Dear Brothers and Sisters,
What a WONDERFUL service and time in the Lord we had once again on Sunday. The Lord is making all these modern events around us crystal clear by prophecy!
Once again, He assured us by His prophet that we are on the right road by listening to the tapes. It is His Voice, to His Bride, and we are laying in the presence of the S-O-N, preparing ourselves for His soon Coming. Praise the Name of the Lord.
As most of you all know, I like to take this time of year to go out west and be alone with the Lord, to find His perfect Will for the many questions I want to ask Him about the upcoming year. Of course I always have mixed emotions, as I TRULY DON’T WANT TO LEAVE YOU ALL. There is just nothing that compares to when we assemble ourselves together and hear the Message that God Himself has chosen for us to hear at each service. It humbles me so much to even think of it.
I know Brother Samuel will do a wonderful job in my absence, as he always does, by encouraging you and pointing you to this Life-giving Message of the hour. It is EVERYTHING to us, friends. And I will certainly be hooked up on the streams, and will be in prayer for each one of you. I am so excited about this Sunday’s Message as I know He has chosen the Message, the day, the time, and the people – YOU, HIS BRIDE – to hear it.
Lord willing, I will see you again soon, either here or at that great Meeting in the Air. We think we are enjoying His blessings now? What will it be like There, my friends? Truly, WHAT A DAY THAT WILL BE. I can’t wait.
Please remember me also when you speak to Him in prayer, as I remember each of you.
May God bless you. I love you all. SHALOM.
Bro. Joseph