Brothers and Sisters,
If there is one thing that we ALL desire today, it’s to be more like Him. So many times we sing the song, “To be like Jesus, I only long to be like Him.” There is a Deep calling to a Deep in each of our hearts as we long to be more acquainted with the Lord Jesus, and to see Him as He is. So how DO we get know Him better? By hearing HIS WORD. For He and His Word are One and the same…and His Word came to His PROPHET, William Marrion Branham.
For the next few months, I’d like for the church to really dig DEEP in the Word. As you know, we have listened to the Hebrews, Adoption, and The Church Age series, in preparation for hearing the Revelation of the Seven Seals. But there is another series that Brother Branham said we need to listen to before hearing the Seals: the deep study of The Daniel Series. It is a very comprehensive study of the Word, and after much prayer, I feel that it would be good for us to hear the Daniel Series in our homes. It is a combination of profound teaching, plus many scripture readings in which you have to stop the tape and take time to really study and pray about all that Brother Branham is saying.
I’d like for us to take time during the holidays to listen to and study the three Daniel Messages. Attached are the many scripture verses that Brother Branham refers to in the Daniel series. I’d like for you to read these scriptures before hearing the messages, so you can be familiar with them before Brother Branham reads them and gives us their meaning.
I would also like to announce our Christmas schedule we will have at the church, if the Lord is willing. Like Thanksgiving, many people would like to take this time to be with their families and to travel due to the fact that many are off from their work, but they would not want to miss any services at the Tabernacle. Thus, I feel we should cancel the service on Christmas Day, Sunday December 25th, and the following service on Wednesday night, December 28th. At this time, I am praying about having services on New Year’s weekend, and also taking the Communion on Saturday night, December 31st.
As the time gets closer, I will announce the times and the messages in more detail.
May God richly bless you.
Brother Joseph
Scriptures to study:
Gabriel’s Instructions To Daniel
- Psalm 99
- Revelation 1-3
- Jeremiah 32
- Revelation 5: 8-14
- Jeremiah 25:8-17
- Daniel 9
- Matthew 24:15
- Revelation 7
The Sixfold Purpose Of Gabriel’s Visit To Daniel
- Daniel 9:24
- 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
- Romans 11
- Matthew 27:21-25
- Genesis 44:27-34
- Genesis 45:1-3
- Zechariah 12:10-14
- Zechariah 13
- Isaiah 66:8
- Revelation 1-3
- Revelation 20:1-3
- Habakkuk 2:14
- Daniel 12:1-10
- 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
- Ezekiel 43:1-6
- Leviticus 8:10-12
- 2 Chronicles 5:13-14
- Jeremiah 3:12-18
- Isaiah 65:17-25
- Isaiah 11:1-9
- Revelation 19:1-16
- Revelation 11
The Seventieth Week Of Daniel
- Daniel 9:24-27
- Luke 21:24
- Daniel 2:32-35
- Revelation 7
- Revelation 11
- Revelation 13
- 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4