February 02, 2025
Gabriel's Instructions To Daniel

Dear Purposed Ones,

What a wonderful Winter we have been having as we studied the Seven Church Ages, and then God revealing even more to us in the Book of the Revelations of Jesus Christ. How the first three chapters of Revelation were the Church Ages, and then how John was caught up in the 4th and 5th chapter showing us things that was to come.

In the 6th chapter, He revealed how John dropped down onto the earth again to see things taking place that will go from the 6th chapter to the 19th chapter of Revelation.

How blessed the Bride will be Sunday as we hear the Voice of God speak through His mighty seventh angel and tell us what is going to be revealed next.

I’m so excited to announce that we will now begin the great study of The Seventy Weeks Of Daniel. The prophet said that it will tie in the rest of the Message before we can go into the Seven Seals; Seven Trumpets; Three Woes; the woman in the sun; casting out of the red devil; the hundred and forty-four thousand sealed away; all happens between this time.

The Book of Daniel is the exact calendar for the age and the time we’re living in, and no matter how complicated it might seem, God will break it down and make it simple for us.

And God knows that’s what I’m seeking now, that I might comfort His people and tell them what’s at hand, both here this morning, and out through the lands that these tapes will go, world wide, that we’re at the end time.

We are God’s chosen people who are longing and praying for that day and that hour. And our eyes are set towards Heaven, and we’re watching for His Coming.

Let us all be like Daniel and set our faces towards Heaven, in prayer and supplications, as we know by the reading of the Word and hearing His Voice, the coming of the Lord is quickly approaching; we’re at the end.

Help us Father to lay aside every weight, every sin, every little unbelief that would so easily beset us. Let us now press towards the mark of the high calling, knowing that our time is limited.

The Message has gone forth. Everything is ready now; we’re waiting and resting. The Church is sealed away. The wicked are doing more wicked. Churches are becoming more churchy, but Your saints are coming closer to You.

We have a Voice crying out of the wilderness, calling the people back to the original Message; back to the things of God. We understand by Revelation these things are taking place.

Come join us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as God reveals His Word to us, as we begin our great study of the Book of Daniel.

Bro. Joseph Branham

61-0730M - Gabriel's Instructions To Daniel