Word so we can clearly see and understand Its meaning. It is revealing the very hour we are living in, tells us who we are and what is going to take place very soon; our soon coming Rapture.
He is even revealing to His Bride what will be taking place here on earth while we are with Him at the Wedding Supper. How He will open the blinded eyes of His chosen people; the ones He blinded for His Gentile Bride’s sake.
My friends, I know how we are so tired of this world and long for His coming to take us away, but let us also rejoice and be thankful in what is taking place right now before our very eyes.
Let us lift up our hands, our hearts, our voices, and rejoice. Not only are we looking forward to what He is going to do for us very soon, but let us rejoice about what He is revealing and doing for us right NOW.
He is telling us we are His predestinated Bride uniting together with Him and His Word. He is assuring us over and over, we are in His perfect Will by staying with His Voice, His Word, His angel. He has given us FAITH in knowing and recognizing who we are:
We have nothing to fear; Nothing to worry about; Nothing to be sad about. How do I know that? GOD SAID SO! SO LET US REJOICE, BE HAPPY, BE THANKFUL; THE LIVING WORD LIVES AND DWELLS WITHIN US. WE ARE HIS SUPER ROYAL SEED.
I truly believe the Lord must also be excited in knowing that the time has arrived and we have made ourselves ready by keeping true and faithful to His Word.
Like the little boy that looked in the mirror for his first time, we are looking into His Word, seeing who we ARE. Lord…IT’S ME. I am Your living Word Bride. I am the one YOU chose. I’m in You, You’re in me, we are One.
How can we not celebrate and be the happiest people that ever lived on the face of the earth? All the saints and prophets before us wanted to live in this day and see these promises take place. But by God’s GRACE, He placed US here.
We can’t wait:
Brrrrr! My! Whew! In other words, when the enemy has been put away, the end of sin has come, the bringing in of everlasting righteousness has come, Satan is sealed up in the bottomless pit, and the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters covers the sea. Amen! Glory to God! It’s coming, brother, it’s coming!
What an anointing will be taking place Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we gather together from around the world to hear God’s angel, the Voice of God to the Bride, bring us the Message: The Sixfold Purpose Of Gabriel's Visit To Daniel 61-0730E.
Bro. Joseph Branham