June 16, 2019
This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled

Scriptures to read in preparation for hearing the sermon

“This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled”


How He could stand there and say, “This day this Scripture is fulfilled right before your eyes!” How outstanding, how so plainly, and yet those people misunderstood. Why? Is because they took the interpretation of some order of priests that they were listening to. And history always repeats itself. And Scripture has a compound meaning to It, and a compound revelation.

Rev. William Marrion Branham


Genesis 1:1 / 18th Chapter

Isaiah 40:1-5 / 61:1-2

Daniel 12:4

Joel 2:38

Malachi 4:5

St. Matthew 24:1-4

St. Luke 4:16 / 17:30

St. John 5:19 / 16:20-21

Hebrews 13:8

Revelation 3:17

Download printable PDF of "This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled" Scripture references