Dear Super Spiritual Royal Seed Bride,
No more waiting, no more wondering, WE HAVE ARRIVED! We ARE the Super Spiritual Royal Seed Bride. The Spiritual Seed to the Royal promised Son. Not some group in the future; not the next generation to come; we’re living in the last day, we are the generation that will see Jesus Christ return to the earth.
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled!
The same Gospel, the same Power, the SAME Son of man that was yesterday, is today, and will be forever.
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled!
Dear friends in Arizona, California, Texas, all across the United States and AROUND THE WORLD listening to this tape on the hook-up; the same S-o-n of God that come in the east and vindicated Himself as God manifested in the flesh, is the same S-o-n of God in the western hemisphere here, that’s identifying Himself among the church tonight, the same yesterday, today, and forever. The evening Light of the Son has come.
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled!
The Voice of the Messiah, that was standing and speaking in the platform in His day, identifying Himself with the Word of promise for that age, is the same Voice of the Messiah, speaking to His Bride today around the world on the tapes, telling us: I am the same yesterday, today and forever. I AM the Voice of God to You. YOU ARE MY ROYAL SPIRITUAL SEED BRIDE that has stayed with My Word.
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled!
There is such a turmoil amongst the people today that they fail to see the Truth of God. It is because there is too many man-made interpretations of God’s Word. God don’t need nobody to interpret His Word. He is His Own interpreter. He sent His Bride His Revelation 10:7 days of the Voice angel prophet to interpret His Word. It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD.
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled!
You say, “if I’d have been there when Jesus was on earth, I would have done so-and-so.” Well, that wasn’t your age. But, this is your age, this is your time. What Voice are you saying is the Voice of God? What Voice is the most important Voice to you?
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled!
The devil is going about like never before attacking His Bride. He might make you think you’ve got a disease or some kind of sickness, or attacking your family. Sometimes God lets things get so dark that you can’t see up, around, or anywhere else. Then He comes and makes a way through it for you, that you might say, “I’m not Hagar’s seed, I’m not Sarah’s seed, I’m not even Mary’s seed, I am God’s Super Royal Spiritual Seed of Abraham. I take God’s promised Word for me, It’s Thus Saith The Lord. I will not be moved. No matter what it looks like, what the devil says. Whatever I have need of, I will take God at His Word.
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled!
The Voice of God has spoken. I have stored up all the Spiritual Food you need. Say ONLY what’s on them tapes. I am God’s Voice to you. My Word needs no interpretation. Don’t fuss or fight, love one another, BUT stay with MY WORD.
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled!
Don’t be down. Don’t be depressed. Don’t let Satan rob you of your JOY. Remember who you ARE, where you’re going, what it’s going to be like at that great Wedding Supper. Living in that beautiful City He has built just for you. Where you’re going to be throughout Eternity with Him and all the ones that have went on before.
No more sickness. No more sorrow. No more death. No more battles. Just Eternal life with Him. Then we’ll say:
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled!
Let’s not be gloomy and say, “I’m so sick of this place, I want out of here." Let’s say it like this: "He’s coming any minute now, FOR ME...GLORY! I can’t wait. I’m going to see all my loved ones. They’re going to appear right before me, then I’ll know, IT’S OVER, WE’VE ARRIVED."
Then, less than a moment of a twinkling of an eye, we’ll all be together on the other side.
Let us be glad and make merry, for the Marriage of the Lamb is at hand, and Her Bride...His Bride has made Herself ready.
If you’d like to make merry, and be at the Marriage of the Lamb with us, come make yourself ready this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear:
This Day, This Scripture Is Fulfilled 65-0219
Bro. Joseph Branham
Scriptures to read:
St. John 16th Chapter
Isaiah 61:1-2
St. Luke 4:16