Dear Eternal Ones,
It’s time to take off our war bonnet and put on your spiritual thinking, ’cause God is getting ready to give His Bride more Revelation of His Word.
He will be unveiling to us all the mysteries of the past. He will tell us what is going to take place in the future. What all the others in the Bible just saw or heard, He will reveal every little detail of His Word and It’s meaning to us.
We’re going to hear and understand the meaning of the symbols of the Bible: Living Creatures, Sea of Glass, the Lion, the Calf, the Man, the Eagle, the Mercy Seat, Guards, Elders, Voices, Therion, Zoon.
We’ll hear and understand all about the guards of the Old Testament. Judah: The East guard; Ephraim: the West guard; Reuben: The South guard; and Dan: The North guard.
Nothing could come anywhere around that mercy seat without crossing those tribes. The Lion, the intelligence of the man; The Ox: the workhorse; The Eagle: His swiftness.
How Heaven, the earth, in-between, and all around, they were guards. And above it was the Pillar of Fire. Nothing touched that mercy seat without crossing them tribes.
Now there are guards of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, going straight forward. The east gate is guarded by the lion, the north gate is guarded by the flying eagle, John, the evangelist. Then the physician on this side, Luke, the man.
The four Gospels guard the Pentecostal Blessing with every Scripture to back up exactly what they said. And now the Acts of the apostles vindicate today with the four Gospels that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
When the true anointed of God speaks, It’s the Voice of God! We just want to shout, “Holy, holy, holy, unto the Lord!”
There’s just no way of getting away from It. In fact, we can’t get away from It, because It won’t get away from us. We are sealed until the Day of our redemption. There’s nothing future, nothing present, perils, hunger, thirst, death, or NOTHING, can separate us from the love of God that’s in Christ Jesus.
Before the foundation of the world our names were put on the Lamb’s Book of Life to see THIS Light, to receive This Voice, to believe This Message, to receive the Holy Ghost for our day and walk in It. When the Lamb was slain, OUR NAMES were put on the Book at the same time the Lamb’s Name was put there. GLORY!!
Thus, nothing can separate us from this Message. Nothing can separate us from that Voice. Nothing can take the Revelation of This Word from us. It’s ours. God called us and chose us and predestinated us. Everything belongs to us, It’s ours.
There is only one way to get all this. You must be washed by the water of the Word. You’ve got to hear the Word before you can enter in There. And there is only one way you can approach God, that’s by Faith. And Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word of God, that’s being reflected from the Holiest of holies into the messenger of the age.
So, here, the angel of the church age is reflecting into that water Who this Guy is in here, reflecting His mercy, His Words, His judgment, His Name. All is reflected in here where you’re separated by believing It. Do you get it?
Don’t stop listening to the tapes, just stay with It. Search It by the Word and see if It’s right. It’s God’s provided Way for today.
Come join us this Winter as we unite together from around the world and hear the Voice of God reveal His Word to His Bride as never before. There is no greater anointing than to press play and listen to His Voice.
From the depths of my heart, I can say: I’m so glad I can say I am One Of Them with each of you.
Bro. Joseph Branham
Message: 61-0108 - Revelation, Chapter Four Part III
Time: 12:00 P.M. Jeffersonville time