Dear Resting Ones,
This is truly the best Winter of our lives. The coming of the Lord is right at hand. We have been sealed by the Holy Spirit; God’s seal of approval that everything that Christ died for belongs to us.
We now have the earnest of our inheritance, the Holy Spirit. It is the assurance, the down payment, that we have been received into Christ. We’re resting in the promises of God, lying in the warmth of His Sunshine; His vindicated Word, listening to His Voice.
It’s the earnest of our salvation. We’re not worried whether we’re going over There or not, WE’RE GOING! How do we know that? God said so! God promised it and we’ve got the earnest. We’ve done received It and Christ has accepted us.
There is no way to get away from It…in fact, we’re there! All we have to do is just wait; He’s down doing the Kinsman Redeemership right now. We have the earnest of it right now. We’re just waiting for the time when He comes back for us. Then, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye we will all be gone to the Wedding Supper.
Just to think of all that is laying ahead for us. Our mind can’t take it all in. Day by day He is revealing more of His Word, assuring these great promises belong to us.
The world is falling apart; fires, earthquakes, and chaos everywhere, but they believe they have a new savior that will save the world, and bring on their golden age. We have already received our Savior and have been living in our Golden Age.
Now He’s preparing us for even more Revelation as we enter into the 5th chapter of Revelation. He’s setting a scene here for the opening of the Seven Seals. Just as he did in the 1st chapter of Revelation, opening the way for the Seven Church Ages.
What is the rest of the Winter going to be like for the Bride? Let’s take a little preview:
Now, I don’t have time. I got it written, some context on it here, but our next meeting before we can get into this...Maybe when I come off my vacation or some other time, I want to get these seventy weeks of Daniel and tie it right in here, and show it where it takes it to the Pentecostal Jubilee, and brings it right back with those seven pla-...them seven seals to open here just before we go, and show that it’s at the end, these...
What a wonderful time the Lord has in store for His Bride. Unveiling Himself in His Word to us as never before. Encouraging us that we are His chosen ones He is coming for. Telling us we are in His Perfect will by staying with His Voice, and His Word.
What are we doing? Not one thing, just Resting! Waiting! No more toils, no more flusteration, WE’RE RESTING ON IT!
Come rest with us this Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear God’s VINDICATED Voice bring us the Message:
61-0618 - "Revelation, Chapter Five Part II".
Bro. Joseph Branham