Sunday Worship Service
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Wednesday Prayer Service
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63-0319 The Second Seal
Dear Tape Listeners,
Q: Are we in His perfect Will by playing the Tapes?
Q: Does the Bride need more than what is said on the Tapes?
A: NO.
Q: Are we missing something by ONLY listening to the Tapes?
A: NO.
Q: Can we be the Bride by ONLY listening to the Tapes?
Now remember, “Nothing to be revealed; God will do nothing, at all, until first He reveals it to His servants, the prophets.”
Thus, ALL we need has been spoken and is on the tapes; or, when His seventh angel returns to earth, HE will tell us then.
Oh Bride, let us envision what is taking place with the Bride of Christ around the world. Father is gathering His Bride together by His Voice and is Thundering, “Thus Saith The Lord.”
Remember, he told us what the Thunders were: “a loud clapping noise of a Thunder is a Voice of God.” And what is the Voice of God to the Bride? God’s seventh angel messenger, William Marrion Branham.
He said there is coming forth seven mysterious Thunders that’s not even written at all. And that through those Seven Thunders, it will get the Bride together for rapturing faith.
The Word of the Lord comes to His prophets. If He had a better system, He would have used it. He chose the best system at the beginning and He cannot, and will not, change.
Thus, God’s Voice, speaking through His seventh angel, is getting His Bride together and giving us Rapturing Faith.
The Church hasn’t wondered since 1933, down on the river that day, that William Marrion Branham is the Voice of God, Thundering, “Thus Saith The Lord,” and was sent to call, gather, and lead The Bride.
I would like to invite you to come listen with us Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as our Lord Jesus opens the Book, tears off the Seal, and sends It down to the earth, to His seventh angel, to reveal It to US!
Bro. Joseph Branham
Date: Sunday, March 23, 2025
Message: The Second Seal 63-0319
Time: 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time
Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:
St. Matthew 4:8 / 11:25-26 / 24:6
St. Mark 16:16
St. John 14:12
2 Thessalonians 2:3
Hebrews 4:12
Revelation 2:6 / 6:3-4 / 17th Chapter / 19:11-16
Joel 2:25
Amos 3:6-7

63-0318 - The First Seal
My Dear Queen of Heaven,
I have so much in store for you this Sunday. First, you will hear a clap of Thunder. It will be My Voice, the Voice of God speaking to you, My Bride. I will be revealing My Word to you like never before. You will see Me, the bloody Lamb that had been slain from the foundation of the world, take and open the Book, tear off the Seals, and send It down to the earth, to My seventh angel messenger, William Marrion Branham, to reveal to YOU the mysteries that have been hidden from the foundation of the world!
There will be screaming, shouting, and hallelujahs from all around the world as I speak to you. The Lion will be roaring; the anointed, the power, the glory, the manifestation will be beyond words. You, My Queen, will be sitting together in heavenly places as I speak to you and give you Rapturing in Faith.
Remember, you must have that Faith that was once delivered to the saints. I told you, you must listen to My angel that I sent to you.
He is to “restore the Faith of the children back to the father.” The original Bible Faith is to be restored by the seventh angel.
My Word tells you, in the days of the Voice of the seventh angel, his sounding forth, blasting forth the Gospel trumpet; he is to finish all the mysteries of God. There cannot be one thing added to and nothing taken away from what I said on the tapes; just say what I spoke through My angel messenger. That’s why I had it recorded, so you could simply PRESS PLAY and hear exactly what I said, and how I said it. It will give you Rapturing in Faith.
My dear Queen, in My Eyes, you are perfectly, absolutely, sinless before Me. Don’t worry, you will NOT go through the tribulation; for you have accepted My Blood, My Word, My angel, My Voice, thus you are totally sinless before me.
I have such great things in store for you. You see My Word unfolding before your eyes each day. I’ve been putting signs in the sky to tell you something is fixing to take place. I’m coming, get ready. Place My Word, My Voice, first in your life.
Lay everything aside, there is nothing more important than My Word. I know the enemy is trying to beat you down, but I promised you I’d lift you up. I am with you, even IN YOU. You and I are becoming One as I reveal My Word to you.
You know in your heart, you ARE My Queen Bride. You know I predestinated you. You know I love you. You know I’m with you every second of every day. You know I will NEVER LEAVE YOU.
We will be having such a wonderful time as I reveal more to you each Sunday, each day, as you hear Me speak through My angel to you. Others might not understand or see what you see, but It is anchored in your heart that this is My provided Way.
What a refuge I have provided for you. You can simply Press Play anytime, day or night, to hear Me speak to you. I will bring comfort to your soul as I reveal My Word and tell you who you are. Each Message is for you, and for you only. We can fellowship and worship together whenever you want.
Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, a portion of the Bride will be gathered from around the world to hear these great mysteries be revealed. I invite you to come join us as we hear, 63-0318 - "The First Seal".
Bro. Joseph
Scriptures to read in preparation for the hearing of the Message:
St. Matthew 10:1 / 11:1-14 / 24:6 / 28:19
St. John 12:23-28
Acts 2:38
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
Hebrews 4:12
Revelation 6:1-2 / 10:1-7 / 12:7-9 / 13:16 / 19:11-16
Malachi 3rd and 4th Chapters
Daniel 8:23-25 / 11:21 / 9:25-27

63-0317E The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals
Dear Restored Ones,
I never get tired of hearing the Voice of God tell us who we are, where we come from, where we’re going, what we’re heir to, and how much He loves us.
