October 13, 2024
The Patmos Vision

Dear Perfect Word Bride,

What is taking place within the Bride around the world? We’re getting in the Spirit, raising up and hollering, “Glory! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!” God is transporting us and revealing His Word to His Bride.

The things we have read and heard all of our lives are now becoming manifested. A great quickening is taking place. We’re being illuminated by the Word like never before.

We feel it in the very depths of our souls. Something is different, something is taking place. We feel the Holy Spirit anointing us, filling our hearts and minds with His Word.

We can hear Him speaking to us: I know the enemy is battling you as never before, but don’t fear little ones, YOU’RE MINE. I give you My love, courage and ability. Just speak the Word, and I will perform it. I am with you always.

In our great study of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, we are under great anticipation each week what He is going to reveal to us next. His Word is our only refuge, peace and comfort. We listen intently over and over and over. Each paragraph we read, we want to scream and shout as the Word unfolds before our eyes. Rapturing Faith is coming upon the Bride, filling our souls.

Imagine, there is no other place in the world you can go, but right at your fingertips, to hear the Voice of God speak to you and reveal His Word.

How God took the veil away, pulled it back, and let John look in and see what each church age was going to do, and wrote It in a Book and sent It to us. Then, when the fullness of time come, God sent us His mighty seventh angel to speak It, and reveal what It all meant.

John wrote what he saw, but didn’t know its meaning. Jesus didn’t even know it when He was here on earth. No one throughout all the ages knew, until this day, this time, this people, US, His Bride.

How He has revealed to us that those seven lamps were drawing life and light from the resources of that main bowl. He told us how each one had their wicks dipped therein. Each church age messenger was on fire with the Holy Ghost with his wick immersed in Christ, drawing the very life of Christ and giving out that Light to the church. And now, our last day messenger, the greatest of all messengers, had the same life and the same Light manifested by a life that was hid with Christ in God.

Then our mighty angel tells us that not only was each messenger depicted there, BUT EACH ONE OF US ARE ALSO, God’s true believers. Each of us are also dramatically represented there. Each one of us are drawing from the same source as the messengers. We have all been dipped into the same bowl. We are dead to ourselves and OUR lives are hid with, and in, Christ Jesus our Lord.

How he encourages us by saying no man can pluck us out of God’s Hand. Our lives cannot be tampered with. Our visible life is burning and shining, giving light and manifestations of the Holy Ghost. Our inner, invisible life is hidden in God and fed by the Lord’s Word.

The battles are fierce. The enemy is raging like never before, trying his best to discourage us, beat us down, but he cannot do it. God Himself speaks to us through human lips and tells us, WE ARE HIS BRIDE, WHOM HE CHOSE, and It defeats the devil EVERYTIME.

Our Perfect Lord, speaking His Perfect Word, giving Perfect Peace, to His Perfect Bride.

As always, we invite the world to come dip their wick into the MAIN BOWL, this Message, that has been stored up and preserved for the Bride. We will be screaming and shouting at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear the Voice of God speak and reveal what happened in: The Patmos Vision 60-1204E.

Bro. Joseph Branham