A spiritual priesthood, a royal nation, offering spiritual sacrifices to God, the fruits of their lips, giving praise to His Name.” What a—what a people! He’s got them.
Our only comfort and peace comes by hearing the Voice of God speak to us, then to speak back to Father by offering spiritual sacrifices by the fruits of our lips, giving praise to His Name.
This whole world is groaning. Nature is groaning. We’re groaning and waiting for the coming of the Lord. This world holds nothing for us. We are ready to leave and go to our Wedding Supper and Future Home with Him and all the ones that are already There, just beyond the curtain of time, waiting for us.
Let us rise and shake ourselves! Pinch our conscience, wake ourselves up to what is taking place right now and what is going to happen in the moment of a twinkling of an eye.
Never in the history of the world has it been possible for the Bride of Christ to be united from around the world, all at the exact same time, to hear the Voice of God speaking and revealing His Word to His Bride.
Believers, ask yourself, what voice, what minister, what man, can unite and bring the Bride of Christ all together? If you are the Bride of Christ, you know there is simply no other Voice but the Voice of God on the tapes.
Yes, the Holy Spirit is in each of us, each office of the church, but God Himself told us He would judge the world by His Word. The Bride knows His Word comes to His prophet. His prophet is the ONLY divine interpreter of His Word. What He spoke cannot be added to or taken away from. It is the Word, on the tapes, that we will all be judged by, and no other word or interpretation of that Word.
It is not possible for any other voice to unite the Bride. Only the Voice of God on the tapes can unite His Bride. It is the only Word the Bride can all agree on. It is the only Voice that God Himself vindicated to be His Voice to His Bride. His Bride must be in One Mind and One Accord to be with Him.
Ministries can minister, teachers can teach, pastors can pastor, but the Voice of God on the tapes must be the most important Voice they must place before the people. It is the Bride’s Absolute.
If you have a Revelation of that, then this is what is going to take place.
The Word tells us Adam lost his inheritance, the earth. It passed from his hand to the one he sold out to, Satan. He sold his faith in God, to Satan’s reasonings. He forfeited every bit to the hands of Satan. He passed it from his hand to Satan.
God is the God of the universe, everywhere, but His son, Adam, had this earth under his own control. He could speak, he could name, he could say, he could stop nature, he could do anything he wanted to. He had complete, supreme control of the earth.
Adam lost it all, but glory to God, all he lost and forfeited has been redeemed by our Kinsman Redeemer, none other than Almighty God, who became Emmanuel, one of us. NOW, IT IS OURS.
We are His sons and daughters that will reign and be kings and priests with Him. We have eternal life with Him and all the ones we love. No more sickness, no more sorrow, no more death, just eternity all together.
When we think of that, how can we let the devil get us down? It’s OURS, that’s where we’re headed to very soon. He’s given us the greatest thing He could give to us. These few days of tests and trials on this earth are quickly drowned out by our GREAT VICTORY THAT IS JUST DAYS AHEAD OF US.
Our FAITH has never been greater. Our joy has never been higher. We know who we are and where we are going. We know we are in His perfect Will by staying with His Word. All we need to do is stay with the tapes and believe every Word; not understand it all, BUT BELIEVE EVERY WORD…and WE DO!
Faith cometh by hearing, hearing the Word. The Word comes to the prophet. God spoke It. God recorded It. God revealed It. We hear It. We believe IT.
You can only get this Revelation by hearing the Voice of God on the tapes.
All that what Christ will do at the end will be revealed to us this week, in the Seven Seals, if God will let us. See? All right. It will be revealed. And revealed, as the Seals break and are released to us, then we can see what this great plan of redemption is, and when and how it’s going to be done. It’s all hidden in this Book of mystery here. It’s sealed, got up with Seven Seals, and so the Lamb is the only One Who can break them.
This Sunday at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, a portion of the Bride from around the world will be listening to the Voice of God all at the same time. We will be storming heaven with our prayers and worshiping Him. I invite you to come join us as we hear: The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages And The Seven Seals 63-0317E.
Please don’t forget about the time change in Jeffersonville this weekend.
Bro. Joseph Branham
During the course of the Coronavirus pandemic, we realize there could be members of the Branham Tabernacle in desperate financial need who cannot obtain the necessities of living, such as food and sustainable goods. Because we do not have the opportunity to speak with you at Church because of the group restrictions, please email us at BT@branham.org, or call us at 812-924-8200, if you are in this situation of need. The deacon board would be glad to investigate your situation.
I am so thankful that Father has prepared us, His Bride, for these things, both in the natural and in the Spiritual. I am certainly calling each of your names before Him in prayer.
God bless you,
Brother Joseph
There are policies with regards to saved seating at both the Branham Tabernacle and the YFYC. We appreciate your cooperation with the following:
- Saving seats is permitted for those in your household only.
- If you are disabled, you are welcome to enter the congregation before the doors open and sit in the designated handicap section.
We realize that there will be exceptions to these policies, and ask that you contact one of the deacons with any questions you have, so we may accommodate your special needs.
Thank you in advance for your assistance with these things, which we believe will make the services even more enjoyable for everyone.
God bless you
Many people have asked how to pay their tithes and offerings to the Branham Tabernacle while we are closed due to the Coronavirus. We would prefer you mail them to:
The Branham Tabernacle
PO Box 325
Jeffersonville, IN, 47131
c/o Billy Paul Branham
Our prayers are certainly with all our brothers and sisters around the world as this virus persists. For donations to Voice of God Recordings, please continue to use:
Voice of God Recordings
PO Box 950
Jeffersonville, IN 47131